News Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge - Historical Construction/Impressions


Well-Known Member
Got it, and after 20 years on Internet message boards (do I get a gold watch?) I absolutely love our "trusted insiders" for the latest scoop and dish. :)

And yet I have two eyes that can see the monthly aerial photos of these projects. There is quite obviously some major differences in land use and layout, with DHS apparently squeezing ride buildings right up against Miss Piggy's backside for example.



Folks keep saying "These are identical projects" and "There are no differences in scale or size or acreage", and yet these aerial photos say exactly the opposite of those statements. There appear to be major differences in land use and available space.

It all reminds me of the tale of the Emperor Has No Clothes, and everyone just keeps saying "They are identical". But they are clearly not, and I find that particularly amusing.

I agree. But what is there to the left of the battle attraction besides walkways to the battle attraction? So what is really taking up the space? I don't think we will be missing anything significant.

Deleted member 107043

I don't think we will be missing anything significant

Agreed. While the two projects aren't identical, the differences don't appear to be anything meaningful. From what we can tell the DL version will have a nice theatrical build up that the DHS version won't have. Once inside though they'll probably be mostly indistinguishable.


Well-Known Member
I agree. But what is there to the left of the battle attraction besides walkways to the battle attraction? So what is really taking up the space? I don't think we will be missing anything significant.

Once you get under the railroad tracks and trestle, the path winds around the corner and empties into an open area that doesn't seem to exist in the DHS version. This is the general area from the D23 Expo model, which an Imagineer chatting with me on the viewing platform said was specifically the Disneyland version.


Using this year old old aerial image of Disneyland, we can see the spatial setting of the round structure on the left side of the Battle Escape attraction as a point of reference. It is quite a distance away from the Winnie The Pooh building and Rivers of America route.

And then using that same round structure in the exact same area of the same Battle ride at DHS, we see that it is literally a stone's throw away from the land entrance and backside of the pink MuppetVision theater building.

Pulling out a bit more for a wider shot of that round structure, we see how it sits in correlation to the buildings and space around it.

Then, with that round structure as our point of reference, a more recent aerial photo of Disneyland's version reveals quite a difference in its placement and the amount of land that leads up to it that will be used for extra set design, placemaking, and just plain elbow room. You can't even see Winnie The Pooh and the new entry path from Critter Country in this aerial shot.

I mean, I'm not going crazy, right? There's a heckuva lot more land and space to work with at Disneyland's version of Star Wars.

That's just the first example. After looking at these types of images (for admittedly a bit too long), I'm also of the opinion there will be similar differences in size and spatial relationships on the opposite end of the land. Disneyland appears to have more space for the "village" buildings, and using the identical Millennium Falcon ride buildings as the point of reference it appears that DHS is going to have to cut out or abbreviate some of these structures that were shown at D23 Expo. But I'll wait until better aerial photos in 2018 to make that point.

I have a hunch they used the Disneyland version of the model at D23 Expo for a reason. :eek:
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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
As you look at the DHS map and knowing where Star Tours is, it is really surprising that they didn't tear down what is now Grand Avenue and the Muppets Vision attraction. They would have had a bit more space and you could cleaning link Star Tours. I am sure that it came down to costs and lost attraction count but seems like it would have been a good idea.

What's the latest word on ST? The last rumor I read was that the US attractions were closing when SW:GE opens.

As mentioned above, Star Tours has a limited lifespan after SWGE opens. It will have a new scene from Ep 9 and then in a year to two, after absorbing the extra crowds of SWGE it will be repurposed or demolished.

That's why they didn't connect SWGE with ST... eventually ST goes away. It will wind up being an inferior space ride simulator compared to the Millennium Falcon ride.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
WRT the size difference... we need a more recent Nearmap image to compare them. But it does seem that DL has more of a 'belly' than DHS (if you consider the rides the 'spine' of the land). But I also believe that DL will have a rather wide berm that hasn't been filled in yet taking away a bit of the belly. Also, DHS's belly is cut off by the walls. I believe that DHS will have hollow rockwork on the walls allowing for later removal to reclaim part of the belly for a possible 3rd ride. If that happens, the two bellies will be pretty similar.

Don't forget, DHS is also getting a resort outside the park boundaries and that SWGE at DHS can always expand past the park boundaries. DHS's expansion pad is at least another 14 acres. DL is bigger... for now.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As you look at the DHS map and knowing where Star Tours is, it is really surprising that they didn't tear down what is now Grand Avenue and the Muppets Vision attraction. They would have had a bit more space and you could cleaning link Star Tours. I am sure that it came down to costs and lost attraction count but seems like it would have been a good idea.

