Spirited Spring Break News, Observations & Thoughts ...


Premium Member
There is evil in the world and the costs of defeating this continue to rise. To portray the Defense industry as money hungry leaches, only interested in self preservation is a stretch.

As far as defense contractors not being money hungry leeches, do you really think the Billionaires that own and operate them spend even half their time in our country? Most have mansions in the south of France and on private islands and they are far more excited about profiting from conflict than protecting you or I. Eisenhower warned the people about the military industrial complex and how if left unchecked it had the power to be a disaster for the American people. That was in his farewell address over 50 years ago, and it was coming from the prezident himself. Do you think the MIC slowed down since then? They can easily afford to pay people obsurd amounts for the types of jobs @WDW1974 speaks of.


Well-Known Member
As far as defense contractors not being money hungry leeches, do you really think the Billionaires that own and operate them spend even half their time in our country? Most have mansions in the south of France and on private islands and they are far more excited about profiting from conflict than protecting you or I. Eisenhower warned the people about the military industrial complex and how if left unchecked it had the power to be a disaster for the American people. That was in his farewell address over 50 years ago, and it was coming from the prezident himself. Do you think the MIC slowed down since then? They can easily afford to pay people obsurd amounts for the types of jobs @WDW1974 speaks of.
You tell me, of the 250,000 plus working at a Boeing, Lockheed, GD, Raytheon or Northrop, how many fit into your little portrayal. The majority? I think not. The vast majority are hard working middle to upper middle class believing that what they do is making a difference. I suppose the age old argument of "How would you like it if the defense industry packed up and moved out", I am sure we could count on no one trying to take advantage of us then, right? Thank god all of this Cyber warfare is just made up science fiction
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Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
I just read that. Wow, how disappointing.


hahaha My God. It just keeps getting worse and worse


Premium Member
You tell me, of the 250,000 plus working at a Boeing, Lockheed, GD, Raytheon or Northrop, how many fit into your little portrayal. The majority? I think not. The vast majority are hard working middle to upper middle class believing that what they do is making a difference. I suppose the age old argument of "How would you like it if the defense industry packed up and moved out", I am sure we could count on no one trying to take advantage of us then, right? Thank god all of this Cyber warfare is just made up science fiction
The people who work there are good people, not arguing that. The ones making the real profits (and i mean in the billions) are the ones I am referring to. The fact that America is the country that pays the most is more of a reason as to why we are protected by them. Them and the banksters create and supply both sides of any major conflict. You think nations become economically unstable because of its citizens? lol


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A kind reader forwarded this blog to me and it is quite interesting as it sets a very detailed decade-long plan for DLP (sorry to its critics, but the resort isn't going to be closed for condos and Walmarts!)

Much of it, I absolutely can confirm (basically the next three years of projects leading up a planned HUGE 25th Anniversary celebration that will run from April of 2017 thru August of 2018) ... the other more far-ranging stuff I can't confirm but certainly follows much of what I have heard and what I already see being done there.

Finally, wouldn't it be great if WDW had a 10-year-plan? A legit one ... one that covered every park as well as resorts and infrastructure? Well, at least they have a DVC plan for the next five years, right?

Enjoy the read ...



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You know, most people would think spending any amount of time discussing WDW on the internet would be weird. I don't think any of us are right to judge someone's interests. It's not for me, but why do I care what other people do? There's a lot of "pot calling the kettle black" in this thread and it's annoying.

I disagree, naturally.

While one could argue about folks spending time on a forum dedicated to WDW (and theme parks/resorts), the same could be said about the characters on Flyer Talk, Cruise Critic or a forum devoted to everything from the New York Jets to Star Trek to refinishing antique furniture.

Ultimately, we are all fans of WDW, which is the common thread ...

But just because I love WDW, does not mean I am the same as someone who would stalk Princesses or foamheads, it doesn't mean I am a BRAND advocate like a Lou Mongello, Ricky Brigante or even Deb Wills.

And when it comes to taking shots at people for what I believe is creepy abhorrent behavior, I will gladly do so.

So while I may love the creative output of WDI (for instance), I don't think that it's OK for Imagineers or ex-Imagineers to rape teenagers. Extreme example, but in light of recent news I think it fits.

What I see and love about WDW may be vastly different than you ...

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
A kind reader forwarded this blog to me and it is quite interesting as it sets a very detailed decade-long plan for DLP (sorry to its critics, but the resort isn't going to be closed for condos and Walmarts!)

Much of it, I absolutely can confirm (basically the next three years of projects leading up a planned HUGE 25th Anniversary celebration that will run from April of 2017 thru August of 2018) ... the other more far-ranging stuff I can't confirm but certainly follows much of what I have heard and what I already see being done there.

Finally, wouldn't it be great if WDW had a 10-year-plan? A legit one ... one that covered every park as well as resorts and infrastructure? Well, at least they have a DVC plan for the next five years, right?

Enjoy the read ...


