Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter


Well-Known Member
To any young people/anyone reading the above:

Don't believe a word of it. I know you're smarter than to believe that. Ask yourself why anyone would even say that? Do they have an interest in you staying down? Why would they want you to give up before you even start? I'll tell you what it is...complete BS. Anybody can do anything they really and truly commit to. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a cancer in your life that should be removed promptly. If you're smart about it, you use statements such as these as motivation. Like I said, the stacked deck excuses are just that. Don't let people who couldn't cut it tell you that you can't either.


Everyone who "they" said couldn't.

That is a great speech for a motivational speaker but it doesn't sync with reality.

Today, the United States has less equality of opportunity than almost any other advanced industrial country. Study after study has exposed the myth that America is a land of opportunity. This is especially tragic: While Americans may differ on the desirability of equality of outcomes, there is near-universal consensus that inequality of opportunity is indefensible. The Pew Research Center has found that some 90 percent of Americans believe that the government should do everything it can to ensure equality of opportunity.
It’s not that social mobility is impossible, but that the upwardly mobile American is becoming a statistical oddity. According to research from the Brookings Institution, only 58 percent of Americans born into the bottom fifth of income earners move out of that category, and just 6 percent born into the bottom fifth move into the top. Economic mobility in the United States is lower than in most of Europe and lower than in all of Scandinavia.
After 1980, the poor grew poorer, the middle stagnated, and the top did better and better. Disparities widened between those living in poor localities and those living in rich suburbs — or rich enough to send their kids to private schools. A result was a widening gap in educational performance — the achievement gap between rich and poor kids born in 2001 was 30 to 40 percent larger than it was for those born 25 years earlier, the Stanford sociologist Sean F. Reardon found.
Americans are coming to realize that their cherished narrative of social and economic mobility is a myth. Grand deceptions of this magnitude are hard to maintain for long — and the country has already been through a couple of decades of self-deception.

^ Just a few selections from a recent piece by Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. Bold emphasis is mine but I still suggest reading the whole article.

None of this is to say that everyone should give up on their dreams. Rather it's to point out that the idea of "Anybody can do anything they really and truly commit to" is a fallacy in today's socioeconomic conditions.


Premium Member
Anyone who thinks that just having a strong will equals success and that you will succeed if you just try hard enough is in for a rude awakening some day.
The difference is the strong pick themselves up and keep moving forward after getting knocked down.

The point isn't 'you can be president if you really want it Charlie..' - but that the only one who can ever truly stop you is yourself.


Premium Member
And I have a little walled city here? Really? That's cute. ... He isn't a threat to me whatsoever. I'm honest. He isn't. He knows it ... oh. and so do you.

Not honest about what? Again you won't simply ask questions because you know the truth doesn't serve your purpose.


Well-Known Member
Not honest about what? Again you won't simply ask questions because you know the truth doesn't serve your purpose.
Are you now or have you even been a communist employed by The Walt Disney Company and/or any of the companies involved in the technological implementation of NextGen? Are you positioned to gain financially from the successful implementation of NextGen either directly or indirectly through it being an example of the type of projects you can implement for others?

It's the "you don't agree, so you must be a plant or have compromised values" story, again.


Are you now or have you even been a communist employed by The Walt Disney Company and/or any of the companies involved in the technological implementation of NextGen? Are you positioned to gain financially from the successful implementation of NextGen either directly or indirectly through it being an example of the type of projects you can implement for others?

It's the "you don't agree, so you must be a plant or have compromised values" story, again.
This could get interesting...


Premium Member
Are you now or have you even been a communist employed by The Walt Disney Company and/or any of the companies involved in the technological implementation of NextGen? Are you positioned to gain financially from the successful implementation of NextGen either directly or indirectly through it being an example of the type of projects you can implement for others?

I will tell you and everyone exactly what I I have told anyone who bothered to ask - it's no secret. Anyone with three brain cells can find my blog where I talk about my work amoung other things. Here's one of the PMs..

I work for Cisco Systems - but nothing with anything to do with this. Cisco is 70k+ people around the globe and I work in video for a European group. I didn't even know Cisco is involved with it until WDW1974 posted that Cisco+Accenture are involved. I can't even confirm what he says is true or to what degree they maybe involved. After he posted that, I tried to see if I could find any hits about it on the intranet and found nothing. So no clue if that is even legit or not. Cisco is a hardware vendor to 5-50% of the market depending on which space you talking about (Switching, Routing, Voice, Video, etc). Saying Cisco is involved is like saying Microsoft Windows is involved.. the crap is just everywhere :)

I show no love for Cisco - they just pay me :) My previous company was acquired by Cisco about 3 years ago after I helped build that company to a billion dollar company for 12+ years. They are just my overlord now :)

Saying you are a plant because you work for a global conglomerate and that company uses your gear.. is like calling your mailman an assassin because he's a federal employee and the government kills people don't you know...

