Moderate Star Wars fan here who rarely rides Star Tours. Can you please confirm if below is correct ...
Tattooine is where the pod racing happens
Hoth - icy planet but what happens in Star Tours?
Kashykk- where we see Chewbacca
Jakku - new scene from Ep 7 but I can't remember what happens?
Coruscant- city in the sky
Genosis - rainy planet?
Naboo- we go under water
I feel like I always get Coruscant and then every other scene I have gotten once with the exception of Tatooine. For reference, I've probably rode Star Tours no more than 7 times in the past 5 years.
Wikipedia has a handy breakdown:
The Starspeeder almost crashes on Hoth amid a battle between Rebels and Imperial AT-ATs. After entering the combat zone against orders, an AT-AT fires at the Starspeeder, and the ship crashes in the snow, teetering on the edge of a cliff. The ship falls over the side and rides through the canyon like a luge, launching off another cliff and free-falling into a deep canyon. At the last second, R2-D2 re-engages the engines and the Starspeeder rockets back into space.
The Starspeeder reaches Tatooine and takes part in the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace, along with the duplicitous Sebulba. The Starspeeder collides with a podracer and the two become stuck together. The race concludes with the enhanced Starspeeder overtaking Sebulba, then jettisoning the podracer and flying back into space, narrowly missing the filled grandstand.
The Starspeeder lands on Kashyyyk, as Imperial jet speeders pursue Chewbacca and another Wookiee on a ornithopter vehicle through the lush forest. At one point, Chewbacca falls off from the back of his vehicle and hits the Starspeeder's windshield, before sliding off.
The Starspeeder arrives on Jakku, where it follows the Millennium Falcon (with Finn aboard) as it is pursued by TIE fighters over the desert landscape. The Starspeeder crash-lands within the remains of a Star Destroyer, where scavengers pry the Star Tours logo off the Starspeeder.
The Starspeeder arrives in the upper atmosphere of a besieged Coruscant, where the last forces of the CIS battle the Army of the Republic's Clone troopers. Buzz droids are projected at the Starspeeder, which attach themselves to the windshield, but R2 uses an electric shock to blast them off, after the buzz droids have caused severe damage to the stabilizers. The powerless Starspeeder then plummets through the planet's atmosphere and into the bustling sky traffic of the city planet. After several near misses, the Starspeeder careens to a halt on a landing platform, nearly hitting a fuel tanker before crashing into a traffic control droid.
The Starspeeder makes it to Naboo, which is under attack by the last Trade Federation armies. Three N-1 starfighters are ordered to lead the Starspeeder into a hangar bay, but are shot down by vulture droids. Another vulture droid shoots down the Starspeeder, and it plummets into the ocean of the planet and arrives near Otoh Gunga, sideswiping or smashing into Jar Jar Binks. After the Gungans order the Starspeeder to follow a ship that will lead it through the planet's core a giant carnivorous fish attacks the guide, but not before being eaten by a bigger sea creature. An even bigger sea creature then tries to eat the Starspeeder, but R2-D2 blasts it with an electric shock. The Starspeeder then surfaces, skipping off the water and into a repair hangar filled with Starfighter debris. The Starspeeder smashes into the tail of a Naboo starfighter, either shattering the windshield and angering the pit droid that falls into the cockpit, or merely breaking the tail of the starfighter, angering the pit droid, which throws gold paint at the Starspeeder and storms off.
The Starspeeder discovers the still-uncompleted Death Star orbiting Geonosis. Ambushed in the asteroid field by Boba Fett aboard the Slave I, the Starspeeder dodges laser fire and exploding asteroids before venturing into the Death Star. Escaping through a hangar bay, the Starspeeder is confronted again by the bounty hunter. Fett launches a sonic bomb, which is deflected back by a laser blast from the Starspeeder. The explosion cripples the bounty hunter, allowing the Starspeeder to jump to lightspeed. It reaches the Rebel fleet, and lands aboard a Mon Calamari cruiser, where Rebel Alliance leaders await to offer congratulations.