Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

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Well-Known Member
I wasn't referring to their government or laws with my praise. I'm referring to the country's physical beauty and architecture (same with DLP). Having backwards drug laws doesn't have any relevance to who has the best theme park. The US (where I live) has very backwards drug laws (and the government and economy is a complete and ongoing train wreck overall), but the country has undeniable beauty and wonderful things to see and do in it.

Europa and Efteling are both lovely parks, though i'd probably be much more of a fan of Efteling. But Disneyland Paris at least in its heyday was also an absolute stunner and has awesome and detailed rides to match its outward beauty. Europa clearly has great beauty on the surface but I can tell that I wouldn't be a big fan of many of its rides. It appears to rely on roller coasters (unfortunately with largely exposed tracks). For a coaster to attract my attention, it has to be something like Big Thunder where there's actual scenery and sets surrounding the entire thing to hide the track's framework. I'm not at all a fan of coasters that have a lot of exposed elements. It's a flaw that I also have with both Busch Gardens parks and Sea World (even though I like those parks), and it's also a flaw I have with Universal (though they've been much more focused on creating immersive and richly themed ride experiences lately that appeal to people who appreciate Disney rides). I value rides with elaborate show scenes very highly (physical sets and physical character figures, particularly animatronics), the more the better.

I think I would really love Efteling though, it looks stunning and has several attractions that i'm sure would cater towards my taste of richly detailed show scenes. Particularly the lovely looking Fairy Tale Forest walk (that they apparently continue to expand upon), Dreamflight and Fata Morgana. And I hear they've got plans for future dark rides as well and continue to add on to the place. I discovered the park during the past couple of years and took a bit of time to watch a bunch of videos of the park and its attractions. It looks absolutely charming and wonderful and I would love to visit in person someday.

But again, from my experience with DLP, it's a tough one to beat. I have no idea what it's like today, but I can say that it was absolutely fantastic in the early-mid 90's. It had the looks AND the attractions.

EDIT- I should say that I think I would enjoy Europa as well. There are some pretty cool looking dark rides there as well (the Pirates one for instance, while very much a blatant POTC ripoff, at least looks like a pretty neat ripoff). But better than heyday DLP? Wouldn't say i'd agree.
Europa Park seems to do very well with theming it's coasters, even if they aren't all indoors with heavy show scenes. Blue Fire has some amazing landscaping, and even has a dark ride portion. The only two I'd say that don't rely on heaving theming throughout the ride are Silver Star and Wodan. The Poseidon water coaster looks most impressive! They also have a fair share of interesting dark rides scattered throughout the park. It definitely looks to be one of the more impressive theme parks out there.


Well-Known Member
I have no feelings on GAC beyond the fact that it is incredibly abused and if you can,t wait in lines like everyone else, or come back hours later with your FP, then I think your health issues should sadly preclude a WDW visit.

The idea that folks with illness or disability should get automatic back door passes to every attraction, along with six family members or friends, is simply absurd. And it is why the policy has more scammers enjoying waitfree days then the people it was designed to help.

Doctors notes won,t help either. Any scammer worth anything will be able to provide one. Hell, my doctor would prescribe me Pixie Dust if I asked for it.

Everyone should be subject to the same rules. And the 'I or my wife or my son can't wait in lines' as an excuse means you don't get to go. Sorry. Life isn,t fair.
I agree that GAC should be tightened up, and I would also support a "virtual queue" scenario where you are allowed to the front of the line after waiting your turn elsewhere. I completely disagree, however, that the rules should apply the same for all. You used the phrase "life isn't fair" and I believe that the handicapped already know that far more than most. I don't think they need to be slapped in the face with it while on vacation. If Disney can provide a quality vacation experience for those who are denied so many other experiences in life, then I say I will accept the unfortunate abuse of the system and inflated wait times that goes with it. It is very convenient to be flippant and say too bad, so sad... but these are people and in this instance I think the life isn't fair policy should negatively affect the well rather then the handicapped as it is so often the reverse.


Well-Known Member
Of course it won't ... But that shouldn't preclude it at all. The problem is the casino companies are doing it all wrong, paying off the wrong people and lobbyists and they don't understand how to bring real gaming resorts to the state.

I could help them drive right on over Mickey. :)

That has absolutely nothing to do with their unsuccessful attempts.


Well-Known Member
NEW TOPIC: Who will be the scapegoat or what kind of kneejerk (but really late actually) reaction will there be in a few years if a Uni park overtakes DHS in attendance numbers, surely with nothing on the horizon for DHS before 2015/2016 ... this is a distinct possibility ... I think this is the catalyst we need.


Well-Known Member
Self-serving or not, long may Disney continue to do so!

Gambling invariably brings with it an entire culture of guests, hotels, businesses and a mindset. This will infect Orlando tourism and drag it down into the gutter even more.

For exactly the opposite reason, I wish the Disney Concert Hall or Disney Museum would've been build in Orlando instead of Cali. :)

Build a casino on I-4, and WDW's guests will demand alcohol and princesses in World Showcase. Build a Concert Hall, and WDW's guest will ask for architecture and fun c/d tickets in WS.

