Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

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New Member
Well, it's almost time for me to talk, present some new observations (yes, I've been lurking around all sorts of places in the timeshare and outlet mall capital of the world for the past week plus attempting in vain to join the lifestyler ranks to no avail), news, opinion and perspective on profound transformations both to the three major players in O-Town and well, ....to myself as well. Here's a hint on that: turns out I wasn't fully over my Battle with Pixie Dust addiction.

Well, now I am clean and sober and can tell you one thing with absolute validity, after speaking to creatives from both Disney and UNI and an incredibly honest and blunt Disney exec, that is the paradigm for central Florida vacations is changing fundamentally and will continue to do so and Disney, despite some large scale projects coming in the next 4-7 years, has absolutely no clue how to respond and actually compete and no one on the inside believes MM+ is that golden bullet (unless Disney is opting for suicide instead of battle). Disney is worse than the Titanic because there's no one at the helm, no plans, just lots of 'if we do this' and it looks like they plan on waiting for the war to be lost before doing battle

Oh, remind me to tell you how I got go actually use the new NGE CM 'only'Apple tools to see what they can really see about guests, how flAwed it all is and how the company had been knowingly and willfully lying about the safety of your personal info --- I WUZ RIGHT!!! As usual ...

Oh, I'm also going to be taking shots at lazy fat WDW guests and why WDW has enabled them for the past 10-15 years while losing more upscale and discerning guests, so if you can't handle that then I'd advise you sit on the sidelines holding the clipboard.

There's some fascinating stuff coming up and so long as you don't view Disney as your religion, you likely will find what is about to come out quite eye-opening. I know I did. And now, for the first time in my adult life, I can safely say my blinders are off and I can see see quite clearly. Perhaps, it is time to offer my help to Georgie K (not just on choices for BBQ in O-town, but on how he can prevent what is shaping up to be an epic disaster the likes oF which, WDW has never seen) ...we shall see:greedy::D:cool:.

I hope you at least got to help Charlie Ridgway celebrate his 90th birthday while you were there.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's almost time for me to talk, present some new observations (yes, I've been lurking around all sorts of places in the timeshare and outlet mall capital of the world for the past week plus attempting in vain to join the lifestyler ranks to no avail), news, opinion and perspective on profound transformations both to the three major players in O-Town and well, ....to myself as well. Here's a hint on that: turns out I wasn't fully over my Battle with Pixie Dust addiction.

Well, now I am clean and sober and can tell you one thing with absolute validity, after speaking to creatives from both Disney and UNI and an incredibly honest and blunt Disney exec, that is the paradigm for central Florida vacations is changing fundamentally and will continue to do so and Disney, despite some large scale projects coming in the next 4-7 years, has absolutely no clue how to respond and actually compete and no one on the inside believes MM+ is that golden bullet (unless Disney is opting for suicide instead of battle). Disney is worse than the Titanic because there's no one at the helm, no plans, just lots of 'if we do this' and it looks like they plan on waiting for the war to be lost before doing battle

Oh, remind me to tell you how I got go actually use the new NGE CM 'only'Apple tools to see what they can really see about guests, how flAwed it all is and how the company had been knowingly and willfully lying about the safety of your personal info --- I WUZ RIGHT!!! As usual ...

Oh, I'm also going to be taking shots at lazy fat WDW guests and why WDW has enabled them for the past 10-15 years while losing more upscale and discerning guests, so if you can't handle that then I'd advise you sit on the sidelines holding the clipboard.

There's some fascinating stuff coming up and so long as you don't view Disney as your religion, you likely will find what is about to come out quite eye-opening. I know I did. And now, for the first time in my adult life, I can safely say my blinders are off and I can see see quite clearly. Perhaps, it is time to offer my help to Georgie K (not just on choices for BBQ in O-town, but on how he can prevent what is shaping up to be an epic disaster the likes oF which, WDW has never seen) ...we shall see:greedy::D:cool:.
how come when i read this post im most excited to hear about the uni info?

Radok Block

Well-Known Member
I don't think its a complete answer - we've gone far beyond that - but as a start WDW needs to return to the standards and experiences upon which its reputation and success was built in the first place. That means a full resort experience, not just "commando" theme parks, impeccable upkeep and maintenance, regularly freshened and refurbished attractions (and seasonal/special event 'overlays'), stop cutting corners to save pennies, and perhaps the hardest for Disney execs to accept - offer such a premium product at very reasonable, even surprisingly low, prices.