I'm sure every Microsoft employee in the world is also a plant and defender of Disney too since they use Windows. Can't trust the guy that makes mice for Microsoft either.. since you know.. MyMagic+ probably uses Windows somewhere. Being a Microsoft employee in mice makes you have a vested interest in Microsoft T-shirts, office 365, etc. Guilty by corporate association - its the ammo of ignorance around the world!

Such claims just show complete ignorance of actual corporate structure, actions, or its employees. But hey, that's never stopped wdw1974 in the past.. so why would it now.

I work in compressed real-time video technologies. You can tell just how linked that is to MyMagic can't you? They must be brothers separated at birth! :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the interest of not clogging up this thread, I only quoted this last tid-bit. Hope that's ok.

No. You can do whatever you please, but I'd rather it not become a thread about the fallacy of the American Dream in the 21st century.

I don't know when flipping burgers at McD's became frowned upon in this society. My grandfather did it as a teenager to make money to save for a business idea he had, which he grew to become successful, handed over to may father and made it even more successful, and now he is slowly exiting and I am trying to keep the ball rolling.

Really. I enjoy dining on those burgers occassionally. No, it shouldn't be frowned upon. But if you want to take the FOX News/CNBC argument then I'll gladly take the MSNBC one. Your grandfather flipped burgers in another lifetime. Not today. Not with today's reality. There's nothing wrong with a job there for a high school kid or even college kid or retiree. But an educated person with skills and a college education should not be working at McD's flipping burgers. ... I'd also note that you are not a self-made businessman here if you are the third generation of a family business. You are simply taking the work your Grandfather and Dad did and trying to build on it.

Again, nothing wrong with that. It's great. It's also not a Horatio Alger tale. It's more one of generational wealth.

Most entrepreneurs that started with little and became fabulously wealthy have stated that if they were born a decade or two later they would not have been able to accomplish what they did.

(I am talking specifically about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates among others, not exactly the old generation)

America changed fundamentally ... some of us see that and some of us still are clinging to a 1950s version.

Regarding student loans, I say that is the fault of the student, and part of the problem of the "I deserve it" crowd. I deserve to go to that Ivy League school, or prestigious out of state school. There are few instances when taking out 200k in student loans is prudent. MBA from Harvard? Maybe, but probably not. Art History degree from Yale? Absolutely not, what are you going to do with that? When did going to an in-state school, or God forbid, junior/community college become like a four letter word? What's wrong with a Business Administration from a state school down in your neck of the woods? Absolutely nothing. (Although it's not as good as being a Gator Grad ;) ) And when did working in college become burdensome? Too many kids today have no work ethic, and want things handed to them on a plate. My parents could have sent me anywhere I wanted to go. They didn't. I was told to pick a school that I could get a degree from while working simultaneously to pay for it. At the time I hated it, it was hard. But now I thank them for it. I learned a lot in those 4 years. I learned how to manage time, money, social life, and I learned how to win. I plan on doing the same thing with my kids. People think flipping burgers is below them because they keep reading everywhere how it should be below them.

Sounds to me like a bashfest on today's grads. Very misplaced. But sure, it's easier to blame a kid who went to school, worked his/her off, did great, got out of school with a degree and was told ... you can temp 15 hours a week for $10 an hour or work at McD's or maybe even Starbucks if you're lucky. ... Before you start (you already have though) down the path that some people get the wrong degrees (what would we do if everyone got an MBA? Those are 'supposed' to be so valuable ... if it were 1952.) let me give you a quick view of what happened in my very affluent masterplanned community. A high tech company moved in and in just a few years, using highly educated locals, the company grew exponentially and took up almost all commercial property. Its market cap went from a few million to BILLIONS. It was a Wall Street darling and the pride of our town.

So what did the company (again, cutting edge, high tech, perfect 21st century business) do? The company went to SE Asia with piles of special visas and brought chartered jetloads of folks from India and dropped them down in this town that was a symbol for traditional American values ... and what can be achieved through hard work. Said company told its local employees (this would be basically EVERYONE except for the top executives/owners) they could either leave the company with no references and no compensation packages or they would be allowed to stay on for six weeks during which they would train their (much lower paid) Indian replacements. If they accepted the latter, the company would not fight their unemployment claim and give them a positive reference. I suppose your response to that would be they should all just go out and start their own companies or maybe flip some burgers to support their families.

