I ignored it because it is a foolish thing to be upset about. From everything I have read and heard it didn't amount to anymore than the bumping you get at the end of Pirates or Small World. It's not like anyone is getting broadsided by a tractor trailer. It is a small bump and I'm not sure that it wasn't always there. That it just got noticed now doesn't mean it didn't exist before. I marvel at the alleged perfect memories of everyone on this thread. Every little detail, every little nuance is mentally recorded and then reported without any real evidence that there is any news there at all.
I also commented on it because I am so tired of the dramatization of everything. Oh, we got bumped and I almost got hurt. No you didn't, you didn't get hurt at all. It was and is drama, plain and simple. One doesn't ALMOST get injured, they either do or don't. If no one has gotten hurt and it is continuing on then it's not even a safety factor. It is a drama played out to make a point.
I guess it's time to take a break from this thread because all it reminds me of is a bunch of 12 year olds fighting over a basketball. It's immature, without basis and just plain boring. I, for one, am just tired of trying to make sense out of it. So I will leave you all to duke it out with each other.