SPOILER: The Acolyte -- Disney+ Star Wars -- begins June 5, 2024

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I don’t even understand what your trying to say here.
You were saying the article was trash. So I'm just saying go check it out for yourself and see if what the article states is true. That is exactly what I did, just to see if what the article was saying is true, which I confirmed.

I'm bringing the receipts, I'm just asking you to verify it for yourself.

Let’s not argue this.

Let’s just agree that Disney Star Wars is amazing and it’s never been better.
No one claimed this. I never disputed your own opinions on this show nor is that what anyone is talking about. If you legitimately dislike the show, or think its just meh, that is your opinion. But what is being discussed is a larger issue that is happening right now. If you choose to not acknowledge its happening that is up to you.

I sure wish all those racist bots would go away, and then we could all be a lot happier.
This I would agree with, though I wouldn't use that phrase. If things like this weren't review bombed we all could have a real discussion on things. But unfortunately its the nature of where things are right now.


Well-Known Member
So I thought the third episode was boring and kind of a disappointment after the first two episodes were at entertaining. I actually thought the opening scene was great - showing the difference between the sisters - before it devolved into some clunky dialogue and acting. The scenes with the coven were weird (if there is anything I’d say was “cringey” in the show, that would be it) and simultaneously didn’t really tell us much about them. I mean, I’m curious as to how they relate to the Night Sisters, et al but can’t really tell. Maybe more will be revealed but I felt like kind of needed more information now to be engaged.

I wasn’t happy with the portrayal of the Jedi (until Sol later in the episode). They came across as despotic and controlling which doesn’t really fit IMHO with past depictions. I’m fine with them being haughty, know it alls, having hubris but they never seemed overtly mean and this didn’t seem like they were there for “the better good” but more for to promote themselves. Seemed really off. I think I agree with an earlier post that it feels like is someone who doesn’t like real religions taking it out on the Jedi and added some degree of commentary there.

I guess we’ll see the real reason the witches died and what the Jedi did wrong that led the one guy to willingly kill himself. But I can’t say I really all care that much. I’m more just curious about Sol - this episode did make him more intriguing and likable - and his Padawan as well as finding out who the Sith(?) character is and how s/he connects to the greater SW story

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Review padding is less of a thing, but ok I'll give you that. But go look at that article I just posted. There is obviously a concerted effort to bring down the review scores of any Star Wars content, so much so it took down a 2008 film of the same name and a fan film of the same name.
That's the thing, I 100% agree that there's a group, not trying to take down star wars alone, but trying to take down anything Disney. My point of contention has always been they aren't ruining star wars and they are not responsible for low viewership. And as I've said many times, it just doesn't hold water. Rogue one, mando s1 & s2, Andor all go against the claims. Solo was everything you guys say these fans want, yet it flopped hard.
Don't let your own disapproval of current Star Wars and LFL/Disney management cloud the reality of the situation.
I guess I'd ask what's the reality of the situation? I'm pretty sure my reality and yours are completely different. I could just as easily say don't let your approval of LFL/Dis cloud the reality. My reality is I love star wars and I want the best for it. I absolutely will support star wars. What I won't do is blindly support them. And I see a lot of that with these first 3 episodes.
If you really want to compare and contrast reviews then you need to do like for like.
So nothing can ever be compared? I was told that I couldn't compare a show like the acolyte to fallout because one was general audience and the other was mature. So then I compare it with Echo, Disneys "mature" branded show, and yet still not comparable?
Ignore the headline if it's that triggering for you.

The article very clearly states they're talking about a vocal minority with an axe to grind.
Why ignore it? Is the headline not supposed to be what the article is about? Yes they talked about it being a minority in the last 5th or so. The problem is they went through the majority of the article blaming the toxic fanbase for all the problems with star wars. Saying it can't be enjoyed because of it. That No one hates Star Wars more than those who claim to be Star Wars fans. I claim to be a fan so I guess that means me.. Like I said, I agree with what the article was trying to say. They just did it extremely poorly. It comes off as a rant the same as all the haters they are complaining about.

Is this group of idiots a problem? Sure they are. Are they effecting star wars like the article is claiming? Not at all. Word of mouth is immensely more powerful, good or bad. If people are watching the acolyte and they like it, they will tell others, and it will pickup. If it doesn't get any better, that will spread as well.

