SSE closed until Feb 18th!


Active Member
As much as many people would like to believe, Spaceship Earth "2.0" will not be a new ride by definition, so I dout there will be a "soft re-opening".

(Then again, board members will inevitably make an 1100+ unofficial group of people to be first in line on the projected date. :lol: )

Spaceship Earth 4.0


Well-Known Member
^I was gonna type that, but was afraid some people would be confused. :p

(Actually, I thought the first and only major refurb since opening, besides now, was in '94-ish?)


Active Member
I just don't see how that's possible to remove, and replace the track in the time frame that has been allotted. We are talking major destruction, and major construction. I would think that would be a refurb that would take at least a year. Where are our engineers when you need them.


Active Member
Major Dis.

I`m going Feb.9 thru the 16th. This news really sucks. We love SSE very much and really hoping it would be up and running by then.:(


Sounds like an infrastructure and/or vendor issue to me. That ball has been sitting there for a very long time. Goodness knows what might have corroded beneath the floors, or in the ducts, or in the drainage systems.

Plus, vendors to major components have gone belly up for not a few major attractions at parks before the attraction is complete. Imagine that vendor senario: "Yeah, we have it! It's on time except for a few issues!, lookin great! Oooh... we have run into some troubles and it is going to cost $500,000.00 more to finish now... Well, you couldn't come up with the 500K so we have just filed chapter 11". This has happened not a few times at Universal I have heard.

OK, I have a question now, then. Does this mean that the multi-stage refurb has been turned into a single stage refurb? Or does this mean that it will reopen on Feb 18, and then close again for 3 more months on Feb 19th or something? :lol:

Remember, this was planned from the beginning to be done in two stages.

Also, last night I talked with a friend of mine who works for a special effects company that works with every entertainment company around. He has no real connection to this, but he does have two friends at WDI (as well as at WDFA, but that's another story), and one of his friends said the rumor around WDI was that SSE might not reopen until April/May. Any date sooner than that is now just CONJECTURE. He had been told that a few of the infrastructure systems were worse than originally believed to be. (Electrical, air, fire) His friend also heard a rumor (Yes, who believes rumors here, right?) that very recently Disney management decided to throw more money into the refurb as well.

So, what does that mean? I really don't know.


New Member
I`m going Feb.9 thru the 16th. This news really sucks. We love SSE very much and really hoping it would be up and running by then.:(

Imagine how hard it was for some of us there for the 25th not being able to go on EPCOT's signature attraction. In some ways, I still feel like I wasn't really at EPCOT that day (or any of the others I was there). For me, EPCOT=Spaceship Earth. Without riding it, it's just half an experience. Of course, since 1995 they've been killing off piece after piece of EPCOT anyway...but that's an argument for a different thread.
I only hope I can get back to EPCOT sometime soon after Spaceship Earth is reopened. First I have to get my wife to agree to it, though. I had a hard enough time getting permission to go for the 25th! I guess there's always Mousebits to tide me over...


Well-Known Member
Imagine how hard it was for some of us there for the 25th not being able to go on EPCOT's signature attraction. In some ways, I still feel like I wasn't really at EPCOT that day (or any of the others I was there). For me, EPCOT=Spaceship Earth. Without riding it, it's just half an experience. Of course, since 1995 they've been killing off piece after piece of EPCOT anyway...but that's an argument for a different thread.
I only hope I can get back to EPCOT sometime soon after Spaceship Earth is reopened. First I have to get my wife to agree to it, though. I had a hard enough time getting permission to go for the 25th! I guess there's always Mousebits to tide me over...

Yeah I have been listening to the SSE ride-through on the way to work every day wondering if it is going to be something like what we had before with a ride-through that is narrated....or what.

Like a grand and miraculous spaceship....


