Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
Not true. I haven't read Miceage.

Edit: Just read their article. It's a stretch. I have heard of the outdoor speeder bikes being considered, but to say/imply that they are a sure thing? Way too early to say.
Their whole story seems like they took all the blue sky ideas and suddenly greenlit them.

Wait and see is a good idea.

Ya know what I'd like to hear about--why is ALL OF THIS taking so long?
Just wondering. We have speculation all over the board. Why is Mine Train
being seemingly constructed by a guy from Craigslist and his neighbor? Why
no Avatarland? Why the wiffle waffle on Carsland/Star Wars land?

Is it specifically money? Managerial infighting/peeing on fire hydrants?
Iger? Magic bands the sole culprit?

Just wondering how Disney got itself into this death spiral of nothing-building-ness.
(if you don't count parking ramps, that is)


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how Disney got itself into this death spiral of nothing-building-ness.

That's easy.
Mission:Space and Expedition Everest.
They're the last two times Disney really gambled with new E-tickets in Florida.
Both of them cost well over $100 million to build (Space reputedly cost a lot more than that) and both were failures.
Mission:Space made people vomit and never delivered on half its promised features and Everest broke itself in the first year.

More importantly, neither one really made a lasting significant improvement in their parks' attendance.

With two ultra-expensive boondoggles in WDI's recent past, it makes total sense that Disney is gun-shy when it comes to building new, expensive stuff in Florida.


so what you re saying is nothing is yet green lit and whatever DL gets WDW will get as well?
I'm saying nothing of the sort, exactly.
I'm not aware of any green Star Wars projects...yet.
Logic and recent trends would seem to indicate that DL and WDW would get the same/similar things, but I haven't seen/heard anything that confirms that for me.


Well-Known Member
That's easy.
Mission:Space and Expedition Everest.
They're the last two times Disney really gambled with new E-tickets in Florida.
Both of them cost well over $100 million to build (Space reputedly cost a lot more than that) and both were failures.
Mission:Space made people vomit and never delivered on half its promised features and Everest broke itself in the first year.

More importantly, neither one really made a lasting significant improvement in their parks' attendance.

With two ultra-expensive boondoggles in WDI's recent past, it makes total sense that Disney is gun-shy when it comes to building new, expensive stuff in Florida.
i always thought attendance jumped significantly at Animal kingdom after Everest

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
Not true. I haven't read Miceage.

Edit: Just read their article. It's a stretch. I have heard of the outdoor speeder bikes being considered, but to say/imply that they are a sure thing? Way too early to say.
Their whole story seems like they took all the blue sky ideas and suddenly greenlit them.

Wait and see is a good idea.

For what it's worth Dusty Sage (Editor in Chief of Miceage) is saying that he will have more detailed information soon and that this is basically a done deal and will be announced in the near future.


Well-Known Member
I find the idea of playing with the monorail damn near impossible.

In this instance, seems doable, as the monorail there just needlessly loops around. I could see them replacing the blue path (current) with the red.

Edited to add - they already altered the path before when building DCA and Grand California, so it's not unprecedented, either.

Short monorail.JPG

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
In this instance, seems doable, as the monorail there just needlessly loops around. I could see them replacing the blue path (current) with the red.

Edited to add - they already altered the path before when building DCA and Grand California, so it's not unprecedented, either.

View attachment 35082
We need to check with PeterAlt to determine if monorail footers have all ready been put into place along the red line.


Well-Known Member
In this instance, seems doable, as the monorail there just needlessly loops around. I could see them replacing the blue path (current) with the red.

Edited to add - they already altered the path before when building DCA and Grand California, so it's not unprecedented, either.

View attachment 35082

Sure, that could be done . . . the further destruction of the kinetic elements . . . there's a place there where you can see matterhorn bobsleds, the subs, the monorail and the autopia, all doing their thing. It's not thematically unified, but it's just one of those 'wow' places where there's so much going on, and the monorail in the park is such an icon.

So, we'll trade out two kinetic elements for one . . . I won't miss the autopia much, but recognize its place in the iconic Disneyland experience . . . but the monorail is a loss, no matter how you slice it, I think.

If it goes, it goes, just thinking about what it would mean. Pluses and minuses for sure, with
no easy answer.


Well-Known Member
Time for Autopia to go- and the old unused PeopleMover tracks. They are probably never bringing that back!

The Disneyland Resort needs Autopia. As others have said, it is a multi-generational rite-of-passage for kids to have their first experience driving cars, and it's still popular.

However, it doesn't really fit in Tomorrowland (maybe 60 years ago it did fit when the interstate highway system was an up and coming future thing).

So, if not Tomorrowland then where? How about on the relatively big piece of unused land in DCA adjacent to Cars Land? A perfect fit, with lots of possibilities. And I can't believe it would be that expensive.

I also don't believe there would be much outcry from the purists either if this happened, since Autopia has had many forms in many locations in Disneyland over the years. Tomorrowland Autopia, Fantasyland Autopia, Junior Autopia, Midget Autopia (and moved to Marceline, MO), track rearrangements and combinations, etc. Moving across the esplanade would be no big deal.


Well-Known Member
Sure, that could be done . . . the further destruction of the kinetic elements . . . there's a place there where you can see matterhorn bobsleds, the subs, the monorail and the autopia, all doing their thing. It's not thematically unified, but it's just one of those 'wow' places where there's so much going on, and the monorail in the park is such an icon.

So, we'll trade out two kinetic elements for one . . . I won't miss the autopia much, but recognize its place in the iconic Disneyland experience . . . but the monorail is a loss, no matter how you slice it, I think.

If it goes, it goes, just thinking about what it would mean. Pluses and minuses for sure, with
no easy answer.
And the Skyway once upon a time. Wonder what the outcry would be for chopping the monorail loops out?


Well-Known Member
Sure, that could be done . . . the further destruction of the kinetic elements . . . there's a place there where you can see matterhorn bobsleds, the subs, the monorail and the autopia, all doing their thing. It's not thematically unified, but it's just one of those 'wow' places where there's so much going on, and the monorail in the park is such an icon.

So, we'll trade out two kinetic elements for one . . . I won't miss the autopia much, but recognize its place in the iconic Disneyland experience . . . but the monorail is a loss, no matter how you slice it, I think.

If it goes, it goes, just thinking about what it would mean. Pluses and minuses for sure, with
no easy answer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for its removal necessarily, but that figure 8 portion I drew could be removed with fairly minimal impact and the kinetics of the monorail would still be there as it circle the materhorn. I do whole-heartedly agree that that area has great kinetics with all those rides and different ride types intertwined. John Hench's book has a great discussion of this in that area specifically. So sad people mover is gone as it added another layer to the kinetics. But, the speeder bikes could also add to that kinetics (though it would ruin the theme of being on Endor).


Well-Known Member
In this instance, seems doable, as the monorail there just needlessly loops around. I could see them replacing the blue path (current) with the red.

Edited to add - they already altered the path before when building DCA and Grand California, so it's not unprecedented, either.

View attachment 35082
Sure they could, doesnt mean they should. They altered for Indy, nothing changed for DCA other than lengthy closures and removal of a beam for construction equipment to get in the old parking lot as I recall.
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