Thanks, I am intrigued to see Disney's Marvel theme. The Uni one never cut it for me though it's not bad. I would prefer the modern real world setting that the movies have recently brought to life as opposed to the comic look in Uni and similarly used with Roger Rabbit.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I have to be honest, just like the kid in the black tshirt, I never thought I'd see a dinosaur give birth to a human.

I like the CM waving goodbye to the last bit of creativity this company seems to have.

Oh how I wish THIS was the 1,000,000th post here. I'd love to see it pinned somewhere.

Or, framed. Well done, sir. (Ma'am?)


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He was just pointing out that not all of the adults in line are holding a place for children - some are, some aren't. Some adults like to have pictures taken with characters. Some have crossed into stalkish behaviors, and may have personality disorders, but others just think it's fun. That doesn't mean the latter group have any sort of mental illness, or are some sort of deviants.

Which is what too many people in this thread have implied - heck, stated outright in some cases.

Not nice.

Absolutely true. It is also true that SOME of the adults are creepers ... some are even adults who don't have Disney Lifestyle sites or blogs too!

I don't mind posing for a picture with Daisy or Stitch (remember when they were both stationed at the EPCOT entrance for years?) if they want a picture with a real celebrity. But it isn't something I'd regularly engage in.


Well-Known Member
A kind reader forwarded this blog to me and it is quite interesting as it sets a very detailed decade-long plan for DLP (sorry to its critics, but the resort isn't going to be closed for condos and Walmarts!)

Much of it, I absolutely can confirm (basically the next three years of projects leading up a planned HUGE 25th Anniversary celebration that will run from April of 2017 thru August of 2018) ... the other more far-ranging stuff I can't confirm but certainly follows much of what I have heard and what I already see being done there.

Finally, wouldn't it be great if WDW had a 10-year-plan? A legit one ... one that covered every park as well as resorts and infrastructure? Well, at least they have a DVC plan for the next five years, right?

Enjoy the read ...


Great read. It would be nice if most of those things materialize. No mention of the campground. I always thought it was out of sight...out of mind. Midway Mania will be a nice addition as that area of the park is lacking and almost has the feel that it was planned with an addition in mind.

I wonder if BTM will get new trains or if the addition of the extra car will fix the design flaw? (Every night when they cycle out they have to run the last train with CMs or load it up with sandbags otherwise the train will not make it back to the station. They cannot run empty trains.)


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Not doubting you, I know you have very reliable sources, but as somebody who was there...that doesn't seem right at all. Despite the weather, MK was an absolute nightmare to navigate all vacation. The park was chaos on Wednesday and Thursday (except for EMH) and Easter itself was packed, at least the hours I was there. Keep in mind I have no numbers and my experience is totally anecdotale. The entire experience, coupled with how INCREDIBLY filthy the MK was, made me cautious about ever visiting the MK during peak hours. Morning was fine, but afternoon and evening was quite unejoyable. It was simply too crowded.

The MK always FEELS packed these days. I keep pointing out an early December 2009 visit as the last time I recall being at the MK on an uncrowded FEELING day (it was light rain, gloomy, cool ... loved it). But just because it felt crowded to you (or anyone) doesn't make it so. Also, please don't take that as an insult. It isn't meant that way ... just a statement of reality.

The park has walls up all over the place and attracts people who love pushing double wide strollers or driving ECVs ... add to that FP+ inflated waits that puts more people onto walkways and you have that crowded feeling.

But the reality is Easter was one of the least crowded this century.

Epcot on the other hand, and even DHS/DAK were crowded but very very enjoyable. As was my stay at the Dolphin. As much as I love the other Epcot resorts, economically, it doesnt make any sense to stay at them when the Swan and Dolphin are right there, with the same amenities, for much, much less.

Well, I think that just makes you smart. I love Swan and Dolphin. I don't get why people would be paying $521 for a room at the BW when the Dolphin was offering rooms at $149 a night. Again, Pixie Dust is apparently more costly and powerful than that blue stuff that Walt and Jesse were cooking up in the RV in New Mexico.


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We did a lot of sightseeing too. I just replied to Tom's question about that, so check out that post. But on a trip like this, we absolutely go non-stop. We're one of those families that live by the mantra "we can sleep when we get home". Even our 5 year old (who did 2 weeks in Japan and 8 1/2 days at TDL without a stroller and didn't complain once) was pushing us to keep going every single day. It's funny... We probably took our time the most at the parks, just because we knew we had so much time there. But I could feel our pace quickening the last 3 or 4 days in the parks... Like we knew it was winding down.

You are so right to say that so many on this board COULD make a trip to TDL work if they really wanted to. You're so right. If people really knew what they would experience while over there, it would be such an easy decision to skip one (or maybe two) WDW trips in lieu of traveling to the other side of the planet. But it's a daunting proposition for so many that just haven't been anywhere where English isn't the primary language. It can be scary. I get it. But so is trying to plan for that first family WDW trip, isn't it?? Where will I eat? Where will I stay? How will I get around? It's a lot of the same questions. I want to say this out loud: If anyone reading this has thought about visiting TDL and hasn't gotten serious about it because they're nervous or unsure of what to expect or are just too worried about how to tackle it, PM me. I would be GLAD to help and offer any advice or answer any questions you might have. All of you are huge WDW fans. You all DESERVE to see the best and experience the best. I would be happy to help.