We need to stop giving them power. You might not think so, or maybe you don't see it. But articles like this just feed into that toxic group. It gives them justification. "See, there goes the media again blaming the fans again." And the next thing you know there is a video titled, star wars is dead, and the media blames the you, the fans! Stop giving them press, and their influence is extremely diminished.
Please read above for industry consensus.
I did... and you are dodging the question. Why do you think that Samba would have better information about who watches what show then Disney themselves where everyone who watches their show HAS to login, They know who watches what and for how long.
This isn’t just my opinion; it’s based on real data and industry consensus.
Citation needed. Show me the source that says Netflix, Disney, HBO values Samba's data ABOVE their own.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
That's the thing, I 100% agree that there's a group, not trying to take down star wars alone, but trying to take down anything Disney.
Ok, good I'm glad we can agree that its actually happening. It seemed like you were denying it was happening or at least was trying to downplay it.

My point of contention has always been they aren't ruining star wars and they are not responsible for low viewership. And as I've said many times, it just doesn't hold water. Rogue one, mando s1 & s2, Andor all go against the claims.
However I'd counter with the point that many do let review scores sway their opinion on what they should watch. We have a poster here that almost proudly made the same statement on their viewership habits. So if you have a group that is artificially causing the review scores to go down then why would they be doing that if not to effect the viewership numbers? And this is the problem, we cannot have a true conversation on how things are really doing because of those artificial review scores.

Solo was everything you guys say these fans want, yet it flopped hard.
I never made that claim, so I'm not part of "you guys". I honestly don't know what fans want, especially recently. I've made the statement many times that no one should try to speak for the entire fandom let alone try say what it wants.

Many say "just make good Star Wars". Yet no one seems to be able to say what that is. And the reason is because the fandom cannot unanimously with a single voice state what that is. And that is because there isn't a single opinion on what makes "good Star Wars" for the entire fandom means.

I guess I'd ask what's the reality of the situation?
That the effort made to bring down Star Wars is affecting the viewership numbers.

I'm pretty sure my reality and yours are completely different. I could just as easily say don't let your approval of LFL/Dis cloud the reality. My reality is I love star wars and I want the best for it. I absolutely will support star wars. What I won't do is blindly support them. And I see a lot of that with these first 3 episodes.
As I've said many times, I like what I like and dislike what I don't. I make no apologies if what I like isn't something that someone else doesn't, and vice-versa. Just because I like current Star Wars content doesn't mean I blindly support it. If I didn't like it I would say so.

So nothing can ever be compared? I was told that I couldn't compare a show like the acolyte to fallout because one was general audience and the other was mature. So then I compare it with Echo, Disneys "mature" branded show, and yet still not comparable?
Nope not what I said. What I said is you're trying to compare things that are actually different and calling them the same just because they fit your criteria. Echo while mature was a 100% diverse cast, Fallout is not the same even though it was considered mature due to its primarily white cast.

If you want to compare Echo to something you should be comparing it to another recently released show with a 100% diverse cast and see if they had similar viewership issues.

Although I will bring up again, even though you said you don't care, Fallout too was review bombed for various reasons by the game fan base including for casting a female in the lead role, it was even brought up on the IMDB forums -



Well-Known Member
I’m didn’t bother to look this up, but didn’t that old show on Netflix “Suits” just become a big thing?

Would it bother you to know that the Acolyte has a higher viewership than Suits?

Now granted - I doubt the majority of the audience actually consumed the entire series. There’s a huge difference between sticking with a 3 episode series versus a 141 one. But the premier of Acolyte is actually not bad. Even if I’m sure more than 9 million people watched the first season of suits. But well under 9 million actually finished it.

I’m still in the camp of the series is ok. I’ll stick with it, but it’s going to need an uptick for the audience to stick with it.


Well-Known Member
Stop giving examples that don’t support the talking points.

Everything negative said about Star Wars is from bigoted 34 year olds living in Moms basement.

LMAO. So I take it no one has any idea of the toxicity surrounding the sequel?

Hold onto your butts at they say. Last of Us is a very, very bad example. Fortunately I think general audiences will roll with it better than the fan base did.


Well-Known Member
Would it bother you to know that the Acolyte has a higher viewership than Suits?

Now granted - I doubt the majority of the audience actually consumed the entire series. There’s a huge difference between sticking with a 3 episode series versus a 141 one. But the premier of Acolyte is actually not bad. Even if I’m sure more than 9 million people watched the first season of suits. But well under 9 million actually finished it.

I’m still in the camp of the series is ok. I’ll stick with it, but it’s going to need an uptick for the audience to stick with it.
Well if a brand new Star Wars show didn’t have a higher viewership than Suits that would mean the franchise is dead.