I wish I could remember who suggested it, but giant lego star wars sets at the Toy Story Entrance and a layover of Star Tours to Muppets: Pig in Space would have us singing a very different tune about transitions.

Little Green Men

Well-Known Member
Oh, good. But if my amateur hunch is correct, there probably will be angst a year from now when the satellite images show what I think they are going to show.

That is; DHS will have chunks of missing land and missing set design in the areas to the left of the Battle Escape ride, and missing structures and a slightly abbreviated village area in front of the Millennium Falcon ride. Just from what I've seen from the numerous aerial photos of DHS versus the scarce aerial photos of Disneyland, there's some major differences in the amount of space and set design within the two lands. Not to mention the three much longer entry pathways at Disneyland versus the two short entry pathways at DHS that lead into the lands.

The two rides themselves may be exact clones once you get inside, but the lands outside of those rides are most definitely not clones.
@marni1971 can you clear this up?


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Original Poster

For what it's worth, it's so hard to get screenshots of the actual entrance way as this photo above I largely expect to be replicated (that's the entrance to the attraction). I have no idea on the two props though, perhaps those are displaced somewhere else.

It's the football field of trees and paths before you even get to that courtyard that are definitely missing.


Man the star wars model is huge, jealous you saw it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
@marni1971 can you clear this up?

Everything that matters is identical. I think that's all people really need to know. It's mostly a matter of semantics and pointing out differences to pass the time.

Akin to the boardwalk entrance in Pandora - lovely, but serves a function rather than a design necessity. That would never be cloned somewhere else as part of the Pandora package. Nor should it. But, it's still nice.


Well-Known Member
Everything that matters is identical. I think that's all people really need to know. It's mostly a matter of semantics and pointing out differences to pass the time.

Except it's not. There will be real differences that will affect the overall layout, size, and vibe of the land. It's funny that WDW fans can't admit this. I think you guys are just butthurt that DL will have the superior version over DHS.

No Name

Well-Known Member
The only angst in the Hollywood Studios SWL thread has been directed toward Disneyland fans. People are annoyed at two things:

- the misconception that DHS's must be that close to Grand Park, and that DL's is choosing to be further. It's actually exactly the opposite... In DL, the area is too thin for Battle Escape to fit closer to Critter Country. In DHS, the area is wide enough for it to fit right up against Grand Park. You can see this in aerials right now. This was a choice on DHS's part and a necessity on DL's, not the other way around. And DHS will have significant extra room on every other side of SWL. If you can't see this yet, future aerials will prove it.

- the opinion that this is a negative on DHS's part, rather than a more efficient use of space, and vise versa for DL. This is a matter of opinion that no aerials can prove or disprove, so I suspect that once the first part is disproved, DL fans will still hold on to this idea. "Well I guess the imagineers chose to build it that way, but one wonders, why? It's definitely a better transition in DL!" Note this prediction.

@marni1971 can you clear this up?
He's cleared it up many times before, and people still deny it. The topic is still brought up every three weeks. At the very least, we're wasting his energy.
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Well-Known Member
The only angst in the Hollywood Studios SWL thread has been directed toward Disneyland fans. People are annoyed at two things:

- the misconception that DHS's must be that close to Grand Park, and that DL's is choosing to be further. It's actually exactly the opposite... In DL, the area is too thin for Battle Escape to fit closer to Critter Country. In DHS, the area is wide enough for it to fit right up against Grand Park. You can see this in aerials right now. This was a choice on DHS's part and a necessity on DL's, not the other way around. And DHS will have significant extra room on every other side of SWL. If you can't see this yet, future aerials will prove it.

- the opinion that this is a negative on DHS's part, rather than a more efficient use of space, and vise versa for DL. This is a matter of opinion that no aerials can prove or disprove, so I suspect that once the first part is disproved, DL fans will still hold on to this idea. "Well I guess the imagineers chose to build it that way, but one wonders, why? It's definitely a better transition in DL!" Note this prediction.

He's cleared it up many times before, and people still deny it. The topic is still brought up every three weeks. At the very least, we're wasting his energy.

This may all very well be true but I think most of us care more about the results and not so much about the WHY. When us park fans end up walking along the long forrested winding paths at DL we will be doing nothing more than enjoying our surroundings. I personally don't care why or why not this might be lacking at DHS. The point is that it will be missing at DHS. And this is coming from someone who is jealous that DHS is getting Star Wars Land in one of its sister parks and NOT at DL / MK. I'd give up the better transitions to have SWL move to DCA or anywhere else in a hot second.


