Great observation. The concern I have, I guess you can call it a minor one is the possibility of good things (The Mandalorian) becoming meddled with in the future. What was that insider term that was used regarding the sequel trilogy?... Oh right, too many cooks in the kitchen.
I have faith in Favreau, Filoni and the rest of the Mando crew but what if at some point the powers at be want to flip the script in their favor. I’m reading comments in this thread and all over social media of casual viewers complaining that the latest episode is throwing them off with the introduction of Ahsoka and the small Clone Wars references.
I’ve read comments - all as if they were replicated, voicing their frustration towards having/needing to watch Clone Wars to know what’s going on in the current show, with the “
if they continue to throw in more random characters I’m done with this show!” as the ending sass-phrase. It offends them that they do not know some of the references being said or characters being introduced and when offered the solution of watching the Clone Wars or doing a quick read up on Google, they make it clear that they have no interest in doing so. It all leads to them threatening to stop watching The Mandolorian all together. Shades of Pedro Pascal abandoning set to complain to K. Kennedy... That guy sure has a following. I kid... or am I?
Continuing on. I think if it were up to me, I say stop watching if you must but with Disney... ehh... not the same. There’s the wish of wanting people to stop complaining over good content and realizing that one of the men responsible for the show was also the head of both TCW and Rebels. However, some folks just do not care for backstory and lore. The irony is that Star Wars is full of it and it’s beautiful.
‘Til then, I’m just enjoying the ride.