Why do you think she doesn't relate to anyone? She doesn't relate to everyone, but I think she still had an emotional background story in TFA that many people could relate to. She was left alone waiting for someone to come back that wasn't going to. Maz gave her a reality check, and she ran off in denial about it. Those are things that many people go through in real life.
Also, I think a lot of people are misinterpreting Luke's choices. I know it's upsetting to see a character we care about not live happily ever after. It happens a lot in the video games that I play with epic stories (Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, etc.), and the fan communities always freak out about it. But in Luke's case, I don't think it was about him being weak or a whiny b. He recognized that he made the same mistakes as the Jedi during the prequel era. He stayed stayed out of things because he finally realized that being a Jedi was about living peacefully with the force instead of trying to control it to be the police of the galaxy and everyone's hero.
He wanted to be like the Jedi of the past, and in doing so, he became stubborn and arrogant, thinking that old traditions were more important than living in the present. His hubris caused him to push his nephew over the edge into the dark side, and he lost all of his students. If that happened to me, I'd want to sit in a corner and cry too. He may be a powerful Jedi with amazing powers in a fantasy galaxy far far away, but he's still human. You can't expect someone to just wash away that kind of painful tragedy and then have him or her say "Ok! Time to save the world again." You gotta lift them back up and slap some sense back into them. That's exactly what Rey and Yoda did to help him get back to his old self.
Oh, and about Rey being all powerful... Did we forget that Snoke pretty much wiped her face all over his throne room like some rag doll? She's also a little bit arrogant, and the only way to get out of trouble was with Kylo's help. She's strong, but she's still a naive little girl who needs training. Her character is acting more on instincts and raw strength, which is why she survived Jakku all by herself, but I'm really hoping we get to see Luke being a teacher and helping her become a better Jedi in the next movie.
“Also, I think a lot of people are misinterpreting Luke's choices. “
Maybe...but isn’t that the fault of the director?
The movie I saw had a Luke Skywalker not even Mark Hamill recognized. All from R. Johnson’s imagination. His vision to me and to Hamill didn’t make sense. But you agreed with Johnson and loved it.
Is what it is.
Now, R. Johnson can write what ever the F*** he wants but he better make clear why he made those choices.
The choices R.Johnson made for the Skywalker Lucas wrote didn’t make sense to a lot of people. Luke waking up in the middle of the night to take a , goes to see if his nephew is alright, Luke sees Ren is having a bad dream and decides to murder him. ... but then changes his mind because Luke was working off a bender last night and wasn’t really thinking straight.
I mean come on. Not even worth discussing.
I could write the next film and make Rey quit on her friends,family, stop using the force and you would again be telling people...”I think a lot of people are misinterpreting Rey’s choices. “
People aren’t paying a ticket to see Rey, Harry Potter, Spider-Man, Luke Skywalker, etc. sit on their butts and drink green titty milk. I mean????
But yeah... you enjoyed it.
R. Johnson did what he set out to do. Make a movie half the audience hated with a passion and half that loved it.
I hate TLJ... you love it.
R.Johnson did his job.
R.Johnson quote” “I would be worried if everybody across the board was like ‘yeah, it was a good movie’ it’s much more exciting to me when you get a group of people who are coming up to you who are really really excited about it. Then there are other people who walk out literally saying ‘it’s the worst movie I’ve ever seen.’ Having those two extremes is the mark of the type of movie that I want to make.”
He did his job... he divided the fan base.
I don’t feel like wasting more time on this terrible film.
Glad you like it, nothing wrong with that and I’m not trying to convince you to change your mind.
Sorry I didn’t keep commenting on each of your thoughts.
I’ll give you snore was more powerful then Rey. But obviously wasn’t as smart.
Guy let Ren of all people best him. Ren is the weakest Jedi/Sith on the big screen.
But at the end of the day who cares about snore and his golden playboy robe. Why did they even write that character to begin with?
Sorry I’m ranting... you enjoyed the film that’s cool. I have a soft spot for the original Pete’s Dragon. We all have movies we love.