Star Tours, Princesses, Mermaid, DC gate, Pop Century, and more... Oh My!


Well-Known Member
Let's try and make some sense with all the pixie dust flying around ... RIGHT NOW NOTHING is coming to the MK or DAK for that matter (hence, Joe Rohde being moved to the Grand Hawaiian project). It was that or he'd have likely gone elsewhere when the boutique animal park was killed.

Anyhow ... we all know Star Tours 2.0 is eventually coming to FLA ... and the Monsters coaster as well at Studios ... but beyond that?

Again ... right now ... NOTHING ... it's great that the chatter in the fan/online community is on high because it's summer, Disney isn't doing much of substance in the USA beyond DCA and WDI did just invite a group of CMs up there who aren't good at keeping their mouths shut (which is likely part of the plan by those who want to gain traction by pointing out how stale ... how soulless MK has become due to inept, greedy management ... knowing if they show all those kewl models and renderings off, someone is going to shout their mouth off to various webmasters ... and guess what? They have!)

I did want to comment on the following:

Exactly. Thanks. Dumbo would move. But not that far. Tea Party would move as well. NOTHING in ANY plans would move the Carousel. It's all about adding texture and detail to the area ... and making way for the massive showbuilding Mermaid would require.

That's just the thing ... there's plenty of real estate open in MK ... so many dead zones. And Toontown may blow, but they want to keep the core concept. That's been one of the 'issues' with the Fantasyland plans to begin with because they would eat up a chunk of Mickey's Tentland.

And again, I agree ... NOTHING is happening now.

Yes. But why spoil delusion with fact?

Sure. It starts with the stranglehold Jay Rasulo has on WDI and P&R. He has been incredibly savvy in his efforts to weed out anyone who isn't one of his people. And that filtered down from major guys 'resigning' from WDI to execs that took 'buy-outs' earlier to even mid-level park ops managers who were axed in the recent bloodletting.

It's a power play by one guy who has no magic and appreciates creativity as much as Sarah Palin appreciates David Letterman.

Unlike Michael Eisner, new Sheriff Iger is very hands-off and so long as Jay delivers numbers he isn't likely to step in no matter what happens to the parks.

Lee MacDonald and I don't see eye to eye to many things (again, I wish some of the more intelligent voices here had witnessed some of our battles) but the man is very 'in' with Disney at a high level. Often we butted heads because he spun things a certain way (he still has a fascination with Tom Fitzgerald and a hatred of Tony Baxter I don't quite get ... and he is very well known on his own site for proclaiming the opinion -- and he is entitled to it -- that he prefers DCA to TDS).


When he says that Eric Jacobson's team has had a $500 million plan for Fantasyland for over two years, I believe that. Not just because he says it but because I know there have been plans (the number I had heard was $350 million, which was shocking enough.)

I don't know anyone (or anyone I respect) that is saying there aren't plans. But what you need to realize is there are always plans. That's what all those coffee table books that all the fanbois buy are for ... all the plans that happened, happened in a different form or very often ... didn't happen at all.

When Leemac says that it is ALL BLUE SKY at this point, I sadly defer to that because: 1.) I know nothing to the contrary from my sources; and 2.) WDW management is more conservative than the typical FOX News watcher in the best of times; and 3.) These are most definitely not the best of times; and 4.) Disney seems to feel that timeshares are the reason people visit WDW.

So while this thread can go on for 500 pages, I'll be back at the LP later trying to discern what is really going on (or not).

Obviously your Orlando sources have clammed up or possibly "went away" or the folks in Orlando just don't matter anymore when it comes to future plans. This post was a nice rehash of what has been on this forum for awhile. You have included a little bit of fact with a little bit of opinion and a lot of conjecture. I really think you are not as well connected as you would have everyone think.

And while most companies don't have the capital to build for the future and for when the recession ends, Disney is not in that category. By the way, the recession does not seem to have effected the box office for "UP".

I remember all the "doom and gloom" pessemism after Pixar released Ratatouille and how the pessimists predicted the demise of Pixar when it appeared that movie would not do that well. I knew they were wrong and said so. Just like I say your pessimism about WDW's future is wrong. Wrong indeed!


Well-Known Member
If you came off smarter then I might think you were working for WDW's Social Media Department ... like I said ... if ...

