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Lets pretend the system goes live and it works flawlessly. Great, folks make FP+ choices 60 days out and they get to swipe their band instead of a card and can use their smart phone to change FP if needed. I am not against any of that. It sounds more convenient. But thats it, its just a slightly more convenient vacation. Its great that Disney wants to update the system, but at the tune of 1 billion + dollars and climbing everyday, it seems like soooooooo much money spent to make a vacation SLIGHTLY more convenient. You hear people say things like, "Im so relieved that I know my family will get to ride the attractions they want." Seriously? Has anyone ever really worried about their family not being able to ride the rides they want to? I dont care if you have been 1 time or a hundred times, I never heard anybody say anything remotely close to that.
More people are questioning the financial aspect and the very small return the customer gets for it. Now, other projects are getting put on hold from maintenance to new attraction development. The MagicBands just get bashed because they are the polished turd of this whole operation.
There is so much more to the overall architecture, your MDE app also has greatly enhanced maps, live wait time data, live FP distribution times, express/advance resort check in, free in-park and resort Wi-Fi, etc. that the average visitor will value greatly. This NGE project is not just about FP+ or MB, they are simply features that are enabled byt the NGE project as it is a complete overall of the entire TDO back office servers, databases, credit card processing, turnstyles, reservation system and more.
I have personally experienced an ADR server outage or two during each of our last four or five visits that caused a lot of hassles including us not being able to retrieve Aloha Dinner Show tickets in advance and resulting in us standing at the Poly Concierge desk for an hour before getting things fixed and to boot the ADR system was done two years in a row on our 180 day window opening for most of the morning. We always had to swap our APs because the magnetic strip quit working for our summer trip.