Agreed. And while other theme parks are less vocal in their opposition, pretty much all of Central Florida is behind the effort to keep gaming out of Florida, and at the very least, Central Florida.

There will be a Walt Disney Theater in Orlando very soon!


Liker of Things
Premium Member
@WDW1974 I don't care to wade through the discussion of ADHD in that JII thread, but from the best I can tell, you haven't updated it with anything new concerning JII since the day it was posted. Is that correct?

Curious whether you've heard anything more that you can share yet. That news seemed to come out of nowhere and build really quickly, but since...nothing.

I believe Mr. 74 has good info, but it has almost become a tradition that a JII redo is rumored from time to time. I should note that we'd be a lot better off if none of the redo rumors had ever come to fruition.

NEW TOPIC: Who will be the scapegoat or what kind of kneejerk (but really late actually) reaction will there be in a few years if a Uni park overtakes DHS in attendance numbers, surely with nothing on the horizon for DHS before 2015/2016 ... this is a distinct possibility ... I think this is the catalyst we need.

Us, evil message board posters who have nothing better to do than drag WDW down and obscure the magical truth so that it can no longer be discerned by the simple minded rube.


Well-Known Member
NEW TOPIC: Who will be the scapegoat or what kind of kneejerk (but really late actually) reaction will there be in a few years if a Uni park overtakes DHS in attendance numbers, surely with nothing on the horizon for DHS before 2015/2016 ... this is a distinct possibility ... I think this is the catalyst we need.
Well, first off there will be a massive cry of "proof". Certified numbers that prove that they overtook Disney's numbers. Second, if it is proven (which is a high order and subject to massive denial) then it will be those of us that have occasionally criticized Disney and were impressed with Universal, in spite of being extremely long time Disney fans that caused it to happen. I think it's called brain washing!:eek: Third, just about everyone will agree that Disney blew it. They had the chance to never really be challenged yet decided that upsetting the stock holders later instead of now was a wise choice, they managed to take a magical company, started by a magical (but human) man and made it into an only do what people will notice company. Who knows? It is becoming more and more obvious that people ARE noticing.


Well-Known Member
Us, evil message board posters who have nothing better to do than drag WDW down and obscure the magical truth so that it can no longer be discerned by the simple minded rube.

I was hoping more of like Rasulo or Staggs or some other villain would be used as the sacrificial lamb/goat.


Well-Known Member
NEW TOPIC: Who will be the scapegoat or what kind of kneejerk (but really late actually) reaction will there be in a few years if a Uni park overtakes DHS in attendance numbers, surely with nothing on the horizon for DHS before 2015/2016 ... this is a distinct possibility ... I think this is the catalyst we need.

I was always hoping for a full out theme park war. Disney in an effort to prove they are number one, outbuilding Uni and settling it once and for all. Instead, we have apathy. It isn't affecting us that much so we don't have to do anything. It's possible we might still see it and as fans be the ultimate winner in this but I'm starting to have my doubts now.

As far as scapegoat, I think you have to look at TDO as a whole, they seem to be the real ostriches here. I'm hoping with the report today of executive perks being taken away that they do the same with the bloated management in Orlando also.

If Uni makes it past DHS, all bets are off. Comcast has major do-re-me and will continue to spend. Disney will be in catch up mode but won't be able to do it without making major changes to the way WDI spends cash. No one wants lower quality but it seems Uni is doing much more with it's money than Disney is.


Well-Known Member
NEW TOPIC: Who will be the scapegoat or what kind of kneejerk (but really late actually) reaction will there be in a few years if a Uni park overtakes DHS in attendance numbers, surely with nothing on the horizon for DHS before 2015/2016 ... this is a distinct possibility ... I think this is the catalyst we need.
Don't rely on the numbers from TEA; it might already have happened.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The interesting thing is that CEO compensation keeps going up... but many companies are cutting out 1980's style executive perks with a vengeance.

WDI needs to get the scalpel next, starting at the top. I fully believe a more efficient design and construction operation will get us more stuff to do inside the theme parks.
How about TDO?


Active Member
Well Iger is remaining CEO till 2016 so it looks like nothing will be done about compensation till at least then.

Sorry for going off topic here but I saw the Lone Ranger Last night and I thought it was a good movie. There are some problems with the movie, but none of them really detracted me from it. Helena Bonham Carter should have gotten more screen time than she did. The retelling of the story to the kid wasn't really needed. There was also a moment where Armie Hammer goes a bit out of character. When watching the movie, Depp's performance didn't remind me of Jack Sparrow. Tonto isn't really an over-the-top character unlike Sparrow. Overall, the movie is no where close as bad as what everyone is making out to be. I had fun with it and I believe others will as well.


Well-Known Member
Oh! Germany and the term "ruling the world" really sounds very very bad to my German ears!! I truly hope my country has learned that cooperation for a common good is much preferrable to ruling...

lol well a cursory glance at other western powers reveals a startling lack of leadership. I think Germany may end up winning by default.
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