(oh and I love John ... but he's struggling just trying to get anything new built across from the Extreme Makeover Theme Park Edition ... WDW might as well as be Mars on his radar)

You just come off as bitter. An angry, bitter and spiteful person. Has somebody wronged you in some terrible way or something? You really seem angry. I'm sorry if the world has so jaded you to the point that you can't see the magic unfolding right before your eyes. Because it definitely is at TWDC. Don't blame me if you can't see it. No sir, don't blame me.


Well-Known Member
So...Saying that, what's the money for? They have plans to spend it, obviously. Nothing new, attractions wise, so...Maybe they want to do the visual look of FL over before they fix the attractions? Or even refurbs?

That would work.:wave:

Sorry if you mentioned it somewhere else in there, that just stood out with a little theory I had been thinking of. ;)

The money is for nothing because it hasn't been approved. Lee MacDonald has stated the funds are for three attractions (one he says hasn't leaked out so it's not the three we think), moving existing attractions and some facade work etc ...

But knowing what you know about WDW and how it is run, can you logically see them saying 'let's spend half a billion on a park where if we sold cow chips shaped like Mickey ears the fanbois would line up'?

I want nothing more than to be 100% wrong ... I'll gladly take the fanboi abuse ... but I KNOW how corporate Disney operates.

When have you last seen something on this magnitude pitched for an existing park that Disney owns that happened?

Anyway ... there's some truly fascinating discussion going on at and I'm headed back there, but I had to weigh in before this thread hit 750 posts ... much like Seinfeld ... about nothing.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You just come off as bitter. An angry, bitter and spiteful person. Has somebody wronged you in some terrible way or something? You really seem angry. I'm sorry if the world has so jaded you to the point that you can't see the magic unfolding right before your eyes. Because it definitely is at TWDC. Don't blame me if you can't see it. No sir, don't blame me.
He's not...You just want him to sound that way.:shrug: I could make you sound that way if I wanted to.:lol::lol:
The money is for nothing because it hasn't been approved. Lee MacDonald has stated the funds are for three attractions (one he says hasn't leaked out so it's not the three we think), moving existing attractions and some facade work etc ...

But knowing what you know about WDW and how it is run, can you logically see them saying 'let's spend half a billion on a park where if we sold cow chips shaped like Mickey ears the fanbois would line up'?

I want nothing more than to be 100% wrong ... I'll gladly take the fanboi abuse ... but I KNOW how corporate Disney operates.

When have you last seen something on this magnitude pitched for an existing park that Disney owns that happened?

Anyway ... there's some truly fascinating discussion going on at and I'm headed back there, but I had to weigh in before this thread hit 750 posts ... much like Seinfeld ... about nothing.
Aha! That's interesting...To be honest with you, I would not mind that, of all things while we wait for something bigger. Like an appetizer before the main course.:shrug::lol:

I'll check out that place later...


Well-Known Member
He's not...You just want him to sound that way.:shrug: I could make you sound that way if I wanted to.:lol::lol:

He insulted me about 5 different ways for being optimistic about the future of WDW and TWDC in a thread where he was not mentioned nor was he a part of. Trust me, I've met more people than you can imagine, and seen every kind of personality type and something is raging in wdw74. I am positive, however, that I don't want to know what it is.

Now if you will excuse me I am heading over to the thread that confirms I was right. Tah Tah


Well-Known Member
Obviously your Orlando sources have clammed up or possibly "went away" or the folks in Orlando just don't matter anymore when it comes to future plans. This post was a nice rehash of what has been on this forum for awhile. You have included a little bit of fact with a little bit of opinion and a lot of conjecture. I really think you are not as well connected as you would have everyone think.

JT, I get that you're desperate to 'out' me here and that you know you have the tacit approval of the folks who run the site to keep pushing the personal buttons because they don't agree with my view of WDW either.

But really, I don't care what you think. I just care that anyone might give credence to your usually absurd conjecture.

Right or wrong, I stand by what I post ... I don't flip-flop like you do daily (or even Leemac does on that other site now that what's going down finally affected him or those he is close to).

You just blather on under the guise that in today's world if you say something enough times it must be fact (see Letterman being attacked for saying something he didn't even say) ... Lines become blurred.

Reality becomes whatever people believe ...

