SSE Reviews

A couple of thoughts.

It is very likely that the ending could be changed/improved by the time the ride officially reopens. Epcot receives a huge influx of people for the holidays, and is sorely lacking on actual rides for the holiday season. Without WOL this year especially. The touch screens will likely be incorporated better eventually, but this seems to be a quick fix. WDI has been kicking butt the last few years, specifically E:E, and refurbs of Haunted Mansion and Pirates. Look at MILF. Guest reviews and responses caused an entirely new queue, preshow, and many changes to the content of the show. WDI has been on the ball, and I find it hard to believe they would end arguably the most thought-provoking attraction in the resort with an amateur cartoon.


Well-Known Member
I think we are in mutual understanding here, I agree with what you posed, just I'm looking at this half full (3 more months till official opening, they can add more, etc) opposed to others who are looking at this half empty (Disney ate my soul.)

I gotcha :wave:

But at the same time, if Disney doesn't know that we are unhappy (I use we loosely just for the sake of the sentence) with the ending, they won't do anything with the ending in those 3 months. And even if nothing is done to the finale, the positive will still outweigh the negative on this refurb.


Well-Known Member
This may be the germaphobe side of me coming out but, after a while, just think of how many people would be touching those screens after sneezing or not washing their hands.
Yeah I know, its the same question with every ride when it comes to holding on, but this actually encourages you to touch it.
Kids touch EVERYTHING at suggestion, carry around hand sanitizer or wash your hands frequently.

I agree with what dxwwf3 is saying, I like kids too but I really am getting tired of them constantly making attractions with only kids in mind ( SGE, Monsters Inc, Nemo, Grand Fiesta, etc. ).
Monsters Inc. is enjoyable for the whole family, but I understand, heaven forbid they take out the almighty seasonal attraction, Timekeeper, that was being used as a photo location....same with Nemo, they extended a short ride that had been closed for years with some pretty nice technology and gave children/families something else to do at that a crime?

I posted this question in another thread, but does anyone know if the flash animation vids are based on actual technologies or if are the vids just futuristic Jetsons-fantasy stuff?

I think Jose's video showed a device that could scan your body each day to tell you if you're healthy. Uh...what? That doesn't sound very realistic. Are all the possible flash animations similiarly fanciful. If so, that makes the ending even worse. If the content is a bunch of make-believe bullcrap, what's the point? To look at a future that's not even possible. Isn't that Tomorrowland's job? Oh wait, Tomorrowland is now Pixarland...
If we can dream it, we can do it....same idea; however, the wonderful thing about these new screens is that in the future, updates/changes will be easier than changing out new scenes/stuff in the descent which I think we all agree is not done.
You know what the worst part of this is..?

There's no way to properly express how horrible it is to Disney in a manner they'll respond to. If you didn't get cherry picked by an Imagineer at unload, you're out of luck.
All you had to do was wait for an Imagineer to finish with someone and walk up to him/her. That's what I did.

A couple of thoughts.

It is very likely that the ending could be changed/improved by the time the ride officially reopens. Epcot receives a huge influx of people for the holidays, and is sorely lacking on actual rides for the holiday season. Without WOL this year especially. The touch screens will likely be incorporated better eventually, but this seems to be a quick fix. WDI has been kicking butt the last few years, specifically E:E, and refurbs of Haunted Mansion and Pirates. Look at MILF. Guest reviews and responses caused an entirely new queue, preshow, and many changes to the content of the show. WDI has been on the ball, and I find it hard to believe they would end arguably the most thought-provoking attraction in the resort with an amateur cartoon.

I really don't think it has to do with the holidays, although it could. I think it's more of a MILF situation. This could possibly even be preliminary animation, like original laugh floor...or not.


New Member
If we can dream it, we can do it....same idea; however, the wonderful thing about these new screens is that in the future, updates/changes will be easier than changing out new scenes/stuff in the descent which I think we all agree is not done.

Gimme a break. These screens will be easier to update? That doesn't mean they will actually get updated. How often does Disney update anything based on convenience? The animation they have on those screens will be there until the next big update of SSE...probably 15-20 years from now.


Well-Known Member
Remember that rumor that was going around a while back about how a scene was accidentally removed? Maybe that's what happened to the descent!:ROFLOL:

I promised myself that I wouldn't look at any spoilers so I could be surprised for my next trip, but reading all this uproar I had to look at Jose's SSE part 2 video to see for myself.

You're all right...the descent is just empty. That's a huge disappointment, and this is certainly not the type of cutting-edge technology we were expecting. I am a little suspect of the animation. I guess we can consider that Jose's video showed the B-mode that Disney is using until the face-recognition starts running, but it might be worse when that starts if they're just going to plaster your face on some animated body. I'll need to see a video with the face recognition before I pass my final judgment.