I think about Knoebel's. Everybody LOVES Knoebel's, and when I went there, I saw why: reasonable prices, relatively clean, pleasant staff, expectations of considerate guest behavior which almost everybody honored, rides that were actually pretty unique and fun, decent food. It's the fundamentals.

Compare that with the time I stayed in a pricey hotel and they had all of these gimmicks, like cutesy room-service meals and elaborate tile in the bathroom, but the bathroom wasn't really clean and the beds were uncomfortable and the cutesy meal was cold upon arrival.

You gotta have basic service down before you can try and go 'next level.' Based on my last trip to WDW, they don't have the basics nailed down any more, and that's a shame, since once upon a time NOBODY did it like Disney did it.

I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said on these boards a million times, but...yeah.


Premium Member
There is not a single company anywhere that can 'protect' data. I am not sure how much Disney should be faulted for that. Every time any company is signing you up for anything they suggest they don't share their data. The only problem with that is, that company did not write the software where the data is going so no one is ever in a position to suggest any protection of your personal data any time any where.

WDW enabling unhealthiness? You don't have to go all the way to Florida to find what enables that. Look next door, across the street, maybe family and friends. It is our culture that enabled it....some overblown political correctness can take some of the blame too.

Yes, data security is not an absolute, but some companies are better at it then others. Some companies make a solid effort to protect data while others do things that are downright irresponsible.


Premium Member
Oh, can I also say that @Lee has become quite uppiity of late?

And that I am waiting for my hero @WDWFigment to proclaim boldly that I am worse than he is because so have spent more days at WDW than he has this year. BUT I wonder who has the most trips planned for the rest of the year.

One more thing, how about that Pacific Rim? What a helluva hit that was, right?

Pacific Rim isn't doing to good at the box office, although it's still doing better then Lone Range, but I enjoyed it. Not bad by the standards of summer blockbusters.


Well-Known Member
Come on @WDW1974. I think based on your uncanny ability to use hundreds of words to say absolutely nothing, even I am starting to think that you are part of Marketing at Disney. So far you have sent a grouping of "I know - I know's" out there but for all I know you spent that last few weeks sitting in a dark room watching Gilligan re-runs. If you're not going to say anything useful...don't say anything at all. It's starting to lose it's "mystery" appeal. And by all means let's start another "we are so much better than fat people" thread. It is always impressive and never gets old.:grumpy:

One thing you have right is the Spirit has a way with words...He could write a 500 page novel that would have me totally enthralled and leave me thinking "I'm not sure what happened, or if anything did happen, but I think I liked it!"


Well-Known Member
Compare that with the time I stayed in a pricey hotel and they had all of these gimmicks, like cutesy room-service meals and elaborate tile in the bathroom, but the bathroom wasn't really clean and the beds were uncomfortable and the cutesy meal was cold upon arrival.

You gotta have basic service down before you can try and go 'next level.' Based on my last trip to WDW, they don't have the basics nailed down any more, and that's a shame, since once upon a time NOBODY did it like Disney did it.

I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said on these boards a million times, but...yeah.

Wow, you hit the nail on the head there. For all the towel animals, "magical" MM+ interactions, and or "Have a magical day"s, they all mean nothing if your hotel room is shabby looking, the MK is filthy, and half the effects on the attractions don't work. The very basics of running a hotel or theme park have been thrown out the window. You know its bad when your local seasonal amusement park is better taken care of than the supposed most visited theme park in the world.

The problems that Spirit is talking about certainly run deep. There are fundamental flaws in the way WDW is operated today vs. 20 or even 10 years ago.

But in all seriousness, if they really don't know what they're doing wrong, and they really don't know how to fix it...well, I'm just dumbfounded.

There are literally billions and billions of dollars of expenditures that WDW needs right now. But many of the things that need fixing at WDW could be done relatively quickly, and relatively cheaply. They still choose not to, however.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
I completely agree but have found out the old garbage in garbage out adage is true. If you fuel your body with junk, your energy level lags and you can't enjoy yourself as much. Yes, Dole Whip Floats are medicinal and completely good for you (my big exception)!

A couple of years ago towards the back end of the trip I felt the need for something, while quick, was a little healthier. I ended up getting the grilled salmon at Colombia Harbor House. It was surprisingly tasty... and the big pile of steamed broccoli it came with, might...just might....have actually been fresh :eek:. (Am I actually giving a compliment to MK quick serve?).

