Until we see more artwork about what Hong Kong's Tomorrowland... or whateverland this is going into, it's a bit early to condemn the approach. It wouldn't surprise me if this artwork was ginned up solely for the benefit of the Chinese owners/investors who want to see that something new is in the works for the park. A facade that only obliquely hints at the guest experience inside would be unsuited for this task. When investors are antsy is not the time to come up with some sort of clever "Stark Industries Expo" concept, especially if you're having to work through a language barrier.
As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out for New Fantasyland until they finish the dwarf hill. Until you can turn around and not see construction walls it's too early to see if they succeeded in the place. From what I've seen already, it looks as though the Beauty and the Beast area is going to interplay quite well with the boundaries of the town square, as will the hill. The Mermaid grotto I'm more concerned about, though taken by itself it's a really nice piece of rockwork.
Storybook circus is excellent, though, as it spans and ties together several different attractions. Trying to fold it in with the rest of Fantasyland, whatever its aesthetic is would probably have been overkill.