I bit the bullet and looked at snippets of the ascent, and here's what I think:
  • I'm torn on the new narration. Judi Dench did a splendid job with it, flawlessly matching her tone to a more upbeat, less academic spiel. That's where I'm torn. I like the narration, but I'll always miss the grandeur and dramatic tone of the Irons narration.
  • What I saw of the refurbished sets and new scenes really impressed me. Everything was cleaned up and improved with the old scenes, and the new ones are perfect as well.
  • The score: FREAKIN' AMAZING!!! Bruce Broughton is awesome. I thought I was going to be let down a bit because I loved the score from the '94 Irons version, but Broughton's score is spot-on perfect. Somehow, it felt grand and sophisticated while still matching perfectly the new tone that the ride gives off. Some of Epcot's finest music indeed. I'll be vigorously scouring the Internet to download it as I doubt it will ever be commercially available.
  • I love the new signs and the blue swooshes at the entrance. The landscaping is a great improvement.
  • It sounds like they haven't made the ride any smoother, but I've been able to ignore it all these years so it doesn't bother me so much.
I'm confident this ride is not finished yet, so I'm keeping up hope that the descent will be improved and make a strong ending to an otherwise fantastic ride. I believe Disney opened it prematurely because it will take up a good amount of the Christmas crowds, but it should go down in the near future so they can finish it up in time for the official opening.


Well-Known Member
I'll preface this comment with a request to remain calm. We're still 2 months from the official opening. Who knows what percentage of completion we're seeing the ride in. 2 months is a long time still for more work to be done on the ride. Maybe we're only seeing a very small portion of what the ending is supposed to be. Maybe things will still change between now and then. I'm willing to wait and hope before I damn them all to hell.

That said, I do think its important to once again add my voice to what is wrong with what we do currently have in case my hopes are not true.

SSE is the iconic attraction of Epcot. The first half of the ride is classy, it is majestic, and it is grand. It leads us through the great advances of history over time and portrays the ingenuity of mankind. The ending should be a majestic climax, not a boring flash video. The old ending was simple, but it was majestic. It had visual sets to draw you into, the music was amazing, and the message left me every time that we are just passengers on this wonderful vessel, our space ship earth and that each and every one of us should do our best to give back to it as best we can.

The new ending does none of that. It is as if it is a mockery of the entire first half of the ride up to 180top. It is not majestic, it is not grand, it is not immersive at all. What it is is something that I could get in five minutes sitting at my computer screen right now. SSE deserves so much more and I'm still hoping that there is a ton more and its just not ready yet.


If we can dream it, we can do it....same idea; however, the wonderful thing about these new screens is that in the future, updates/changes will be easier than changing out new scenes/stuff in the descent which I think we all agree is not done.


The new ending is not only boring.... it's selfish.

Can you please explain to me how choosing weather "You want a car or a rocket-bike" in anyway relates to the global community, how we can use technology to further the progress of the human race, to make this world a better place?

Heck, if you ask me I would say I like the Irons track better. And I still LOVE the old music too. But how long do you think SSE in it's old form would have lasted? I would MUCH rather have SSE in an entertaining and educating form (with most everything I loved still in it.)

So what was the point of WDI removing the old score and narration? The point of a refurb is too keep the good things and work on the bad? Is it not a complete waste of budge to remove two of the strongest points of the attraction, and then proceed to make them weaker? Why do you think the ghost host, or grin grinning ghosts were not removed from the HM? Because they work! Why do you think the spider scene was turned into the new staircase scene? Because that did not work at all! Like I’ve all ready said, it seems to me as if areas of the budget were wasted on fixing things that did not need to be fixed and instead should have went into make areas of SSE even more epic such as the visual aspects of the descent.

This is not to do with wanting to turn EPCOT into a museum; it’s to do with logic. You keep the good and change the bad, it’s simple.

Oh also, I'm afraid too say unless SSE is closed down for another two months (As I hope it will be) then I cant see them being able to do anything to the Descent. People keep on mentioning MILF but the changes made to MILF are minor compared to what they would have to do to the Descent.

Also Disney have chosen to show the attraction in it’s current form there-fore it can be criticised, if Disney did not want people speaking about the attraction then they should not have opened it.


New Member
For those who are unhappy with the current state of the attraction, understanding this is only a soft opening, I would be happy to compose a polite yet honest note for guest communications that could praise where needed (new AA's, etc.) and voice concerns in regard to the current descent.

If anyone would like to join in I'd be happy to post my letter here so that other may use it or adjust it appropriately.

Again, this would not be a panic-striken freakout over things I don't enjoy, just an honest bit of feedback of the soft opening experience. If a soft opening is to receive guest feedback, then I think we owe it to Disney to give them brave, bold & honest feedback.


