Well-Known Member
Should more be done, hell yes. But to suggest that somehow Disney is killing kittens and your childhood by putting touch screens in and turning off some lights is crazy.
Now guys, don't think that I'm dissing the old endings, trust me, I LOVE the old narration. Heck, if you ask me I would say I like the Irons track better. And I still LOVE the old music too. But how long do you think SSE in it's old form would have lasted? I would MUCH rather have SSE in an entertaining and educating form (with most everything I loved still in it.) then have let it sit in it's old form for a bunch of more years, only to be replaced with a thrill ride. Sure If I had it my way, I would've done some things diffrent. But what I DID see is an educational and entertaining ride that will last for many many more years, and preserving the original magic of Spaceship Earth at the same time. Can you imagine...little kids actully not SLEEPING on the decent back to unload?