Yeah, well...
A lot of the same issues these movies have, to me, are the same issues Star Trek: Discovery has...
It's almost like it's script writing by committee.
I remember when I was co-directing a one act, and we had to cut Man of La Mancha. We had to get really creative with it, and tear out all sorts of dialogue to get to the gut of the story, yet keep enough that we had musical bits and didn't lose the story or the emotional depth.
We had a group of us, directing staff, musical staff, some of the lead actors...oh, and man, people got testy about different parts getting cut out. And, I made many enemies because me, and my co-director, had separate meetings where we decided that, while all the ideas were good, and the points valid in their own way, we were trying to maintain a larger story. And, yeah, that meant that you might lose 1/3 of your song, and that the rape scene was turned into a much smaller scene, but staged artistically (we did it with a scrim and lighting so as little bird was being sung, the shadows assaulted and raped her)...
But, the point gets cut.
And, now, I wonder if they don't fight these fights, so everyone's ideas get shoved in there without an overarching controlling mechanism pun intended...bind it all together.
Reminds me of this...if you haven't seen it...
And, I think, part of it...for they toss so much, so fast, you end up just not caring.
Now, this isn't unique to this particular strain of Star Wars...
An example going back to the Prequels...I didn't care when Dooku fought Yoda, or when he died....because he wasn't well developed in the films.
But, after watching Clone Wars...those scenes were a lot better to me.
Mind you, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, but I've noticed it in more than Star Trek.
I can say, one thing that really tears me out of these stories is how juvenile they are with their characters, and how often they fall back on the "he's cool because".
Too often they think that "character development" is some sort of blog post. Like, the new lady from this movie (who, I liked in general), they had to throw in some exposition piece to "give her depth"... "look closer"... Oh, she was an ex-slave, and has a cool decoder ring. How...neat....
They have to explain things to the audience that really don't mean much, but fail to explain things that actually mean a lot.