Well-Known Member
This may all very well be true but I think most of us care more about the results and not so much about the WHY. When us park fans end up walking along the long forrested winding paths at DL we will be doing nothing more than enjoying our surroundings. I personally don't care why or why not this might be lacking at DHS. The point is that it will be missing at DHS. And this is coming from someone who is jealous that DHS is getting Star Wars Land in one of its sister parks and NOT at DL / MK. I'd give up the better transitions to have SWL move to DCA or anywhere else in a hot second.

Maybe it’s just me but this is what I don’t get. Why do I need to walk along 100 yards of dirt and trees to get to Star Wars Land. What’s wrong with walking through a “time warp tunnel” or whatever you want to call it. Both will have a grand reveal coming through or around whatever it is they have. In the end they both have a theme park.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it’s just me but this is what I don’t get. Why do I need to walk along 100 yards of dirt and trees to get to Star Wars Land. What’s wrong with walking through a “time warp tunnel” or whatever you want to call it. Both will have a grand reveal coming through or around whatever it is they have. In the end they both have a theme park.

Nothing is wrong with it. I just prefer DLs approach. I like trees and nature. I think it ll be nice to have a slow dissolve from the nature of Critter Country and Frontierland to SWL. I guess to me it's these type of things that make DL feel like an actual park and not just a collection of rides and themed lands. With that said, I do feel that DL NEEDED this approach with SWL at DL. SWL at DL is basically a park within a park. There is a reason it's outside the berm. I think the result is a best case scenario considering they chose to put it in DL. The rest of the park will still feel like the good old quaint and charming DL that we know and love.

I'm guessing DHS's reveal of SWL will be like Wizarding World at USH? If so, i would much prefer DLs approach. Anyway, these are the types of things that get way too much attention in chat rooms during construction when we haven't had any good gossip in a while. After both SWLs open, all we will be talking about is the attractions and if blue milk tastes any good.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Except it's not. There will be real differences that will affect the overall layout, size, and vibe of the land. It's funny that WDW fans can't admit this. I think you guys are just butthurt that DL will have the superior version over DHS.

Ha ha ha ha. I’ve apparently come full circle. Sorry guys, I’ve been banished to the butthurt WDW fanboy club. Who knew.

I guess this topic is easier than having to defend the land in general. Times have changed!

Deleted member 107043

Except it's not. There will be real differences that will affect the overall layout, size, and vibe of the land. It's funny that WDW fans can't admit this. I think you guys are just butthurt that DL will have the superior version over DHS.

I'm a Nor Cal local and I couldn't care less that the two SW:GE lands will be slightly different. Other than comparing the differences here who cares? Do we really need to make this into a juvenile competition between DLR and WDW?

What’s wrong with walking through a “time warp tunnel” or whatever you want to call it.



Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha. I’ve apparently come full circle. Sorry guys, I’ve been banished to the butthurt WDW fanboy club. Who knew.

I guess this topic is easier than having to defend the land in general. Times have changed!

It's just funny to me that you can't admit that there are little design details that will enhance the DL version. You come across as try hard in your defense. Instead of being like, "yea that's cool the transitions will be better at DL, but it will still be an incredible land at DHS." You would sound more credible rather than the, they are both identical in every way no matter the truth bombs that TP2000 drops on me.


Well-Known Member
@marni1971 can you clear this up?

Like so many of us here, I absolutely revere @marni1971 and his endless contributions to the fan community. Many a rainy night I've sat and watched his excellent Epcot Center videos!

But I'm honestly not sure what it is he could clear up. He's established that the two E Tickets will be identical, which I've never doubted personally. But there are now very noticeable spatial and land use differences between the two lands. The differences are most noticeable right now on the "left flank" around the Battle Escape ride, with a big chunk of land missing from the DHS version and the Battle ride building jammed right up against MuppetVision.

There also appear to be similar differences taking shape on the opposite side of the land, around the "village" area in front of the Falcon ride. But I'll save that until aerial photos of more advanced construction come in from both coasts over the next year.

Again, how does @marni1971 in all his fabulousness, override a hi-res aerial photo that clearly shows what we all can see now?

He's cleared it up many times before, and people still deny it. The topic is still brought up every three weeks. At the very least, we're wasting his energy.

No one (that I know of) is debating that the two E Ticket attractions won't be identical, especially once you step inside their buildings. But the square footage around those two buildings has a growing aerial photograph evidence that there is a lot more land and space to work with over in the Disneyland version. That's notable, at least on a Disney fan message board in the off-season. :D

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