And while most companies don't have the capital to build for the future and for when the recession ends, Disney is not in that category. By the way, the recession does not seem to have effected the box office for "UP".

No. Most companies don't build during a recession ... Disney could, but it opts not to. Even with labor, materials etc at a bargain ... even with fewer people traveling so you inconvenience fewer folks with closures and construction walls.

As to UP ... another one of your notorious changing the subject deals ... and Star Trek is doing great ... as is The Hangover ... Angels and Demons too (I think).

What does a movie's performance have to do with WDW getting some love? Go check your history, even in the Great Depression people went out to the movies ... it may have made them feel better but it didn't build any $150 million theme park attractions.

I remember all the "doom and gloom" pessemism after Pixar released Ratatouille and how the pessimists predicted the demise of Pixar when it appeared that movie would not do that well. I knew they were wrong and said so. Just like I say your pessimism about WDW's future is wrong. Wrong indeed!

Pixar has largely been attacked by fanbois precisely because it does what Disney USED to (and hasn't proven they can anymore) do ... they make great films with great stories and great heart and they don't repeat what they've done before.

And a statement like your last one is just great nonsense ... because unless WDW closes shop in 2016 (doubt it) you wind up being right because I DO believe WDW will get better (than now ... not better than what it was in its first 25 years) EVENTUALLY.

What I am saying and stick by is that WDW is a very stale product now and looks to be for the immediate future (18-24 months) and near future (4-5 years).

NOTHING is happening at MK or DAK ... a few things are happening at the others, but nothing that seems on par with say Harry Potter.


Well-Known Member
JT, I get that you're desperate to 'out' me here and that you know you have the tacit approval of the folks who run the site to keep pushing the personal buttons because they don't agree with my view of WDW either.

But really, I don't care what you think. I just care that anyone might give credence to your usually absurd conjecture.

Right or wrong, I stand by what I post ... I don't flip-flop like you do daily (or even Leemac does on that other site now that what's going down finally affected him or those he is close to).

You just blather on under the guise that in today's world if you say something enough times it must be fact (see Letterman being attacked for saying something he didn't even say) ... Lines become blurred.

Reality becomes whatever people believe ...

No. Most companies don't build during a recession ... Disney could, but it opts not to. Even with labor, materials etc at a bargain ... even with fewer people traveling so you inconvenience fewer folks with closures and construction walls.

As to UP ... another one of your notorious changing the subject deals ... and Star Trek is doing great ... as is The Hangover ... Angels and Demons too (I think).

What does a movie's performance have to do with WDW getting some love? Go check your history, even in the Great Depression people went out to the movies ... it may have made them feel better but it didn't build any $150 million theme park attractions.

Pixar has largely been attacked by fanbois precisely because it does what Disney USED to (and hasn't proven they can anymore) do ... they make great films with great stories and great heart and they don't repeat what they've done before.

And a statement like your last one is just great nonsense ... because unless WDW closes shop in 2016 (doubt it) you wind up being right because I DO believe WDW will get better (than now ... not better than what it was in its first 25 years) EVENTUALLY.

What I am saying and stick by is that WDW is a very stale product now and looks to be for the immediate future (18-24 months) and near future (4-5 years).

NOTHING is happening at MK or DAK ... a few things are happening at the others, but nothing that seems on par with say Harry Potter.

Don't flatter yourself, you just became irrelevant. Bye! :wave:


Well-Known Member

Walter Yensid

Active Member
Hey, I am new around here (reading the site for over a year, posting just recently), but I have been going to Disney since I was born and been almost every year for my 30+ years.

I hate to add another voice into the bickering going on here, but I feel I might not be the only one who feels this way. But, WDW1974, I know you have been around awhile on this forum, so I am not sure if you are an employee, an ex-employee, or a Disney fan. But, I come on this site because I love Disney and the whole magic of the park. Like everyone else, I get excited to hear of new attractions and hope that Disney execs will green-light projects we all hope to see. It is just a great site to keep up-to-date and get great advice.

But, your negativity has me wonder what your reason for posting on this forum is. Why do you even come on here? Is it because you are an ex-employee and angry or is it because you care a great deal about Disney and want change? If it is the latter, I think there are other productive ways to make your opinion heard without trying to rip down the magic we all love. The negativity is really ridiculous and drives away people like me who just like to come on here, listen to all the great updates people put on here, and talk to others on here who love Disney.

