Well-Known Member
Hey, anyone here know how many great, brilliant young college kids are working at WDW for $7.80 an hour who will NEVER have a chance to even be a mid-level exec no matter how hard they work?
Since I am very close to one of these folks I am going to chime in here. I don't want to say she will never make it that high because I must always hope for her, but I will say that baring some drastic change any frontline CM becoming a mid-level exec is very highly unlikely. The person I am referring to has a college degree and a ton of student loans. Her parents were told they made too much money to qualify for most financial aid, but they lived paycheck to paycheck and did not have money to save for college for their children. They both worked very hard and still do, but can barely afford their house these days. They do not have a large house (3 bedrooms 1.5 baths), but their state and town got hit hard with the financial crisis. They live in the NE and the cost of living is very high there. Relatives are helping this woman pay her student loans that she had to take of she wanted to go to college. She did go to an out of state school, but because of the high costs of everything in the NE the out of state tuition in the south was the same as the in state tuition in the north. She had a plan for after graduation, but because she could not find a job she had to move back in with her parents. She applied for a job with WDW because she loves the place.
She now makes $7.80ish per hour at the MK and while that is technically over minimum wage I can tell you that it is barely a living wage and she is single. She often extends her hours as much as she can so that she has enough money to pay her rent and utilities. Though she won't admit it I know she sometimes barely eats. When I see TWDC making record profits and think of how this person and other CMs beg for raises and how poorly they are treated it saddens me deeply. There are huge disparities within the company and that goes against the values the company was built upon. NGE does have me worried for her as I am sure there will be further cuts to labor when it is rolled out completely. Every year execs get paid more and more and CMs have to fight for a $0.10 per hour increase that they often don't get. I get that TWDC is not a non-profit and I am fine with them making a profit, even a huge one, but money isn't everything. See Jacob Marley. Happier CMs make for happier guests
I do believe that you can improve your situation. While we are not 1%ers we are doing better than our parents and we hope our daughter does better than us. We both work all day every day as state workers here in the sunshine state where we are very unlikely to get a raise in the next few years no matter how hard we work. DH could make twice as much $$ in the private sector for what he does, but in these uncertain times we have opted for job security over more $$ (like I said $$ isn't everything). While one does need to work hard, there also has to be an opening for you to improve yourself and in lots of situations that is just not the case