That's a very poor and unfair comparison for several reasons. The Snow White pic you posted is from an actual scene in the movie and is consistently the quality of animation throughout (some shots a bit moreso than the above). The Brave pic on the other hand is a poster and not at all indicative of the quality of animation in the actual movie. No part of the actual movie contains animation or art anywhere close to the level seen in that poster (i've seen it twice now, most recently this past week). In fact, the environment background in that picture has a very hand drawn look. If that image WAS actually done via CGI, they edited it heavily to make it not look like CGI. Even Merida in that pic looks far superior to her in-movie version. I wish the movie DID look as good as that, which it unfortunately does not even come close... If CGI movies actually looked like that poster then i'd be far more impressed with them.
I was very disappointed with Brave. It's the first Pixar movie that actually managed to bore me throughout a large portion of it (even the much hated Cars 2 was at least still pretty entertaining). I'd say overall it's the first Pixar movie I actually dislike, not sure if i'll watch it again.
I'd take Snow White over it any day. Its story hasn't aged well at all (and the characters are blatantly stereotypical of the perceptions of their time), but it still has a ton of charm along with lovely art and fun songs (and while I am highly annoyed by Snow White herself, I really like the dwarfs). There's a ton of flaws with Snow White, but it still does something for me that Brave does not- entertains me.
Though I am a huge animation fan (not big into anime either, but I make a huge exception for Studio Ghibli, though not entirely sure whether that actually counts as true anime...)