I'm not a believer in denying yourself 'the good stuff' in moderation. It's even better to not waste calories/sodium/fat/etc on stuff that doesn't even taste good (like, say....Cockerell Fries).

One can say that nothing has been more destructive to the human race as a whole as badly prepared vegetables...


Well-Known Member
Wow, you hit the nail on the head there. For all the towel animals, "magical" MM+ interactions, and or "Have a magical day"s, they all mean nothing if your hotel room is shabby looking, the MK is filthy, and half the effects on the attractions don't work. The very basics of running a hotel or theme park have been thrown out the window. You know its bad when your local seasonal amusement park is better taken care of than the supposed most visited theme park in the world.

The problems that Spirit is talking about certainly run deep. There are fundamental flaws in the way WDW is operated today vs. 20 or even 10 years ago.

But in all seriousness, if they really don't know what they're doing wrong, and they really don't know how to fix it...well, I'm just dumbfounded.

There are literally billions and billions of dollars of expenditures that WDW needs right now. But many of the things that need fixing at WDW could be done relatively quickly, and relatively cheaply. They still choose not to, however.
How longs Meg been in charge of WDW? 10 years or so?

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm also going to be taking shots at lazy fat WDW guests and why WDW has enabled them for the past 10-15 years while losing more upscale and discerning guests, so if you can't handle that then I'd advise you sit on the sidelines holding the clipboard.

I do the 'Behind The Seeds' tour every year, and I've NEVER seen anyone on an ECV take the tour... For those who are that way by choice, it's not by eating vege-tables...

i threw away the candy bar and i ate the wrapper.....
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Well-Known Member
Well, it's almost time for me to talk, present some new observations (yes, I've been lurking around all sorts of places in the timeshare and outlet mall capital of the world for the past week plus attempting in vain to join the lifestyler ranks to no avail), news, opinion and perspective on profound transformations both to the three major players in O-Town and well, ....to myself as well. Here's a hint on that: turns out I wasn't fully over my Battle with Pixie Dust addiction.

Well, now I am clean and sober and can tell you one thing with absolute validity, after speaking to creatives from both Disney and UNI and an incredibly honest and blunt Disney exec, that is the paradigm for central Florida vacations is changing fundamentally and will continue to do so and Disney, despite some large scale projects coming in the next 4-7 years, has absolutely no clue how to respond and actually compete and no one on the inside believes MM+ is that golden bullet (unless Disney is opting for suicide instead of battle). Disney is worse than the Titanic because there's no one at the helm, no plans, just lots of 'if we do this' and it looks like they plan on waiting for the war to be lost before doing battle

Oh, remind me to tell you how I got go actually use the new NGE CM 'only'Apple tools to see what they can really see about guests, how flAwed it all is and how the company had been knowingly and willfully lying about the safety of your personal info --- I WUZ RIGHT!!! As usual ...

Oh, I'm also going to be taking shots at lazy fat WDW guests and why WDW has enabled them for the past 10-15 years while losing more upscale and discerning guests, so if you can't handle that then I'd advise you sit on the sidelines holding the clipboard.

There's some fascinating stuff coming up and so long as you don't view Disney as your religion, you likely will find what is about to come out quite eye-opening. I know I did. And now, for the first time in my adult life, I can safely say my blinders are off and I can see see quite clearly. Perhaps, it is time to offer my help to Georgie K (not just on choices for BBQ in O-town, but on how he can prevent what is shaping up to be an epic disaster the likes oF which, WDW has never seen) ...we shall see:greedy::D:cool:.

Disney has to be totally confused by this summer. I think they were expecting major business and it simply failed to show up. Even during 4th of July week. I think this Summer things have truly started to shift vacation wise in Orlando. Universal is doing crazy business. The parks are packed and they are doing crazy business.
The craziest thing is how busy all of the water parks have been this summer. Even with the rainy weather. Aquatica hasn't been this busy since their first summer. I am beginning to think many locals have cut back on the number of AP's they have(we used to have a BGT platinum, Universal AP and every other year WDW, we now only have Universal do to lack of moola) and may have cut back to just water park AP's or the after 2 pm pass. Also, BGT and Seaworld offered summer only passes including the waterparks so that might explain the uptick.