New Member
Great rehab, one thing I'd bring up: it invites us to "Create our Tomorrow" -- well, are we really the ones challenged to create and dream a tomorrow, or are we being asked personal questions, and tomorrow is being created for us (see quizilla websites)? This could be the crux of a flaw that affects the entire experience/message delivery that was achieved so greatly in the Irons version......


Well-Known Member
So what was the point of WDI removing the old score and narration? The point of a refurb is too keep the good things and work on the bad? Is it not a complete waste of budge to remove two of the strongest points of the attraction, and then proceed to make them weaker? Why do you think the ghost host, or grin grinning ghosts were not removed from the HM? Because they work! Why do you think the spider scene was turned into the new staircase scene? Because that did not work at all! Like I’ve all ready said, it seems to me as if areas of the budget were wasted on fixing things that did not need to be fixed and instead should have went into make areas of SSE even more epic such as the visual aspects of the descent.

Because sometimes new is good? From one who hates change and was upset when I heard she was doing it, I really loved the new narration, and it fits the new theme of the ride. (Which by the way, restores the future theme in Future World.) And I do love the new music. The only reason people hate it now, was because it's new. I'm sure people who had been riding the original had to have HATED the 94' music. But why am I sad it's gone? Not because it's great music, which it really isn't, but because I grew up with it, and I've heard it thousands of times. I'm sure I'll love the new music once I hear it thousands of times. To quote a Mr. Ego, "The new needs friends."

Also Disney have chosen to show the attraction in it’s current form there-fore it can be criticised, if Disney did not want people speaking about the attraction then they should not have opened it.



Yes, darn you Disney! If you don't open it up, we'll be miffed, and if you do, IT BETTER BE READY!!!

Wait a bit though...have you been on it?


New Member
The only reason people hate it now, was because it's new.

I am waiting to hear a theme to Broughton's score -- I don't remember and can't whistle a single thing.... maybe I'll have to ride it a few times. If I end up finding one and liking it, my opinion about it will definietely change....... but so far I'm a little disappointed. This is his first ride-through, if I'm not mistaken?


Well-Known Member
I did watch the video again, and while the ending is still not a great ending, on 2nd viewing its not as bad as i originally thought if thinking from your once a year visitor. For those of us who visit every month or more its boring, but for the once in a year visitor, I think they'll like it, especially if it shows their face on the characters and not just the default ones.


New Member
Something is telling me we aren't going to see our own faces on the screens........ gender, anyone? maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised :)


Because sometimes new is good? From one who hates change and was upset when I heard she was doing it, I really loved the new narration, and it fits the new theme of the ride. (Which by the way, restores the future theme in Future World.) And I do love the new music. The only reason people hate it now, was because it's new. I'm sure people who had been riding the original had to have HATED the 94' music. But why am I sad it's gone? Not because it's great music, which it really isn't, but because I grew up with it, and I've heard it thousands of times. I'm sure I'll love the new music once I hear it thousands of times. To quote a Mr. Ego, "The new needs friends."

And sometimes new is bad?

My whole point is why change something that worked, when the budget could have been spent more wisely elsewhere? Why? It’s a waste of budget. It fits into the new theme of the ride which is what? Let's show you a cheesily animated 2D future? Let's not challenge and inspire you to make a better tomorrow but instead have you stare at a screen, answer a few questions and have the future created at a whim for your own personal needs? Gee if only I knew the future was going to be that easy K It seems to me that SSE V4 has learnt nothing from Irons narration in SSE V3, creating the future is not going to be easy, it is not a selfish endeavour of what’s best for me, as Irons said we have the responsibility to build bridges, and communicate with the global community as a whole to MAKE the world a better place for us all. How does the touch screen even begin to communicate these values?

As for the music I beg to differ. The first time I heard the 94 score I loved it, in fact the score with narration choked me up the first time I ever experienced SSE 94. It is not just simple nostalgia but that which fits the needs and theme of Spaceship Earth.

“Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core.”

So you were rocked to your core by the descent on SSE and it challenged your preconceptions? Just because SSE is new does not make it good, new does not equal good. In fact the ending of SSE is not bold, dynamic, original or NEW, it’s the type of crap that we get served again, and again on internet websites. The character of Anton Ego would have been the first to put such junk down. That’s the whole point of what everybody is saying, the ending is nothing new, original, or awe inspiring, it’s a flash based survey to the finale of the main attraction at EPCOT.

Yes, darn you Disney! If you don't open it up, we'll be miffed, and if you do, IT BETTER BE READY!!!

Wait a bit though...have you been on it?

I have never moaned about them not opening SSE. SSE should have only been opened when it is ready. If SSE is now considered near enough ready then the ending is a shambles, if not then Disney would have been wise to keep it closed otherwise guess what, people will form opinions based on what Disney are presenting to us as a near finished attraction, after all they are only adding the “finishing touches”.