You're for sure right about the dinner shows. It was quickly obvious that they have purposely chosen not to implement anything for foreigners to book. It would take very little effort to offer an English version of their booking site, and they just don't. But did I let that stop me? No sir. In hindsight, do I WISH I would have let it stop me?? Possibly. :hilarious:

I completely agree with you that Disney helps foster that entitlement mentality. I think they're stuck in a vicious circle that I fear they can't (or won't) get out of. Doing so would mean numbers wouldn't increase at every annual review, and we all know they can't have that. They've gotta feed the beast. I'm reminded of a little plant that appeared during a "total eclipse of the sun"... The parallels are pretty interesting...

I think TDR is honestly worth 3-4 trips to WDW, although most people could simply give up 1-2 trips to do it.

Most WDW visitors have no idea what true Disney (OLC) quality is because they are too young to have experienced it in the USA or they have forgotten because it has been so long since it has existed here.


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One other note on TDL...

They started enforcing FP return times 2 days before we arrived.

Makes me wonder what's in store for the resort over the next couple years...

Actually, I've been told that TDR has ALWAYS enforced the FP return times, but that they have unofficially usually let them slide for the few Westerners who visit.

Does Disney wish to pass off NGE costs on the OLC? As my beloved Sarah would say, ''You betcha!'' Do you think the OLC is run by execs that stupid?

But I'd expect to see some aspects of NGE/MM+ in Paris as part of Disney pumping money into the resort. More things like entrance work, maybe even the expansion of FP and planning apps ... but no way a full scale WDW deal. That isn't even going to wind up in Anaheim.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think that just makes you smart. I love Swan and Dolphin. I don't get why people would be paying $521 for a room at the BW when the Dolphin was offering rooms at $149 a night. Again, Pixie Dust is apparently more costly and powerful than that blue stuff that Walt and Jesse were cooking up in the RV in New Mexico.
Don't underestimate the appeal of Pennywise from It.

After all, this at the Boardwalk:


Is eerily reminiscent of this:

"They all float down here."


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Do you think the low capacity in the parks (filled parks) vs the low occupancy rates in the Disney branded hotels at WDW finally made him see red alert and change his posture on "sell as expensive as possible and always count pennies" ?

No. I don't.

I think he is very interested in finding out just what type of boondoggle he ignorantly approved has brought to WDW because execs like George Kalogridis and Meg Crofton and Nick Franklin are not known far and wide for their honesty.


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Glad I'm not the only one that's getting tired of the direction this discussion is taking. While I love the passion and debates that are present in these threads, the hypocrisy, groupthink and elitism drives me up the wall.

Let's see ... hypocrisy? how so? where?

Groupthink? Is that just a fancy way of saying folks agreeing with each other is a bad thing when their opinion is negative?

Elitism? When is being elite a bad thing? Because it means others are less than elite? I hate that line that has run thru our Walmarted society over the last 15-20 years that being elite is a bad thing ...


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On this trip, we stayed at the Hilton Tokyo Bay, which literally has a monorail stop in front of it, and from our room we had a perfect view of the castle and space mountain. The resort is much like Disneyland in that there are great, economical hotel choices literally right outside the gate.

They DO have Disney resorts though. They have the Disneyland Hotel, which is beautiful and 200 feet outside the Magic Kingdom entrance... And they have the Mira Costa, which is an amazing hotel that literally sits INSIDE Disney Sea. We stayed at the Mira Costa in 2008, because we thought it would be a once in a lifetime trip... So we had to do it. But those rooms are $700 PER NIGHT.

We got TWO rooms at the Hilton (one for us, and one for the kids! :D) for half that, plus it included what we thought was a great breakfast buffet every morning. We got "happy magic" rooms, too... Which our little one loved. Each room had a magic mirror, one wall had a key and lock that when you turned it would light lights and make noises, and the walls and ceiling were painted as if you were sleeping under a tree.

Disney also has the Ambassador hotel, which is the more "budget" choice... But it was still way more than the Hilton, and funny enough, a lot further from the parks than we were.

From our room, it was about a 3 minute walk to the monorail stop, then the first stop was Disney Sea. Two stops later was Disneyland. It was nice at the end of a long day to hop on at DL and go one stop and be "home".

EDIT TO ADD: I happen to have a pic on this computer of our view when we stayed in the Mira Costa. How about waking up to THIS view every morning of your trip??

I would have a very tough time coughing $700 a night up for a room at the Mira Costa, as nice as it is. ... My plan is to spend a few nights there on my next trip, but I have seen rates as low as half that and I am hoping that happens on my trip. If not, I will likely not stay there.

Maybe I should ask this flock of followers that I allegedly have to start a Kickstarter cmapaign to fund me a week at the Mira Costa?

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