What do I think?
I think it is a half-hearted PR move that they planted in the media, so no one looks too closely at how they really treat their CMs.
Not to veer off-topic, but quickly, a lot of posts are speaking about the Affordable Care Act. I want to make something pretty clear because it's quite lost in all the PR garbage, just like what Disney is doing by taking this small lot of part-timers (sad that 30 hours is part-time...) and giving them full health coverage.
My father was a very (I do stress this) high level insurance industry executive for many years and subsequently made the jump to the client side of corporations becoming a client of the same industry that he was in for so long, so I'm extraordinarily informed about insurance matters.
The biggest joke, lie, garbage with the ACA is when a company says that they are FORCED to give the employees health care or they are subject to a fine. (The fine is annually $2,000 per individual if the amount of employees is over 30 employees) Here's the dishonesty in the entire conversation: The companies only have to OFFER a heath care plan. They DON'T have to pay a CENT towards the cost of the coverage.
As long as they are physically offering health care plans, any sleazebag business can opt to offer a plan, but leave the full cost of the premiums to the employee. If a company chooses to go this route, they most likely will receive some lousy press, but that's the truth of the matter and policy here. Any company at any time chooses how much they will cover for their employees heath care cost and the only change here is that the law is simply requiring that they have to offer insurance, again, a company can choose to defer all the premium cost to an employee if they so choose. The whole concept is pooling, creating so many more customers (for private insurers, BTW, which seems to be missed by a certain "news" channel and their ilk) that costs and premiums are contained.
The United States has turned into a battle of dishonesty, talking points, and just plain lies when it comes to policy. Wouldn't it be nice to have honest policy discussions and not bogus scaremongering and politicking for once? But I digress...