The reality is that many of my upper middle class neighbors lost their homes and had lives ruined and families ripped apart.

That's the reality of today's America for many, many. Just because you are blind to it or blessed by family circumstances doesn't change others' reality. But I guess ing on their legs and telling them it's liquid gold may make you feel better.

Hey, anyone here know how many great, brilliant young college kids are working at WDW for $7.80 an hour who will NEVER have a chance to even be a mid-level exec no matter how hard they work?

Regarding insurance, you are right. Something has to be done about the skyrocketing cost of healthcare in this country. I don't know when having the government take money away from you and giving it to someone else became compassion? But my question is this: why stop there? Why not take cars from people who have them and give them to others? Or what about your home? I'm sure you don't NEED a home that big, filled with spirited furniture. And further, why do people always find it so easy to be self-righteous with other peoples money? I know it's an overly simplistic point, but I never hear about any pro-healthcare types talking about all that discretionary income they donated to the cause. You just don't hear it. "Take it from him, not me," they say.

Matt, with all due respect, we are so far apart on the spectrum here that I honestly think it's a waste of time. You believe in what you do like it's the gospel sent on down. I believe in reality. Not simply mine, but what I see and as unbiased as I can be. Really ... who is taking your money and handing to some worthless, lazy person who just won't pay for insurance? Parents still have to beg for money for children who need transplants and you wanna go down this road because the Man is taking your money and giving it to those lazy neighbors you don't even like.

I really should have read your full post before responding because it's not in my interest to waste my time.

As to giving, myself and my extended family have given more money to charity than you can possibly imagine. But charity isn't selfless either. There were plenty of great tax advantages to giving that money away (and the names on buildings helps too!)

You think 250k should bear most of the burden? They do. The top 5% pay over half of all taxes paid in this country. How much is enough? We keep hearing "fair share" in this country. What about those stats are "fair?" Again, it's easy to be self-righteous with other people's money.

I absolutely agree with you that a great society must take care of its own people. But I've never seen where a great government has adequately done the job. The fools who should be taking care of this cannot even pass a budget...their one constitutional duty. And we want to leave taking care of others to them? If government was so good at taking care of their own, wouldn't we be in much better shape by now?

I'd just give your grandfather a big hug and thank him for putting you on a perch where you can sit and pass judgment on those less fortunate. I have been blessed in countless ways, but I NEVER forget people below me on the socio-economic level. I don't look through homeless people like they don't exist and watch my neighbors lose their homes and say 'they got that coming, did you see all the new TVs they got for Christmas three years ago!'

I'm sorry, Matt, but having discussions like this are, frankly, just bad for my health. Congrats on your good fortune and I hope it continues ... and I also hope you learn a little compassion for the people you so easily dismiss as lazy leeches.

I'm done on this discussion, so feel free to have the last word.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
^ Just a few selections from a recent piece by Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. Bold emphasis is mine but I still suggest reading the whole article.

None of this is to say that everyone should give up on their dreams. Rather it's to point out that the idea of "Anybody can do anything they really and truly commit to" is a fallacy in today's socioeconomic conditions.

Please, he's an Ivory Tower elitist that likely is a Commie and wants to steal everything you have ... from your money to your guns to your women folk to even your Disney plush!

Actually, great post.

But why should anyone respect him, right?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not honest about what? Again you won't simply ask questions because you know the truth doesn't serve your purpose.

The truth, Flynn?

You finally decided to fess up on who you work for (they are known for waaay overpaying, so not surprised)
But, did I miss the part where you admitted being an expert on computer/network security? Did I miss the part where you are a paid speaker on the subjects we've been discussing here relating to NGE/MM+? Have I somehow confused you with another author with the exact name who contributed to a book whose second chapter is titled ''Information Gathering Techniques (Detect, Exploit, Prevent)''?

If I did confuse you, my apologies.

If not ... tell me how can you say that your work, your background, your life doesn't directly relate to MANY of the topics we've discussed here on NGE/MM+ and datamining that you have selectively and zealously come in and defended at every opportunity.

Again, if I'm wrong, my apologies. But things can happen when you put your whole life on the web ... sorta why some of us prefer private information stays private.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I will tell you and everyone exactly what I I have told anyone who bothered to ask - it's no secret. Anyone with three brain cells can find my blog where I talk about my work amoung other things. Here's one of the PMs..

Lucky for me that I have four brain cells and they've served me amazingly well too.

