Lee I sent you the post. Spirit if you want to read it let me know or have Lee forward it but I'm sure you are tired of hearing my rants and you have heard most of it before anyway

For everyone else here is an update that focuses mostly on the positive aspects of 722.
The Hogwarts Express will truly be a magical experience. It is the perfect blend of theatrical tools and theme park artistry that we used to expect from Disney. The cabin interiors are fantastic and the mock up almost had me shed a tear or two. Between the sounds, stations, effects and really cool media this will be a homerun in my opinion.
When the train pulls into the station and the steam, sounds and atmosphere are all programmed in it will be a special theme park moment for most guests.
When walking through Gringotts the main thing you say to yourself is "wow...this is just BIG!" Everything is big. The rockwork is amazing and it's BIG. The vault room is BIG and jaw dropping impressive. The unique track elements are BIG...I mean really BIG and should be a lot of fun. There are massive screens (think Simpsons or larger) and the vehicles will move into the sweet spots at the right times and there will be unique movements that most will not expect. I know this is not new information and is readily available online but I just want to remind everyone and put it in perspective.
The rest of the land is bigger than most expect as well. Have I mentioned big? Yes I have a lot of negative to say but all in all this will still be 100 times better than anything WDW has done in the past 10 years.
Lee and HTF and Spirit are correct regarding Lorax and JP.