I think WDW has jacked there AP price too much over the last few years without adding much of anything. Meanwhile Universal AP's have gone up but not that much and look what they have added and of course what is coming. My only complaint is I wish Universal would offer an AP that included Wet and Wild. It would be nice to have one pass for all 3 parks. Like SeaWorld/BGT offers.

I don't know what the hell is going over at SeaWorld Parks. They really have mismanaged BGW. I can't believe what they are doing to that park. It is just a shame.


Well-Known Member
I think about Knoebel's. Everybody LOVES Knoebel's, and when I went there, I saw why: reasonable prices, relatively clean, pleasant staff, expectations of considerate guest behavior which almost everybody honored, rides that were actually pretty unique and fun, decent food. It's the fundamentals.

Compare that with the time I stayed in a pricey hotel and they had all of these gimmicks, like cutesy room-service meals and elaborate tile in the bathroom, but the bathroom wasn't really clean and the beds were uncomfortable and the cutesy meal was cold upon arrival.

You gotta have basic service down before you can try and go 'next level.' Based on my last trip to WDW, they don't have the basics nailed down any more, and that's a shame, since once upon a time NOBODY did it like Disney did it.

I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said on these boards a million times, but...yeah.

I love Knoebels. It is such a unique place. The food is great. The atmosphere of the place and Phoenix is one of the most fun wooden coasters.

Uncle Remus

Well-Known Member
Jimmy Stewart should be on everyone's top ten actors list. The guy's filmography was and still is amazing.

And people can talk about Vertigo until the cows come home, but Rear Window is my personal favourite Hitchcock movie.

"The Man Who Knew Too Much" is mine. Starring Jimmy Stewart as well I have to agree about his being a top 10 actor.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's almost time for me to talk, present some new observations (yes, I've been lurking around all sorts of places in the timeshare and outlet mall capital of the world for the past week plus attempting in vain to join the lifestyler ranks to no avail), news, opinion and perspective on profound transformations both to the three major players in O-Town and well, ....to myself as well. Here's a hint on that: turns out I wasn't fully over my Battle with Pixie Dust addiction.

Well, now I am clean and sober and can tell you one thing with absolute validity, after speaking to creatives from both Disney and UNI and an incredibly honest and blunt Disney exec, that is the paradigm for central Florida vacations is changing fundamentally and will continue to do so and Disney, despite some large scale projects coming in the next 4-7 years, has absolutely no clue how to respond and actually compete and no one on the inside believes MM+ is that golden bullet (unless Disney is opting for suicide instead of battle). Disney is worse than the Titanic because there's no one at the helm, no plans, just lots of 'if we do this' and it looks like they plan on waiting for the war to be lost before doing battle

Oh, remind me to tell you how I got go actually use the new NGE CM 'only'Apple tools to see what they can really see about guests, how flAwed it all is and how the company had been knowingly and willfully lying about the safety of your personal info --- I WUZ RIGHT!!! As usual ...

Oh, I'm also going to be taking shots at lazy fat WDW guests and why WDW has enabled them for the past 10-15 years while losing more upscale and discerning guests, so if you can't handle that then I'd advise you sit on the sidelines holding the clipboard.

There's some fascinating stuff coming up and so long as you don't view Disney as your religion, you likely will find what is about to come out quite eye-opening. I know I did. And now, for the first time in my adult life, I can safely say my blinders are off and I can see see quite clearly. Perhaps, it is time to offer my help to Georgie K (not just on choices for BBQ in O-town, but on how he can prevent what is shaping up to be an epic disaster the likes oF which, WDW has never seen) ...we shall see:greedy::D:cool:.

I don't understand why you have to tease this like it's the final season of Breaking Bad.


Well-Known Member
I'm always "off diet" at WDW, or wherever else I'm on vacation. If you're relatively disciplined on a day-to-day basis, there's no reason not to enjoy yourself to the fullest during the precious few days a year you have away from everyday life. That's what vacation is for!

I don't know what percentage of WDW vacationer is "relatively disciplined on a day-to-day basis." But I can guess.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps, it is time to offer my help to Georgie K (not just on choices for BBQ in O-town, but on how he can prevent what is shaping up to be an epic disaster the likes oF which, WDW has never seen) ...we shall see:greedy::D:cool:.

I gotta know if the BBQ recommendation was for Yellow Dog Eats.


Well-Known Member
I just learned that the Director of Finance for WDW Imagineering is leaving. I don't know if that means anything, and if I know it, it's probably not a secret.:)
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