Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So "Tough to be a Bug" was going to be in Frontierland... at least one thematic break was avoided.

Yes, forgot to mention this.

That attraction was tossed into both DCA and HKDL by Eisner, but wound up getting cut in HK when Frontierland was.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Disney confuses me with their place making choices, sometimes. Monsters Inc. in Hollywood Land, Splash in Frontierland, Pixar in Tomorrowland, now I'm hearing they were considering putting It's Tough to be a Bug in Frontierland. It really boggles the mind.


Well-Known Member
I don't think morning news shows, which have always been fluff mixed with weather mixed with celebs mixed with headlines, are the problem.

When this story is getting huge play worldwide, but not here, it does make you wonder. When government officials use new terms (like how they attempted to switch what Snowden did from a leak to a spill because of the negative connotation) and suddenly talking heads are using them, what is their purpose?

The media's job in a democracy is to prevent situations like this and expose them. It doesn't matter what you think of Edward Snowden. All that matters is what he 'leaked' is the truth and shows that the past and current administrations have used 9/11 and fear to take all of our most important, most basic rights away and create a surveillance state with a shadow government.

Where the eff is the media? Why is CNN talking about Snowden's mental health and FOX is asking how we'll get him? This is the type of story that should be constantly discussed and debated. Networks should be preempting primetime and doing 'Liberty in Crisis' type programming. But we're not getting that and anyone with any knowledge of history or political corruption when given absolute power should have folks making sure their passports are up to date. I'm really not sure people realize what has been taken from us and how grave a matter it is.

But, hey, did you hear about Disney's new answer to soda thievery?
I normally do not post in the more "serious" threads because I learned quickly here that certain factual information really hurts some people's feelings and then brings out some sort of internet bravado :rolleyes: reactions that neither impresses me or entertains me for internet bravado is by definition a lack of bravado at all!

However though I don't always agree with you I really enjoy reading your postings and this post is my all time favorite! Every word so true and yet so disappointing. So few people understand that in this time which we are living that neither news network choice nor which political party is in power matters much at all! You are going to hear whatever gets the ratings without upsetting the wrong people and whatever gets the votes at the time!


Active Member
1.) DL;
2.) TDS;
3.) TDL;
4.) DLP (when it is in shape);
5.) DCA;

and the next five ...

6.) BGW;
7.) EPCOT;
8.) IOA;
9.) HKDL;
10.) DAK;

I'm pretty impressed with myself for visiting 6 out of your 10 (DL, DCA, BGW, EPCOT, IOA, DAK). I haven't been to DCA since its refurbishment, so I'd put last out of those 6. Additionally, I'd probably have IOA in front of EPCOT and BGW. Thanks for the response!


Well-Known Member
The Spirit is a patriot who believes in the basics that formed this nation. He also happens to firmly believe that the Bush and Obama adminstrations have broken the document that is sacrosanct in governing this nation.

They also have done so much to create hate toward this country that makes us less safe and more vulnerable than ever, all while having us live in an Orwellian police state.

Guess what? Remember all that post/9/11 talk about how the evildoers will never change our way of life, our freedoms, they'd never win?

They did.
Bravo, Bravo! You are on a roll! I wish I had your ability to put the thoughts from my head into text! A skill that I unfortunately lack.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
Ok, I know I've asked this like six times, but does anyone want to play 'What was supposed to be in HKDL from Day 1?' with me?

We can play the strip version if you'd rather.:D

The ones that come to mind immediately are a roller coaster version of Countdown to Extinction, Little Mermaid dark ride, and a Pirate land with a Pirates of the Caribbean/Splash Mountain hybrid type ride.

I'd rather play what new attractions do we know about for Shanghai

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
I'd rather not discuss my 'escape plans' online, especially because I fear if things truly go south in this country that suddenly the government will be revoking passports and trapping people here.

I love many countries I have visited from France to Canada, from Italy to China, from Japan to Germany ...but none as much as I love this one and I very much hope that I never HAVE to leave it ...but can come and go by choice as I do now.


lay off the pot bro.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'd also be remiss if I didn't congratulate the good folks at TDO as they start parking lot construction on their shoppjng/lifestyle center. I think I speak for all the sane fans out there when I say ...yawn ... Zzzzzzzzz.
At least the good folks at TDO are allowing guests to park at their very own lot when DTD is busy! :)


Well-Known Member
The Keys are good for three things ... Eating and drinking and I can't recall the third. You should have told me you were passing through my area, we could have met for a burger and mojito or just Starbucks and cinnamon buns.

I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm in South Florida! Definitely up for a Fuddrucker's burger or a mojito. I think it rained all the way from Homestead to Orlando -- actually made the Turnpike drive worse than normal. It might have been the day you were debating swimming to a movie theater.

Did a lot of eating and drinking in the Keys, some snorkeling and kayaking too. I know you've got more Cuban restaurants than McDonald's in the Miami area, but El Siboney in Key West is fantastic. We've been twice in the last few years and it's superlative. Had great seafood throughout, mahi, yellowtail, hogfish, grouper.

And even managed to get back to Orlando four hours before the Zimmerman verdict! Was he VIP at MK the next day? :)


Well-Known Member
I'd rather play what new attractions do we know about for Shanghai

Me too.


The site plan gives a pretty solid idea, despite its blurriness. I could give a rundown on what it shows, if it isn't already known. But what interests me is what has been tweaked, deleted, added, in the past year or so. Will the Downtown Disney area be period themed (e.g., 1930s) or modern "entertainment architecture" like Anaheim's? What is the theme of the luxury hotel (going with Mictorian again)?


Well-Known Member
1.) DL;
2.) TDS;
3.) TDL;
4.) DLP (when it is in shape);
5.) DCA;

and the next five ...

6.) BGW;
7.) EPCOT;
8.) IOA;
9.) HKDL;
10.) DAK;

MY respect for you is increased that you respect Disney is still a leader in the industry...i dunno if it is good that two WDW parks made it into top 10 or sad two didnt


Well-Known Member
People who are saying that Universal is Six Flaggy.

Universal is "Disney level" except for the fact that they don't really cover up some show-buildings. Besides a few sightline errors, it's "Disney level".

I'd say Universal is Disney without the nostalgia and years and years of goodwill cache ... fortunately Universal decided to combat nostalgia with a constant influx of new real experiences and Disney decided to cash in their years of goodwill savings (unfortunately they are almost broke).
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