It's funny (or actually just typical of people today), but when you criticize what is popular to criticize in the fan community (that would be Disney, at least in Orlando) people egg you on and enjoy it. But when you raise legit issues about a company that some people feel (incorrectly) can now do no wrong (UNI), that they start whining and the claws come out and they take cheap shots in the Twitverse.
It is amusing.
Universal isn't perfect, guys/gals. It hasn't suddenly become the gold standard in theme parks.
What it is is the best run resort in Orlando and it is being managed in a way that adds quality and value to people's visits (largely by building top of the line creative product). It has a vision for the future that doesn't depend on selling timeshares, marketing nostalgia, MAGIC Bands and apps and increasing the amount you spend on every trip to keep its numbers looking good.
But it is not perfect. And it deserves criticism for things.
To not criticize where it deserves criticism would be akin to smoking the Pixie Dust that the Disney BRAND advocates do. I am no BRAND advocate for either company or any company for that matter.
I spoke with a high level UNI Creative last week. Someone who knows both the UNI and Disney products intimately and he told the truth and expressed frustration with some aspects of UNI's current build mindset. Gringotts may be great, but it relies on screens to a great degree. Neither of us think this is the best way of building attractions, especially when your parks are already heavily loaded by screen-based attractions.
Like I said, let's not even talk Kong because why have a JP dark ride (like the one originally planned) when we can shoehorn the monkey back in ... again, largely using screens.
C'mon, a decade ago folks were calling for Tom Fitzgerald's head at WDI for the same thing, but Thierry Coup doesn't even deserve a few little shots?
If some folks (i.e. UNI fanbois) can't take some honest criticism, then they just need to grow up.
What UNI is doing should be lauded, but it also can and should be looked at critically.
Transformers proved to me that you can really do too much of a good thing when it is the same. Yes, I suppose it is better than Disney pumping out Princess meet and greets, but that isn't the point here.
And, to my friends in the Twitverse, thanks for reading and why not drop in here if you have something to say? Steve really needs help keeping the lights on around here, after all!