Here's the thing. CMCSA is doing the same thing up the street with Universal. They are trying to take as much of your money as possible. Obviously, they are taking a different approach to that goal. If that's the main beef here, then just say that. It can't be ok for CMCSA to seek a profit just because you like that they are building new rides.Precisely. I don't understand the scandal here.
Even in the early 80's I can remember my folks describing WDW as a place uniquely engineered to separate them from their money. And we are supposed to be scandalized that they continue to pursue/perfect this angle? To quote Casablanca, "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"
Couple that with the musings about technologies he doesn't know anything about and this latest line of attack looks particularly...labored.
I'm sympathetic to 74's larger effort but he's barking up the wrong tree with this latest bit. Yes, it looks like yet another of Disney's patented moneypit boondoggle projects. Yes, the tangible benefits to the patron are minimal, if any exist at all. Yes, this money is not being spent on attractions that are much needed in the parks. I agree with all of that and it's a tragedy. But the rantings outside of that are truly tinfoil hat fodder.
But this notion that it is evil for a company to seek profit is just silly, at best.
I would be curious to know if the original poster seeks a profit in his business?