Believe me, I do not have a bag over my head and would argue I know as much about Disney as most people. There are things that I see when I go down there that I wish could change or there is a little paint peeling here or whatever, but honestly, that has always been the case since I have been going. Nothing is perfect, except Walt's original mission. And when I see my young daughter laugh out loud or hug Mickey or run down Main Street, I do not think of the paint or the rides I wish I could see. I just see happy people enjoying themselves...except maybe you. With all its 'issues', there still is not a place in the world I would rather be. Call me a fanboy, but that is exactly what Disney is about. Walt did not want negative, mean-spirited people in his park, but families who are just so happy to get away from the everyday and have fun. Yeah, Universal has Harry Potter, but it will never have the charm, the character, or the magic of Disney. They have tried and they will always fail. And even in your negative life, you probably would admit that. I wish Disney would get more competitive with Universal in some areas, but they will still win me and my family and millions of others.

Sorry for the rant, folks. But, the best thing for Disney instead of spending $500mil on a revamp is to ban WDW1974 from the park and this site because he is not more enlightened or have better info than any of us, he is just the biggest 'downer' I have ever seen on here. Too bad because I think he probably has good info if it was not so darn cynical and cutting.


Active Member
Hey, I am new around here (reading the site for over a year, posting just recently), but I have been going to Disney since I was born and been almost every year for my 30+ years.

I hate to add another voice into the bickering going on here, but I feel I might not be the only one who feels this way. But, WDW1974, I know you have been around awhile on this forum, so I am not sure if you are an employee, an ex-employee, or a Disney fan. But, I come on this site because I love Disney and the whole magic of the park. Like everyone else, I get excited to hear of new attractions and hope that Disney execs will green-light projects we all hope to see. It is just a great site to keep up-to-date and get great advice.

But, your negativity has me wonder what your reason for posting on this forum is. Why do you even come on here? Is it because you are an ex-employee and angry or is it because you care a great deal about Disney and want change? If it is the latter, I think there are other productive ways to make your opinion heard without trying to rip down the magic we all love. The negativity is really ridiculous and drives away people like me who just like to come on here, listen to all the great updates people put on here, and talk to others on here who love Disney.

Believe me, I do not have a bag over my head and would argue I know as much about Disney as most people. There are things that I see when I go down there that I wish could change or there is a little paint peeling here or whatever, but honestly, that has always been the case since I have been going. Nothing is perfect, except Walt's original mission. And when I see my young daughter laugh out loud or hug Mickey or run down Main Street, I do not think of the paint or the rides I wish I could see. I just see happy people enjoying themselves...except maybe you. With all its 'issues', there still is not a place in the world I would rather be. Call me a fanboy, but that is exactly what Disney is about. Walt did not want negative, mean-spirited people in his park, but families who are just so happy to get away from the everyday and have fun. Yeah, Universal has Harry Potter, but it will never have the charm, the character, or the magic of Disney. They have tried and they will always fail. And even in your negative life, you probably would admit that. I wish Disney would get more competitive with Universal in some areas, but they will still win me and my family and millions of others.

Sorry for the rant, folks. But, the best thing for Disney instead of spending $500mil on a revamp is to ban WDW1974 from the park and this site because he is not more enlightened or have better info than any of us, he is just the biggest 'downer' I have ever seen on here. Too bad because I think he probably has good info if it was not so darn cynical and cutting.
What a brillant idea! Why don't you make a list of everybody at WDWMagic that you don't particularly like, and we'll get Steve to Ban them. What a happy place this will be then!


Well-Known Member
What a brillant idea! Why don't you make a list of everybody at WDWMagic that you don't particularly like, and we'll get Steve to Ban them. What a happy place this will be then!

Can I make a list too?

And then can we start making lists with people we don't want in the country and toss them over to Mexico too?

Thanks for the assist, Bomber ... but I've used up my quota of pixie dust a while. I was thinking about a proper response but than THE MOM might get all upset (although someone told me she ain't really scary!)

I need to head to my Laughing Place ....

Walter Yensid

Active Member
You think this place is happy with people like that on here posting his mean and negative words...? I guess I do not know what happy is...from what WDW1974 is saying, I guess I have been spending too much time at Magic Kingdom then.


