Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
Methinks he would've approved but then I never met the man so its hard to say.

Since I'm speakin' all architectural and everything...
Stalin once signed off on a major hotel in Moscow that was presented to him as two different design interpretations. Apparently he didn't understand, so signed off on the whole thing. It was built with both interpretations flanking either side of the central core. Apparently, NOBODY wanted to approach ol' Jolly Joe and say... "Hey Joe. Uhmmm..."

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
I wish DHS could just become Lucasfilm land. I've had it up to here with pixar junk in all of the parks. It's a shame Disney can't use marvel in FL maybe they should get budgets under control and bring in younger creative talent to make movies at their own Studio so they can start putting other attractions in DHS. An Oz land or TRON attraction could be really amazing. But since they aren't going to do that then just split the whole park up between Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Muppets (Bonus points if they put in a Labyrinth land with David Bowie!), and that new Fairy movie Gary Rydstorm is directing.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that the individual you referenced would be a go-to source regarding how America is faring with unemployment. And just like not everyone is cutt out for academics, many folks are not cut out to be AC techs, auto techs or plumbers. It is very easy to say that too many kids feel they are TOO GOOD to work in trades and if they did, bingo our employment problems would be solved. There is nothing close to an easy answer to our employment crisis.
not the answer but heading in the right direction...one of the worst decisions made in education was the single path diploma and basically cutting the tech route...theres nothing wrong with blue collar..the problems in education are not political therefore cant be solved by politicians


Well-Known Member
I barely use them. I think I got four over 16 days in May. I may have gotten one in 4 days in July, although I can't recall doing so right now.

The thing is with the way I visit, I just am going to wind up being part of the problem. For my next visit in October, if this is up and running, I will take the 21-28 maximum and book them 'in case' despite not planning on a week's visit, despite knowing I'll be at UNI or the water parks other days. Disney's system will force me to screw my fellow guests, even though I do not want to.

Worse, my family and friends who will be walked in on maingates will have to sit on a bench because they're totally prevented from using the system (another design flaw or intention to make those cast benefits and free walk-ins not as great as they were before).

Sorry, but since your family and friends are prevented from using the system what gives them the right to occupy one of the dozen or so remaining benches at MK? Unless you know something about the hundred or so that have been moved backstage coming back for us locals to use. A cast member friend says they are selling some of them at the company store to cast members to put in their yard. Can't have those people in the way of the lemmings with the bands.


Well-Known Member
I wish DHS could just become Lucasfilm land. I've had it up to here with pixar junk in all of the parks. It's a shame Disney can't use marvel in FL maybe they should get budgets under control and bring in younger creative talent to make movies at their own Studio so they can start putting other attractions in DHS. An Oz land or TRON attraction could be really amazing. But since they aren't going to do that then just split the whole park up between Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Muppets (Bonus points if they put in a Labyrinth land with David Bowie!), and that new Fairy movie Gary Rydstorm is directing.
I think DHS should be the park with a dedicated area to Pixar IP and keep them out of the other parks unless there is a VERY good reason.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that the individual you referenced would be a go-to source regarding how America is faring with unemployment. And just like not everyone is cutt out for academics, many folks are not cut out to be AC techs, auto techs or plumbers. It is very easy to say that too many kids feel they are TOO GOOD to work in trades and if they did, bingo our employment problems would be solved. There is nothing close to an easy answer to our employment crisis.

Nobody was saying (at least, not myself) that "they are TOO GOOD" was the case here, nor did I indicate that VoEd would solve ALL our unemployment problems. I was simply making the case for the return of some sort of vocational education. Again, not everyone wants or needs to go to college to be successful. Different people learn in different ways and are able to achieve similar/same goals through different educational means, whether it be on-the-job, vocational, a bachelors degree, or beyond.
I am a fan of higher education, but, ultimately, even if you know what to do with it, a college degree doesn't necessarily guarantee you squat.

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
I think DHS should be the park with a dedicated area to Pixar IP and keep them out of the other parks unless there is a VERY good reason.

I just think they should get rid of buzz lightyear and that midway mania thing. If they like Toy Story so much then build a real ride for it not that carnival crap. So far I have only seen two decent Pixar attractions: Radiator Springs Racers and Monsters Inc. Ride and Go Seek.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
because why invest in new rides when people are going to come to WDW anyway?
This will only happen for so long. Some of the return visitors are DVC, but that is changing. I won't return for at least 5 years because of WDW lower quality. My hard earned money will be spent elsewhere. I have a reservation for Hotel Del Coronado in Sept, where I use to go to WDW in Sept.


Premium Member
The Newsroom has been excellent this season. Even though it is pure fantasy especially to those of us who work in the TV news business.

I'm definitely liking this season more. I don't work in the industry but I still think it seems rather unrealistic.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I wish DHS could just become Lucasfilm land. I've had it up to here with pixar junk in all of the parks. It's a shame Disney can't use marvel in FL maybe they should get budgets under control and bring in younger creative talent to make movies at their own Studio so they can start putting other attractions in DHS. An Oz land or TRON attraction could be really amazing. But since they aren't going to do that then just split the whole park up between Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Muppets (Bonus points if they put in a Labyrinth land with David Bowie!), and that new Fairy movie Gary Rydstorm is directing.

There would be nothing "bonus" about creating a land based on one of Jim Henson's most notorious box-office flops. :p God what an awful movie. Saw a bit of it on TV a couple of years ago and couldn't even finish it. Gak.

"Pixar junk"? You're kidding, I hope? Pixar belongs in DHS more than Lucas junk or Muppet junk. Monstropolis would be awesome. A dark ride celebrating all of Disney's classic films would be awesome and appropriate. A truly cool Toontown would rock, especially if one part of it were in black-and-white and the long-lost Oswald was included. (And if it brought back that other rabbit, that Roger guy, too). And a theater or attraction dedicated to Mary Poppins, Walt's crown jewel, is long overdue. An Oz ride might be okay if Disney could somehow include the original MGM film in it; otherwise, meh; the new Oz film was neither great nor powerful. A TRON ride could totally work, if it were ambitious enough. Anyway, DHS needs more classic Disney, not Lucas or Stan Lee or Henson. Your ideas would turn DHS into Disney Acquisition Land. No offense, but bleah.


Active Member
Magenta Panther sits at his desk, sweating. This next post will be enough to keep them away from him, right? They'll let him sleep well if he keeps up with this, right?

He closes his eyes and swallows. They started appearing a couple years ago in his dreams. Ever since Disney bought them out. The felt monsters with deadened eyes. It's like waking up to find that it's still late at night. The confusion comes first as he finds he can't move. Then the dread as he realizes what that sleep paralysis means. They're coming. They're here.

The door opens as someone who's far too short to reach the enters the room. Sometimes it's the pig. Sometimes it's the bear. Sometimes the frog. A couple of times, it's twisted felt idols of the people that love him. It doesn't matter who it is. They never show him mercy.

He's turned around, his face pressed into the pillow as they reach into his back towards his spinal column. Flesh parts easily, painlessly. Until daybreak, he's the puppet. He wakes up screaming when the light touches his eyes. It's always still nighttime. He always has to bring himself back down to sleep. It happens every night, unless he pushes them away. Unless he makes another post talking about how the Muppet brand just isn't right for Disney and how their brand of humor is too crude for the parks and how their acquisition was so terrible.

He opens his eyes again, shivering as he double-checks the post and then hits reply. This has to be enough for today. It has to be enough.
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