I was making the point that series with more episodes per season can still succeed if the show is good.

The viewership for the Acoylte is not great and will drop even more over the following weeks.

Disneys carefully worded hype spin machine “most streamed show on D+ of 2024” for shill media to write about is nonsense.

Congrats you beat out Bluey!!

No one watches D+ it doesn’t even have that many more viewers than Peacock.


Well-Known Member
I was making the point that series with more episodes per season can still succeed if the show is good.

My apologies, I sort of landed on your post backwards. Cinematic kept comping Suits to everything under the sun and I subsequently reached your post as the origin, but that wasn’t your point.

The viewership for the Acoylte is not great and will drop even more over the following weeks.

Disneys carefully worded hype spin machine “most streamed show on D+ of 2024” for shill media to write about is nonsense.

Congrats you beat out Bluey!!

No one watches D+ it doesn’t even have that many more viewers than Peacock.

I don’t understand or think the rest of your points are at all close to reality. Bluey is also a major success (and ironically an actual good-comp for Suits). Disney+ viewership far outstrips Peacock if Nielsen is to be believed.

I think you must be including live sports in the equation to bring Peacock up? Fair enough I guess, but not really.

Acolyte had a very good premiere. It still is ahead of Andor, which is clearly metrically a success to Disney. Though it may lessen and fall behind it so I’m very open to that possibility.


Well-Known Member
My apologies, I sort of landed on your post backwards. Cinematic kept comping Suits to everything under the sun and I subsequently reached your post as the origin, but that wasn’t your point.

I don’t understand or think the rest of your points are at all close to reality. Bluey is also a major success (and ironically an actual good-comp for Suits). Disney+ viewership far outstrips Peacock if Nielsen is to be believed.

I think you must be including live sports in the equation to bring Peacock up? Fair enough I guess, but not really.

Acolyte had a very good premiere. It still is ahead of Andor, which is clearly metrically a success to Disney. Though it may lessen and fall behind it so I’m very open to that possibility.
Here is the info I have, maybe you have more context you can add to it.

YouTube: 9.6 percent of all TV use
Netflix: 7.6 percent
Prime Video: 3.2 percent
Hulu: 3.1 percent
Disney+: 1.8 percent
Tubi: 1.7 percent
Roku Channel: 1.4 percent
Peacock: 1.3 percent
Max: 1.2 percent
Paramount+: 1 percent
Pluto TV: 0.8 percent
All others: 5.8 percent

Source: Hollywood Reporter


Well-Known Member
Here is the info I have, maybe you have more context you can add to it.

YouTube: 9.6 percent of all TV use
Netflix: 7.6 percent
Prime Video: 3.2 percent
Hulu: 3.1 percent
Disney+: 1.8 percent
Tubi: 1.7 percent
Roku Channel: 1.4 percent
Peacock: 1.3 percent
Max: 1.2 percent
Paramount+: 1 percent
Pluto TV: 0.8 percent
All others: 5.8 percent

Source: Hollywood Reporter

That includes sports viewing, Olympics and live TV (which really help Hulu and Peacock), that occurs via the platform. Original content on Peacock is not that proportionally strong.

Max includes linear HBO.

I mean you aren’t wrong, it’s just a bit misleading and needs a contextual explanation. Disney market share is spread out over Linear (including FX), ESPN, Hulu and D+. But D+ shows and movies get disproportionally more views than many other services for their membership. Even though a movie like Super Mario should be huge, it barely registered when it was only on Peacock, it needed the subscriber base of Netflix.


Well-Known Member
That includes sports viewing, Olympics and live TV (which really help Hulu and Peacock), that occurs via the platform. Original content on Peacock is not that proportionally strong.

Max includes linear HBO.

I mean you aren’t wrong, it’s just a bit misleading and needs a contextual explanation. Disney market share is spread out over Linear (including FX), ESPN, Hulu and D+. But D+ shows and movies get disproportionally more views than many other services for their membership. Even though a movie like Super Mario should be huge, it barely registered when it was only on Peacock, it needed the subscriber base of Netflix.
It still seems low compared to YouTube Netflix and Prime.

I don’t think Netflix has many live sports ( I haven’t seen any ) so that seems like a close comparison.

Looks like Disney has 1/4 of the viewership of Netflix even though it has a similar amount of subs.

That’s why something always feels off to me about D+. We have the subs but not the viewers. I would think if people don’t actually watch D+, they may at some point unsubscribe.
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Well-Known Member

Same old song and dance at Disney. Make a lackluster show, blame the fans and racism.