Hey, I am new around here (reading the site for over a year, posting just recently), but I have been going to Disney since I was born and been almost every year for my 30+ years.

I hate to add another voice into the bickering going on here, but I feel I might not be the only one who feels this way. But, WDW1974, I know you have been around awhile on this forum, so I am not sure if you are an employee, an ex-employee, or a Disney fan. But, I come on this site because I love Disney and the whole magic of the park. Like everyone else, I get excited to hear of new attractions and hope that Disney execs will green-light projects we all hope to see. It is just a great site to keep up-to-date and get great advice.

But, your negativity has me wonder what your reason for posting on this forum is. Why do you even come on here? Is it because you are an ex-employee and angry or is it because you care a great deal about Disney and want change? If it is the latter, I think there are other productive ways to make your opinion heard without trying to rip down the magic we all love. The negativity is really ridiculous and drives away people like me who just like to come on here, listen to all the great updates people put on here, and talk to others on here who love Disney.

Believe me, I do not have a bag over my head and would argue I know as much about Disney as most people. There are things that I see when I go down there that I wish could change or there is a little paint peeling here or whatever, but honestly, that has always been the case since I have been going. Nothing is perfect, except Walt's original mission. And when I see my young daughter laugh out loud or hug Mickey or run down Main Street, I do not think of the paint or the rides I wish I could see. I just see happy people enjoying themselves...except maybe you. With all its 'issues', there still is not a place in the world I would rather be. Call me a fanboy, but that is exactly what Disney is about. Walt did not want negative, mean-spirited people in his park, but families who are just so happy to get away from the everyday and have fun. Yeah, Universal has Harry Potter, but it will never have the charm, the character, or the magic of Disney. They have tried and they will always fail. And even in your negative life, you probably would admit that. I wish Disney would get more competitive with Universal in some areas, but they will still win me and my family and millions of others.

Sorry for the rant, folks. But, the best thing for Disney instead of spending $500mil on a revamp is to ban WDW1974 from the park and this site because he is not more enlightened or have better info than any of us, he is just the biggest 'downer' I have ever seen on here. Too bad because I think he probably has good info if it was not so darn cynical and cutting.

I don't think ignoring or banning a person/opinion is really constructive in this case. We all have very different views on these topics. For this one issue in particular we have people on the positive side (big changes are coming) and others on the negative side (fat chance fanboy). Usually the truth lies somewhere in the middle. How far it leans in any directions depends on the economy, attendance, weather, what an exec has for breakfast, etc.

Really we all realize that WDW has some problems (how big is debatable) and we all hope there will be solutions coming in the future. Some of us are hopeful while others are skeptical. Both important in the grand scheme of things. The hopeful posts keep us going and imagining what could happen, and the skeptics bring us back down to earth just a bit to make sure our expectations don't get TOO big. It also doesn't hurt to vent every so often about the problems we see in management. Hey, enough people venting might be noticed by the right people some day and change could happen. It then makes the hopeful posters even more happy. ;)

We are all part of the dysfunctional Disney fanbase.


Well-Known Member
Let's try and make some sense with all the pixie dust flying around ... RIGHT NOW NOTHING is coming to the MK or DAK for that matter (hence, Joe Rohde being moved to the Grand Hawaiian project). It was that or he'd have likely gone elsewhere when the boutique animal park was killed.

Anyhow ... we all know Star Tours 2.0 is eventually coming to FLA ... and the Monsters coaster as well at Studios ... but beyond that?

Again ... right now ... NOTHING ... it's great that the chatter in the fan/online community is on high because it's summer, Disney isn't doing much of substance in the USA beyond DCA and WDI did just invite a group of CMs up there who aren't good at keeping their mouths shut (which is likely part of the plan by those who want to gain traction by pointing out how stale ... how soulless MK has become due to inept, greedy management ... knowing if they show all those kewl models and renderings off, someone is going to shout their mouth off to various webmasters ... and guess what? They have!)

I did want to comment on the following:

Exactly. Thanks. Dumbo would move. But not that far. Tea Party would move as well. NOTHING in ANY plans would move the Carousel. It's all about adding texture and detail to the area ... and making way for the massive showbuilding Mermaid would require.

That's just the thing ... there's plenty of real estate open in MK ... so many dead zones. And Toontown may blow, but they want to keep the core concept. That's been one of the 'issues' with the Fantasyland plans to begin with because they would eat up a chunk of Mickey's Tentland.

