We do agree on that.I don't believe the government's bureaucracy is any better than Disney bureaucracy.
Both are full of useless middle management who just push paper and try to make themselves look good.
We do agree on that.I don't believe the government's bureaucracy is any better than Disney bureaucracy.
Both are full of useless middle management who just push paper and try to make themselves look good.
Absolutely! The Business Insider is well known for its humorous articles.![]()
I don't have that much faith......
On the Disney front, I'm more concerned with Disney's system being hacked (we all know Disney's poor track record with websites and that type of technology) and/or cast members gaining access to my personal info than getting unsolicited ads or e-mails from Disney or even from a "partner" if they go that route.
Ok, I got ya' now. We can only hope that 74 is not that ill informed. However, he has stated that he is not very savvy concerning technical issues.No no. I meant what spirit said. Heck I am on a phone, maybe I am missing something![]()
That just makes me want to get one and get mischievous with the name it displays.
I do believe that this gives them the opportunity to collect actions of individuals more so then a camera might, but I fail to see what about it would be worth mining other than as a grouping of identities. How many people would it take to monitor the thousands and thousands of individuals that are at WDW a day. There isn't enough man power or time to evaluate everything on an individual level, just as a group, just like camera's do, except you are a number instead of a photograph.
I don't for a minute think that it isn't a loss of innocence to some people, but, and this must by my age here, where have you all been. This has been going on for years and years.
It started pretty much when the first security systems were introduced and has just evolved from there. If people at this point are "losing their innocence" then they haven't been paying attention for quite a while. The idea that we are being watched is of no concern, or shouldn't be anymore. It has been a part of life for a long while. Did everyone think that those little dark grey bubbles in the ceilings of retail stores were the places that they stored balloons?
So, it is a given that information has been collected and in one way or the other, collated and stored for the last 50 years. That's not important, what is important is what is being done with that information. Back when none of us realized that it was happening, at least on a conscience level, it was very dangerous. We didn't know to ask questions. Now we do, it is way less dangerous then before. I don't care if they can now tell that those that stay in luxury resorts tend to buy more Mickey plush's or use the bathroom closest to Haunted Mansion or tend to eat salads instead of greasy hamburgers. I don't know, what we are afraid of? Is it that all the information will be turned over to the KGB or perhaps McDonalds encouraging them to carry a larger variety of salads? The only people that have a genuine use for that information is Disney and, as I said before, they may be dumb, but they aren't stupid enough to tell the competition what their guests are doing or buying. Hell, they won't even tell us, their fan base, what they are doing or planning. That would or could give competition a competitive advantage without the cost of actually obtaining it. It is not in their best interest to tell the enemy the locations of troop movements. Just makes no logical sense at all.
True, but by doing it that way wouldn't it be logical to think that individually it is of very little concern? Instead of just you...don't you become a cross section that can be zeroed in on, but in all probability would not warrant it? I would think it would be of little value when intersperse with all the other "numbers". One couldn't possibly keep track or use individual information to any useful degree. As a cross section of profiles...that I can understand, but it still would take too much time to individually analyze without some red flag focal point. Would there?Your concern is exactly why the tagged individual is so much more powerful. You don't need anyone to sift through it to break people out or more people to follow more people - it's all automatic and just becomes a numbers game. Someone can go back afterwards and look at an individual if they want to - but the computers just churn through it all efficiently .
There is value in both aggregated activity and data of an individual. They have different uses
Well, don't twist my words either. In certain situations I do mind it. I just don't give a hoot about what Disney knows about me. Unless they are planning on using extortion of some sort, it only has an affect if I let it. One cannot be manipulated unless one allows it.WOW....just wow. Nice of you to twist my words. I am not talking about the loss of innocence in general. Come on we are not all poly anna's. My implication was that there was a sense of innocence gone from WALT DISNEY WORLD. Not life in general. In WDW there the simple pleasures.... WDW was insulated from the big bad outside world. It was planned that way. The fact that they are going to sell my info isn't as bothersome as the fact in how which they want to gather the information. As said they already have been doing it for sometime. But now they are just upping the anty. This information gathering aspect is just one piece of the program. It is also a way for Disney to manipulate crowds. I don't want to be manipulated voluntarily or involuntarily while I am on vacation. I think we all agree that with this program they are trying to curb park hopping. FP+ without a doubt is a way to manipulate crowds. Is it in the best interest of business and trying to allocate resources? probably...but at what expense to the guest? IMO we are no longer being treated as guest but a commodity. To be traded and used. You don't mind...I get it. But I do mind it when I pay thousands of dollars to be treated that way.