Well-Known Member
Do you know something went horribly wrong? I deal with fixing computers all the time, people ask me "how long is this going to take" and I'll guess 2 hours, well problems arise while I'm doing it and it'll take 4 hours. It's not my fault. I did my best to estimate how long something takes and i try not to overshoot. The same thing happens any time I have work done here on the house. It took us nearly 6 months to remodel our kitchen that was supposed to take a few weeks. This just happen sometimes, it doesnt mean something went terribly wrong, it doesnt mean that there is a horrible horrible mistake, it just means that sometimes you estimate wrong in how long you expect something to take. At least they're not going to cancel some of the upgrades to get it in on time. They're also dealing with constructing things inside the geosphere which is probably pretty cramped, and not too easy from a constuction standpoint. I still think people should be glad they are putting in extra time, and not complain. It's no fun when rides are closed for your visit, but it's just 1. I went to Disneyland in 2003 and Space, Splash, and Big Thunder were closed(and there was no Tower, no Buzz, and no Monsters either). I still had a great time. Just be thankful that they're putting time in to quality, and not just giving in to time constraints.

From a person who deals with construction project deadlines on a day to day basis I can assure you that 3 extra months on a 4 month project is absolutely NOT a simple estimation error. Something went very wrong, it is the ONLY rational explanation for something like this. The thing that went wrong could be any number of things, on exactly what went wrong I will not speculate (ride system too noisy and wasn't originally scheduled to be replaced).

2 weeks is a miscalculation, 13 weeks means people are polishing their resumes.


Well-Known Member
From a person who deals with construction project deadlines on a day to day basis I can assure you that 3 extra months on a 4 month project is absolutely NOT a simple estimation error. Something went very wrong, it is the ONLY rational explanation for something like this. The thing that went wrong could be any number of things, on exactly what went wrong I will not speculate (ride system too noisy and wasn't originally scheduled to be replaced).

2 weeks is a miscalculation, 13 weeks means people are polishing their resumes.

So at some time during the last week or so someone said "oops"

Maybe the extra touch-screens made the ride vehicles too heavy to safely return to Earth! :eek:

Scar Junior

Active Member
From a person who deals with construction project deadlines on a day to day basis I can assure you that 3 extra months on a 4 month project is absolutely NOT a simple estimation error. Something went very wrong, it is the ONLY rational explanation for something like this. The thing that went wrong could be any number of things, on exactly what went wrong I will not speculate (ride system too noisy and wasn't originally scheduled to be replaced).

2 weeks is a miscalculation, 13 weeks means people are polishing their resumes.

How can you say that without any information other than timelines? There could be new changes that were approved or perhaps as previously mentioned some flaw in the infrastructure was noticed and addressed.

But even if you're right and something did go very wrong... they're now fixing it and making it right.

I'm not concerned with this delay. I'm happy with them taking their time on whatever the issue is.


Well-Known Member
Dear Diary,

Wow, they still haven't found a way to make SSE entertaining after 3 months worth of work. Guess they'll have to try a few more tricks. I'm sure if they just took a few flashlights and whirled them on the walls it would add so much more entertainment value to the most stale excuse for a time waster on property. Why not just turn the whole thing dark and play some noises through the speakers -- oh wait... Drew Carey already hosts that attraction.

Anyways, I hope the large obstruction that keeps me from walking straight to the fountain can be useful soon. It does provide some much needed shade in Epcot though.

Oh, and isn't that chipmunk from Enchanted the cutest thing ever -- it does look very similar to 3 other chipmunks that have a movie coming out this summer though.

Til Later Diary,



Well-Known Member
How can you say that without any information other than timelines? There could be new changes that were approved or perhaps as previously mentioned some flaw in the infrastructure was noticed and addressed.

But even if you're right and something did go very wrong... they're now fixing it and making it right.

I'm not concerned with this delay. I'm happy with them taking their time on whatever the issue is.

The Wizgets have been on back order for months now from Korea. And the first round of Doo-Dadds wore out to quickly, so they'll have to be upgraded to a stronger Pollywaddle.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
How can you say that without any information other than timelines? There could be new changes that were approved or perhaps as previously mentioned some flaw in the infrastructure was noticed and addressed.

But even if you're right and something did go very wrong... they're now fixing it and making it right.

I'm not concerned with this delay. I'm happy with them taking their time on whatever the issue is.
I am in the construction business as well and I would tend to agree with jmvd20's assessment. You don't nearly double your construction time unless someone makes a huge mistake or something very major that was originally assessed as fine turns out to be not so fine.

The refurb on SSE is essentially like a house remodel. You might plan to repaint, replace the windows, re-do the kitchen and replace the roof but you would not decide to add on a second story on just a whim.


New Member
I just can not believe it will be closed for that long. I will be down there in December and I was looking forward to riding it. I am just totally depressed.

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