And again, I agree ... NOTHING is happening now.

Yes. But why spoil delusion with fact?

Sure. It starts with the stranglehold Jay Rasulo has on WDI and P&R. He has been incredibly savvy in his efforts to weed out anyone who isn't one of his people. And that filtered down from major guys 'resigning' from WDI to execs that took 'buy-outs' earlier to even mid-level park ops managers who were axed in the recent bloodletting.

It's a power play by one guy who has no magic and appreciates creativity as much as Sarah Palin appreciates David Letterman.

Unlike Michael Eisner, new Sheriff Iger is very hands-off and so long as Jay delivers numbers he isn't likely to step in no matter what happens to the parks.

Lee MacDonald and I don't see eye to eye to many things (again, I wish some of the more intelligent voices here had witnessed some of our battles) but the man is very 'in' with Disney at a high level. Often we butted heads because he spun things a certain way (he still has a fascination with Tom Fitzgerald and a hatred of Tony Baxter I don't quite get ... and he is very well known on his own site for proclaiming the opinion -- and he is entitled to it -- that he prefers DCA to TDS).


When he says that Eric Jacobson's team has had a $500 million plan for Fantasyland for over two years, I believe that. Not just because he says it but because I know there have been plans (the number I had heard was $350 million, which was shocking enough.)

I don't know anyone (or anyone I respect) that is saying there aren't plans. But what you need to realize is there are always plans. That's what all those coffee table books that all the fanbois buy are for ... all the plans that happened, happened in a different form or very often ... didn't happen at all.

When Leemac says that it is ALL BLUE SKY at this point, I sadly defer to that because: 1.) I know nothing to the contrary from my sources; and 2.) WDW management is more conservative than the typical FOX News watcher in the best of times; and 3.) These are most definitely not the best of times; and 4.) Disney seems to feel that timeshares are the reason people visit WDW.

So while this thread can go on for 500 pages, I'll be back at the LP later trying to discern what is really going on (or not).

Could you please be just a bit more negative? I almost can't stand your optimism! And if you are so important, why do you go through threads picking out everything you don't agree with? Do you have nothing better to do? I know I don't. I am going to giggle when Disney announces the new plans for Magic Kingdom. Then your word will clearly mean nothing to anyone(it's almost that way now). And before you go attacking me on how "new" I am, I have been reading the threads for years and I am quite educated on Disney parks. My only wish is that you could please be a litte nicer and less-negative. I know alot of people are just here to share their love and excitment over the new additions and it is hard to do when you post. I would love to hear some of the positive things you have to say. :)

Walter Yensid

Active Member
And do not deflect the issue with the 'list' thing...everyone else who actually understands humor and fun obviously knows the 'ban' comment was sarcasm.

To make you feel vindicated, I will not post on this particular topic again, so not to bore others with the negativity that has bothered me so much recently on here. I pray there are others out there who feel the way that I do...all I wanted was less negativity and mean-spirited comments about the place I love.

And yes, I agree spirited debate is good and beneficial. But, it is obvious that this is not where his posts were headed or the intentions.


Well-Known Member
And do not deflect the issue with the 'list' thing...everyone else who actually understands humor and fun obviously knows the 'ban' comment was sarcasm.

To make you feel vindicated, I will not post on this particular topic again, so not to bore others with the negativity that has bothered me so much recently on here. I pray there are others out there who feel the way that I do...all I wanted was less negativity and mean-spirited comments about the place I love.

I agree with you. I enjoy everyone's posts and just want everyone to seem more chipper! :)

The Conundrum

New Member
Wow this thread has really taken off and I barely have gotten a word in edge wise.

You just come off as bitter. An angry, bitter and spiteful person. Has somebody wronged you in some terrible way or something? You really seem angry. I'm sorry if the world has so jaded you to the point that you can't see the magic unfolding right before your eyes. Because it definitely is at TWDC. Don't blame me if you can't see it. No sir, don't blame me.

You know when I discuss things with you I was always under the impression you were at least sane just stuborn. Apperantly I was wrong :eek:. Where exactly is all this magic unfolding at the company?

By the way, the recession does not seem to have effected the box office for "UP".