Does anyone over there take accountability for their failures?


Well-Known Member
It still seems low compared to YouTube Netflix and Prime.

I don’t think Netflix has many live sports ( I haven’t seen any ) so that seems like a close comparison.

Looks like Disney has 1/4 of the viewership of Netflix even though it has a similar amount of subs.

That’s why something always feels off to me about D+. We have the subs but not the viewers. I would think if people don’t actually watch D+, they may at some point unsubscribe.

That’s very fair, Netflix has 50% more domestic subscribers. But it also has 5x more content. There’s a balance there for sure.

Way more shows fail on Netflix at a higher ratio than D+, but they get a lot longer eyeballs on their app because there inevitably something new usually there.

Netflix probably is the best comp for D+ because both are two of really the only pure streamers. Chapek was taking D+ in the Netflix route (burn content for eyeballs) and Iger walked it back semi-aggressively. Though the original vision for D+ was to be more like Apple TV, so it’s sort of in the middle.


Well-Known Member
I did... and you are dodging the question. Why do you think that Samba would have better information about who watches what show then Disney themselves where everyone who watches their show HAS to login, They know who watches what and for how long.

Citation needed. Show me the source that says Netflix, Disney, HBO values Samba's data ABOVE their own.
Disney has access to detailed data but their selective release practices mean consumers may not see the full picture. In contrast, Samba TV’s approach provides more comprehensive and unbiased viewership information, making it a better resource for consumers seeking to understand viewing trends.
-Samba TV collects data from millions of opted-in smart TVs and devices, giving a wide and diverse sample of viewing habits. This broad scope helps to capture a more representative viewership landscape compared to the data Disney might choose to share.
-As an independent third-party analytics firm, Samba TV does not have a vested interest in promoting specific content. This independence ensures that the data provided is not influenced by the need to market or position certain shows favorably.

I have gained a deeper trust in Samba TV after learning more about their data capabilities and industry partnerships. With their comprehensive and real-time viewership data, utilized by top-tier companies like Disney and validated by independent organizations such as Frost & Sullivan, I believe that the information Samba TV provides is both accurate and reliable. It’s reassuring to know that their data helps optimize advertising campaigns and ensures precise audience measurement across multiple platforms. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this insight with you.

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erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Ok, good I'm glad we can agree that its actually happening. It seemed like you were denying it was happening or at least was trying to downplay it.
Than you haven't been listening to what I've been saying. I've always condemned the harassment. I've always said there is a group that hates Disney. Do I downplay it? I'd say yes. Because I don't believe it has as large of an effect as is made out. Some media, by the rules I've seen on here, shouldn't be successful. But they are and it's downplayed. but when it's not successful or taking heat, it's back to Twitter is killing star wars!

Why didn't people watch solo? White male lead, 3 hugely popular characters, big cameo at the end, great action sequences, compelling side characters. Yet it didn't resonate. Why isn't the hate mob blamed constantly for bringing it down? Same goes for rogue one on the other side. The mob hates diversity yet the most diverse film has the best track record from a huge amount of fans. It seems to only be a problem when people want to assign blame to something other than the creators.
We have a poster here that almost proudly made the same statement on their viewership habits. So if you have a group that is artificially causing the review scores to go down then why would they be doing that if not to effect the viewership numbers?
Yes, they are doing it to bring down viewership numbers. And yes some people will make decisions based on these scores. But honestly, do you believe in your heart that it's enough to really bring down something like star wars? maybe I'm naive, but I just don't see it.
I never made that claim, so I'm not part of "you guys". I honestly don't know what fans want, especially recently.
There's a group here that constantly thows fans aren't happy unless it's a white male lead and is part of Skywalker Saga... And if you haven't said something like that, sorry. But I've heard it many times from the lucasfilm supporters, which I know you are part of. And that's fine that you are. That's why I said you guys.
As I've said many times, I like what I like and dislike what I don't. I make no apologies if what I like isn't something that someone else doesn't, and vice-versa. Just because I like current Star Wars content doesn't mean I blindly support it. If I didn't like it I would say so.
Here's where the big disconnect comes in. You can like what you like, I've said more times than I can remember, I like things that are considered bad. The difference is I'm not going to accuse people that they have some agenda because they don't agree with me. And that has been something that has happened with a whole group of posters on here.