And yes I have been on it. I also watched the videos and to be totally honest watching the videos left me with the same feeling as I had coming off the attraction it’s self…. Which is why the hell did I just spend the last 4 minutes of an attraction staring at a video screen. In fact I’ll go as far too say apart from the blue matrix there is nothing that people who have only seen the videos miss out on when it comes to the Descent because its video of a video screen, what exactly are they missing? The Descent is as soulless in real life as it is on the video.


Account Suspended
To consider.. many people are saying people wanted it open as if that was simpl impossible and they were slaving away as fast as possible. Quite the contrary, Disney has time and again been budget concious and had projects linger on instead of giving them proper staffing to be completed in a timely manner without taking shortcuts.


Well-Known Member
I swear..All if you complaining about Disney and how they never do this or never fix that and they do not care and blah blah blah...Just do not go anymore!

This is complain when they do not open it and complain when they do..

I think that you all would have complained regardless of what was changed and what was not.

I understand we all have our own opinions but goodness some of you just hate everything that Disney does...

Quit going then!

That is all..:)


New Member
I don't think it's fair to say that we all complain no matter what. Sure there are those people, but I love the updated to POC and Mansion, really really enjoy Living Seas with Nemo and Nemo the Musical, and think the update to the Canada movie is fantastic. Now I absolutely abhor the Laugh Factory, but recognize that kids probably would like it.

This is just one of the times (few times from my perspective) that Disney may not have gotten it quite right just yet....


Well-Known Member
Yet!..That is the key is not done yet and even if it was..people do like it and people do not..You can not please everyone all of the time!

Oh and Merf..he does complain...about EVERYTHING!

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Thoughts on SSE

Hi. I've been a long time reader of these boards, but have never actually posted on this site. However, this emerging saga concerning SSE has made me sign up, as I have to express my opinion about this refurb somewhere.

First, let me start by saying that I have not been on the new version of the ride. However, I have seen a number of videos and listened to a soundbyte of the entire narration from RealPlayer, so I will base my initial thoughts from these sources.

I would have to agree with nearly everyone else about the positives. The new AA's are amazing and the new signs and landscapig are, overall, an improvement. Also, the new computer scene is stunning as well.

The negatives...oh boy. First, I really do not like the new narration. The script is a complete travesty. "With papyrus came special record keeping, for plans, designs, and unfortunately taxes." What? This feeble attempt at humor left me in disbelief. Then there is the comparison of the Roman empire to the first "world wide web." I know they want to show how past events are somewhat related to the future, but this comparison is just stupid. Even worse, they continue this comparison by saying that Jewish/Islamic scholars were "the first backup system." Are you serious?! Did Disney's writers go on strike with the rest of the Writer's Unions? The new naration is so stupid, its beyond comprehension that these same people brought us the grand narration of Jeremy Irons.

I also dislike Judi Dench as narrator, at least in her current from. While I undrerstand the new narration was meant to be more upbeat and optimistic, it does not do it for me. Dench's voice hits some strange pitches and tones throughout the narration. Also, as others have said, there are times when I think she sounds too giddy and happy when she should be more subdued. While I dislike her narration in this current form, I do believe she could still be good given a better script, but, I don't think she'll ever be as good as Jeremy Irons.

Finally, the descent. What Disney and Siemens were thinking when they designed the descent, I don't know. I am aware that there may be other effects not yet working, and I'm sure there are. However, the idea that our future is being represented by a cheap, 2D cartoon, especially after the elaborately designed AA scenes, is a disgrace. The questions used to determine your future are nothing more than survey questions, and are awful in my opinion. Disney, get rid of these questions. Instead, allow us to choose our future w/o questions, more like Horizons. Then, get rid of the trivia questions. Its almost like they want to see if we've been paying attention and are quizzing us about the ride. I know why they are there, but surely something better could be done.

Also, remember how the previous version of SSE stressed how we should use new technology "to usher in a new age of understanding and cooperation?" Remember how we were told that "we now have the ability, and the responsibility, to build new bridges of acceptance and cooperation between we continue our amazing journey aboard Spaceship Earth?" What happend to that feeling of unity in this most recent version? At no point should the future be based solely on the ideas of one or two people. I completely agree with those who say this ending is "selfish," since it gives everyone a different future instead of a unified vision where we all cooperate and understand each other.

Overall, my initial impressions are ones of dismay and disappointment. The new interactive screens are lackluster and poorly used as of this point, especially in regards to the future being a cartoon. Also, the new narration is not nearly as good as the previous version. I do understand that the ride is not yet completed and work is still being done, but I don't see significant changes being made to the narration. Also, it will take more than just fiber optics and a couple Peppers Ghosts to make up for the awful cartoon future. This refurbishment, which once filled me with such hope and optimism, is leaving me feeling anything but.

Sorry about the length of this initial post, but I had to express my opinion somewhere regarding the refurb of SSE.

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