SPOILER: The Acolyte -- Disney+ Star Wars -- begins June 5, 2024


Premium Member
I think I figured out what was going on with the 'controversy'

I see that a couple of the reviewers are the truly toxic fan types, that apparently did not get the support they thought they were going to on the manufactured problems with the episodes they received. It's a bit funny everyone has shrugged from most corners of the internet right now that really nothing was controversial (quality and child acting notwithstanding).

Here is one having a meltdown.

View attachment 791259
So 3 of the 4 guys that live in my moms basement with me…is what you’re saying?

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
And it sure was a crazy big fire that spread really quick, especially since the place looked like it was all rock. Lol. I guess we'll see what happened to the witches. But it sure didn't look like it was caused by Jedi. It would be kinda obvious if they all had light saber stab and slash wounds. It was all just very sloppily done.
That last sentence is an amazing declaration considering you don’t know what actually happened.
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erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
That last sentence is an amazing declaration considering you don’t know what actually happened. Almost like you knew what you were going to think before you watched it.
Why is it amazing? It's a declaration of the obvious. The witches are all on the floor, no real sign of a fight. A bunch of force witches aren't going to just go out without a fight. You're right, I don't know what happened. But the set up was sloppy, hopefully it has a good payoff. That's my point. I "think" what they show me. And if what they show me is poorly executed, than it is what it is in my eyes.

I'm sorry, you can go into another read between the lines monologue if you want. But Disney has struggled with their shows in my opinion. The consistency just isn't there so far with this show. Sure it's just 3 episodes and hopefully it gets better. But as of now we have two just average episodes and one I'll say sub par episode in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'll put it in a spoiler tag in case some don't want to see it.

"Lesbian space witch virgin birth" that is somehow suppose to destroy what made Anakin special.

This real interesting thing is we don't even know that. How did she "create" them exactly? We've seen all sorts of tech.

And if it was immaculate Midichlorians, maybe it was Plagueis all along as I think you were surmising earlier.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Original Poster
I think I figured out what was going on with the 'controversy'

I see that a couple of the reviewers are the truly toxic fan types, that apparently did not get the support they thought they were going to on the manufactured problems with the episodes they received. It's a bit funny everyone has shrugged from most corners of the internet right now that really nothing was controversial (quality and child acting notwithstanding).

Here is one having a meltdown.

View attachment 791259
What the frell?!

Forbes is supposed to be a business magazine. When did they hire a Twitter troll to churn out episode by episode 'critiques'?

Do they have a week by week breakdown of Young Sheldon, or is there something about a Disney-StarWars property attracting specific attention? Anyone there thinking of running for president?


Premium Member
I'm sorry, you can go into another read between the lines monologue if you want.
First couple of hundred tipped you off, huh?
But Disney has struggled with their shows in my opinion. The consistency just isn't there so far with this show. Sure it's just 3 episodes and hopefully it gets better. But as of now we have two just average episodes and one I'll say sub par episode in my opinion.
That’s really a “you” problem…the fact they keep doing it is irrelevant…

Maybe you try watching standing on your head? 😎


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Original Poster
Hey Penguin, tell this guy how much I defend Disney’s decisions regarding the parks. That’s me. A big ol’Pixie Duster.

But yes, you in particular are absolutely incapable of anything other than an obsessive need to “get” Disney.
I've had him on ignore for what, now... two years. He wouldn't leave me alone. Became an obsessive stalker. When I didn't respond to him, he kept trying to loop me in on all his Kathleen Kennedy derangement syndrome. I warned him I'd block him and he didn't stop. So, he's blocked and for ever will be. When I set a boundary, it is set.

I have to laugh at all the people responding to posts I don't see and see their exhaustion dealing with him.

Anyway, to anyone who may be listening, @Casper Gutman and I have both good and bad things to say about the parks -- maybe in different proportions. People trying to apply labels of "pixie dusters" or "shills" to anyone are just engaging in ad hominem and haven't progressed emotionally from playground taunts. Especially when it's clear they can't abide anyone having a different opinion and feel the need to constantly shout their opinion into the void thinking it will change other people's opinion. Then they confuse that those who've walked away have conceded the argument to them, when in reality, they're just disgusted with them.

Did I mention that Kathleen Kennedy still runs Star Wars and hasn't been fired?

Fun times. ;)


Premium Member
Hey Penguin, tell this guy how much I defend Disney’s decisions regarding the parks. That’s me. A big ol’Pixie Duster.

But yes, you in particular are absolutely incapable of anything other than an obsessive need to “get” Disney.
Acceptance is the first step to recovery…

And word of advice: if you want a character witness…it helps if you don’t get one the prosecution has on film taking handfuls of cash from the mobsters


Premium Member
A certain bird tried to say the last Johnson was the same as empire strikes back…

And couldn’t pivot out of it.

Keep me on ignore forever! The world is a better place.


Well-Known Member
Sigh...another thread that has been terribly derailed by off-topic bickering.
This thread is supposed to be about The Acolyte.

For myself, so far, it seems clunky. The third episode in particular has numerous, "Huh? That doesn't really make sense" moments. I also don't think the show has a good hook yet.

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