It isn't the gathering of info that is bothersome....although I am not totally happy about it. What ticks me off is....Is this just the beginning. Right now its just magic bands and FP+ what is the next step? Where does the technology go from here? Disney and wall street is a beast that can never be satisfied. Must be fed more and more.....never being enough. This is the outside world that has infiltrated our little piece of heaven on earth. Now as most of you said this is going on all around us all the time....now its right here in WDW. I don't like it....you don't mind....I get it.
Well, don't twist my words either. In certain situations I do mind it. I just don't give a hoot about what Disney knows about me. Unless they are planning on using extortion of some sort, it only has an affect if I let it. One cannot be manipulated unless one allows it.
I don't believe that they are all out trying to curb park hopping. I don't believe that because unless they expand on what there is to do in the other parks (other then MK) they stand to loose more revenue then gain. I, for example, am not going to stay in AK, just because I cannot go to another park. I will leave there, go back to my hotel, chill out or if I have transportation, go somewhere else and spend money elsewhere. There is just so much that they can control. If by noon time I am bored with AK, am I just going to spend the rest of the day yawning, but stay in AK? Why would I?
Funny you to mention that game..... I believe i have it somewhereIm not sure why you would drop $3B in trying to Modify guest behavior when it would be infinitely cheaper to just build more rides and attractions, thereby attracting guests?
Have these people not played Rollercoaster Tycoon before?
Not that anyone out there has been holding their breath wondering what my take on all of this is, but here it is anyway. Keep in mind, these are just my humble thoughts; I am not a techie, business person, or investment banker. Just your average, middle-aged (hate that term) consumer who likes to go to WDW for vacation once a year.
Disney has a history of being on the cutting edge: Walt's animation process revolutionized film, bringing us all those wonderful classics we grew up with; Walt's dream of Disneyland and the development of animatronics revolutionized the entertainment industry and how we all spend our vacations. Now, I believe Disney is still trying to be on the cutting edge, but this time it is not directly being felt by all of us consumers - well, at least not in a good way. This time I believe they are trying to revolutionize the relationship between producer and consumer like never before. And, while others are racing to build rides, Disney is willing to take a temporary back seat to all of that in order to put their efforts into this, because they can see that if this works out the way they intend, it will pay off for them in a BIG way. Then, I am hoping that they will take some of that pay off, and put it back into the parks to put them back into the running. There have been posts throughout this forum suggesting that there won't be anything big in the parks for a few years, and that would make sense. It will take that long to see some of the monetary effects of Nex Gen - "data mining" and all.
How does this make me feel? Well, I guess I've always believed that "Big Brother"was watching anyway, and pretty much knows how many times I . . . well let's just say they know whether or not I need a coupon for Activia sent to my email!Disney already knows where I live and has my credit card info on their website and has for years, and that's the biggie as far as I'm concerned. Does it really matter to me that they know when and how often I walk into one of their shops, how much time I spend there, and what I end up purchasing? Which rides I ride, shows I see, and which ones I don't? Maybe I'm naive, but it really doesn't bother me. Maybe that will help them see which attractions are keepers and which aren't. And as far as them selling my info to others in order to influence when and how I spend my money . . . well, I can only be influenced if I let it happen.
Hehe, I'm playing it right now. One of my favorite games. RCT2 is where it's at though. The 3rd was too glitchy and slow for me.Funny you to mention that game..... I believe i have it somewhereWill have to dig it up and play it!
RFID blockers make Baby Mickey cry.![]()
True, but by doing it that way wouldn't it be logical to think that individually it is of very little concern? Instead of just you...don't you become a cross section that can be zeroed in on, but in all probability would not warrant it? I would think it would be of little value when intersperse with all the other "numbers". One couldn't possibly keep track or use individual information to any useful degree. As a cross section of profiles...that I can understand, but it still would take too much time to individually analyze without some red flag focal point. Would there?
That sounds so much harder than "build a cool ride/land; offer products for sale that complement said ride/land".There is value there - and the resolution you look at depends on your motivations. This is why so much of this discussion depends on what they want to leverage
But an example of inbetween info is by having your person info - their aggregate studies can be examined with demographic filters... Age, race, couples vs families, etc
To how hard it is or not... That's what the whole analytics industry is about ... Pulling useful analysis and correlations out of the raw data.
Following an individual vs the aggregate is again dependent on the type of application. The idea of personal coupons or incentives are examples where a continuity of data about the individual can be interesting
I'm going to put the tin foil on my head where it belongs.Again, if people just get an RFID-blocking wallet, the whole thing becomes a non-issue. Unless, of course, you're wearing the band. If you have a Sunpass, you can order an RFID-blocking bag from them. For free. Throw the band in there.
Or get some tin foil. Funny that the thing people joke about is actually a solution, lol, but it is.![]()
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