The acolyte is getting hammered by the usual suspects. That should be no surprise to anyone. But there is a lot wrong with these first 3 episodes. Legitimate issues, not made up nonsense like, the twins have two moms, star wars can never recover! The 3rd episode wasn't great for me. Why? Because it did very little for the story overall. It would have worked so much better if it was part of the first episode. Or split between that and the 2nd. The threads not something you weild, 5 seconds later you're weilding it. The dramatic shot to show a completely stone fortress, only to have it burn down from a book being lit on fire? It goes on and on. You're just going to hand some random kid your lightsaber in a room willed with darkside witches? These are valid complaints, not just Mae and Osha are poc so star wars sucks!
Echo while mature was a 100% diverse cast, Fallout is not the same even though it was considered mature due to its primarily white cast.
We'll have to disagree on this one. Just a glance at both echo and fallouts imdb page tell a different story. Take the main cast of Echo. In the top cast you have all indigenous and a few white people in the top 25 or so. In fallout you have a much broader diversity set. Sure there's more white people as you say, but isn't the goal more representation? Fallout has at least 6 distinct diverse groups including transgender. Last I checked 6 is more than 2. So maybe our definition or what qualifies as diversity is different. But I'd say both shows are very diverse and are more than ok to compare. So it will have to be an agree to disagree on this one.
Disney has access to detailed data but their selective release practices mean consumers may not see the full picture.
ok what do you think that means. And how does that releate to the questions I asked. You know how you think Samaba has better info about Disney's shows then their own program.

btw I think you missunderstood all the articles you read. The "Industry" they are talking about isn't the Entertainment industry. They are talking about the Advertising industry, specifically Television Viewer industry. The only reason that still exists is because streaming doesn't share their numbers and the networks still use it.
This broad scope helps to capture a more representative viewership landscape compared to the data Disney might choose to share.
how? How does Samba capture a more representiative viewership if they get way less then half of the viewer data then Disney has?
I have gained a deeper trust in Samba TV after learning more about their data capabilities and industry partnerships
this is something that is known to happen when you read a lot of press releases and drink the kool aid without asking very basic questions.
With their comprehensive and real-time viewership data,
Which Disney already has better data of their own viewrship then Samba.
. It’s reassuring to know that their data helps optimize advertising campaigns

hmmm but you said

“The audience knows” cuts through the noise, it’s very straightforward. Look at the recent success of Inside Out 2 compared to Wish. IO 2 is packing theaters and topping viewership charts because people want to see it. No amount of PR spin or cultural factors can change the fundamental truth that people choose what they want to watch.

so which is it? Does PR and advertising work or not?

So please answer the question.

Why do you think that Samba has more accurate information about Disney's shows then Disney themselves?

and I ask again Citation needed. Show me the source that says Netflix, Disney, HBO values Samba's data ABOVE their own.


Well-Known Member
ok what do you think that means. And how does that releate to the questions I asked. You know how you think Samaba has better info about Disney's shows then their own program.

btw I think you missunderstood all the articles you read. The "Industry" they are talking about isn't the Entertainment industry. They are talking about the Advertising industry, specifically Television Viewer industry. The only reason that still exists is because streaming doesn't share their numbers and the networks still use it.

how? How does Samba capture a more representiative viewership if they get way less then half of the viewer data then Disney has?

this is something that is known to happen when you read a lot of press releases and drink the kool aid without asking very basic questions.

Which Disney already has better data of their own viewrship then Samba.

hmmm but you said

so which is it? Does PR and advertising work or not?

So please answer the question.

Why do you think that Samba has more accurate information about Disney's shows then Disney themselves?

and I ask again Citation needed. Show me the source that says Netflix, Disney, HBO values Samba's data ABOVE their own.
I’ve answered your questions with detailed information in all my previous comments on Samba TV and how an audience knows what it wants to see.
If you need to study further, the information is readily available in those posts.
Thank you for having such a curious desire to truly understand how amazing Samba TV is. Would you like to be part of their television analytics team?
If you’re interested in exploring further or potentially joining the team, you can find more information here…
Last edited:
I’ve answered your questions with detailed information in all my previous comments on Samba TV and how an audience knows what it wants to see.
If you need to study further, the information is readily available in those posts.
Thank you for having such a curious desire to truly understand how amazing Samba TV is. Would you like to be part of their television analytics team?
If you’re interested in exploring further or potentially joining the team, you can find more information here…
no you haven't.

Very simple question why do YOU CinematicFusion, think that Samba has more accurate information about Disneyplus viewership then Disneyplus?

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