Well-Known Member
Star Wars being some grand, preconceived story is one of the great modern myths. Star Wars had no sequels planned out when it was made and the original opening crawl made no reference to episodes. Empire Strikes Back was not even the original sequel, that title belongs to the book Splinter of the Mind's Eye which was going to be a cheap sequel if (when) Star Wars did not make that much money. The twist that Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker came late even in the development of Empire. Neither Darth Vader nor Princess Leia were originally Skywalkers. When it was shot, Mark Hamill was reacting to the revelation that Obi-Wan Kenobi killed his father.
I read Splinter of the Mind's Eye sometime between 1977 and 1980 and yes, it was widely accepted that it would be the sequel to Star Wars.