The Empress Lilly
Well-Known Member
That's depressing.Not to be a negative ninny, but I heard something two days ago about the WDW budget that sounded similar. I am not pleased if this pans out. Star Wars needs a massive budget if it's to over-impress.
There is no value SW land. You can value engineer a Toy Story Playland, with three $62,500 off-the-shelf carnival rides and $1500 bamboo landscaping. But not Star Wars. You need to go big or go home. Global SW fandom will embrace you or spit you out, and they will be very decisive for public opinion about SWLand.
A kiddie Jedi academy and a SW vinylmation giftshop means Disney will get burned down by SW fans, that is, 200 million internet-savvy nerds with too much time on their hands.