By tthe way, it is a fact that movies actually do BETTER during recessions/depressions. Also note that this was a horrible year for Disney's film studios when every other film studio has been making a killing. Your hero Bobby Iger himself said this.

But knowing what you know about WDW and how it is run, can you logically see them saying 'let's spend half a billion on a park where if we sold cow chips shaped like Mickey ears the fanbois would line up'?


You think this place is happy with people like that on here posting his mean and negative words...? I guess I do not know what happy is...from what WDW1974 is saying, I guess I have been spending too much time at Magic Kingdom then.

Oh Noes! The big scary man has come and is saying things you don't like whatever shall you do? You need to grow up. Seriously. Everyone has a right to their opinions and WDW'74 is backed up by many of the Disney insiders that hang out on this site. Not everyone is going to stick there head in the sand and say everything is perfect while emptying there pockets for Disney.

and LMAO at all the people in this thread getting worked up over an enchanted forest playarea/meet and greet for preteen girls.

Getting back on topic I just want to say that until there is a major philosophical shift at Disney concerning the florida property expect quality to continue to corrode. The company needs to move away from DVC and focus on reinvesting in the parks.


New Member
Could you please be just a bit more negative? I almost can't stand your optimism! And if you are so important, why do you go through threads picking out everything you don't agree with? Do you have nothing better to do? I know I don't. I am going to giggle when Disney announces the new plans for Magic Kingdom. Then your word will clearly mean nothing to anyone(it's almost that way now). And before you go attacking me on how "new" I am, I have been reading the threads for years and I am quite educated on Disney parks. My only wish is that you could please be a litte nicer and less-negative. I know alot of people are just here to share their love and excitment over the new additions and it is hard to do when you post. I would love to hear some of the positive things you have to say. :)
I don't post much on here because I generally have very little that is new or relative to say. I enjoy reading these threads about what is or is not and may or may not be coming to the Disney parks, both in Anaheim and Orlando. Occasionally I'll post something when I get the urge, like now.
I don't agree with everything WDW1974 says, nor do I agree with the tone of some of his posts. This is true for him and several others on BOTH sides of the positive/negative outlook on the company. However, I feel he does contribute a different opinion on things than most people, and I enjoy reading his posts for that reason. Some others on either side of said debate I feel are less compelling. That being said, if you don't want to listen to him then either don't read his posts (no one is forcing you to) or add him or anyone else you don't agree with to the Ignore List found in the User CP. I have to imagine that's what its there for.
Seriousy, I don't believe that he posts here out of some need to inflate his ego, be negative for the sake of being negative or any other reason than that he loves Disney and wants it to be the best it can. I may disagree with his methods at times but I don't disagree with that sentiment, which he has made many, many times and which is conveniently overlooked. Calls for him to be banned from the site or Disney itself are just ridiculous (though I've seen others on this site, again on both sides of the arguement that could use a good banning).
I know, he doesn't need me or anyone else "getting his back" but I thought I'd just put my opinion out there. Feel free to add me to your Ignore List too! :)


I don't post much on here because I generally have very little that is new or relative to say. I enjoy reading these threads about what is or is not and may or may not be coming to the Disney parks, both in Anaheim and Orlando. Occasionally I'll post something when I get the urge, like now.
I don't agree with everything WDW1974 says, nor do I agree with the tone of some of his posts. This is true for him and several others on BOTH sides of the positive/negative outlook on the company. However, I feel he does contribute a different opinion on things than most people, and I enjoy reading his posts for that reason. Some others on either side of said debate I feel are less compelling. That being said, if you don't want to listen to him then either don't read his posts (no one is forcing you to) or add him or anyone else you don't agree with to the Ignore List found in the User CP. I have to imagine that's what its there for.
Seriousy, I don't believe that he posts here out of some need to inflate his ego, be negative for the sake of being negative or any other reason than that he loves Disney and wants it to be the best it can. I may disagree with his methods at times but I don't disagree with that sentiment, which he has made many, many times and which is conveniently overlooked. Calls for him to be banned from the site or Disney itself are just ridiculous (though I've seen others on this site, again on both sides of the arguement that could use a good banning).
I know, he doesn't need me or anyone else "getting his back" but I thought I'd just put my opinion out there. Feel free to add me to your Ignore List too! :)

Great post, marsrunner. I find that it's people who can't tolerate the other view point that always call for the banning.

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