I guess I don't know what you mean by the phrase then. I can't imagine many people thought Empire was going to end up where it did. One main character is frozen and who knows what's going to happen there. Another finds out that his dad is the evil villain...and also gets his hand chopped off by said dad.
They consulted with Lucas and apparently he thought their plan for Luke was good. You can't get more front line than that. Hamill may have been right that some fans wouldn't like it, but that doesn't mean it was the wrong decision. He also came out later and said he was wrong. Do we only accept his original concerns?
My opinion is that you should generally let people do what they're hired to do. Hamill's opinion should be considered, but even he says that it's the director's vision that wins out. Sometimes it's more successful than others, but I think it's a better process than whatever mess Disney wound up doing in the end.