I work for Cisco Systems - but nothing with anything to do with this. Cisco is 70k+ people around the globe and I work in video for a European group. I didn't even know Cisco is involved with it until WDW1974 posted that Cisco+Accenture are involved. I can't even confirm what he says is true or to what degree they maybe involved. After he posted that, I tried to see if I could find any hits about it on the intranet and found nothing. So no clue if that is even legit or not.

It's quite legit, whether you allegedly looked and found anything or not. They are involved in the implmentation of the entire NGE project. But again, take a shot because you know people won't be able to type this into a search box and find an answer, so they either believe me or you.

Saying you are a plant because you work for a global conglomerate and that company uses your gear.. is like calling your mailman an assassin because he's a federal employee and the government kills people don't you know...

Stop LYING. I have never called YOU a plant. You are here because you enjoy Disney and enjoy telling everyone how smart you are and know more than they do about everything. And I'm sure it doesn't Klout or even clout with the company to be extolling the virtues of onerous technology that is taking over our lives ... and enriching you as it does so.

Such claims just show complete ignorance of actual corporate structure, actions, or its employees. But hey, that's never stopped wdw1974 in the past.. so why would it now.

I work in compressed real-time video technologies. You can tell just how linked that is to MyMagic can't you? They must be brothers separated at birth! :rolleyes:

Again, you mistate things and make up things as you go along. This is your MO here and if I, as someone who actually agrees with much of what you post says that, I can only imagine how grating reading anything of yours must be for people who don't agree as much.

But I've never called you ignorant. And I've never taken shots at your intelligence. Yet you continually do so. It's really tiresome. Why don't you just start a thread on the virtues of NGE ... have a field day with it ... because while you wallow in YOUR ignorance, those of us who do know how badly things are going on the implimentation end by YOUR company can have a rational discussion sans personal insults.

I wonder how much Cisco is going to be paying you today to sit on a computer and post on MAGIC when you're supposed to be working for them. ... maybe that's the problem in WDW too!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
One quick note before I sign off and await all the fun Tuesday will bring here (hopefully the new toilets will open and people will focus on them!) ... but someone contacted me a few hours ago and told me that she had had an experince with MM+ showing someone else's ressie when she tried to check hers. She called Disney.

Spoke to a woman in IT and was told to reload her user name and password and VIOLA!!! ... she got another totally different family's information. The person at IT was watching a mirror screen and couldn't explain the situation ... she also admitted that if this person could see and modify a stranger's reservation (wouldn't it be fun to cancel a stranger's ressie and ruin a family vacation?!!) that the same likewise could be done to her.

Disney had no answers, so they simply froze her account and paid her off with a Disney Gift Card. I am going to try and find out how much your personal information is valued by WDW tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
One quick note before I sign off and await all the fun Tuesday will bring here (hopefully the new toilets will open and people will focus on them!) ... but someone contacted me a few hours ago and told me that she had had an experince with MM+ showing someone else's ressie when she tried to check hers. She called Disney.

Spoke to a woman in IT and was told to reload her user name and password and VIOLA!!! ... she got another totally different family's information. The person at IT was watching a mirror screen and couldn't explain the situation ... she also admitted that if this person could see and modify a stranger's reservation (wouldn't it be fun to cancel a stranger's ressie and ruin a family vacation?!!) that the same likewise could be done to her.

Disney had no answers, so they simply froze her account and paid her off with a Disney Gift Card. I am going to try and find out how much your personal information is valued by WDW tomorrow.
Yikes, I'm glad we have no intention of going to WDW in the near future. I'm wondering though, if this mess is reaching all the way to DLR, and it's reservation system?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yikes, I'm glad we have no intention of going to WDW in the near future. I'm wondering though, if this mess is reaching all the way to DLR, and it's reservation system?

Doubtful ... but who knows? Certainly not this ignorant Spirit.

But I am getting a 1 a.m. call from a west coast buddy who was interested in our discussion and may have other info to share.

Good thing I can sleep in ... like through the morning completely. Ain't that great @Lee? :-)


Well-Known Member
Doubtful ... but who knows? Certainly not this ignorant Spirit.

But I am getting a 1 a.m. call from a west coast buddy who was interested in our discussion and may have other info to share.

Good thing I can sleep in ... like through the morning completely. Ain't that great @Lee? :)
I am thinking it is possible for it to reach out here, as on the DVC site, I book my DLR reservations. I can book the villas, and the hotels. I've been reading on another site of DVC members having the problems with the DVC site as well.


Well-Known Member
One quick note before I sign off and await all the fun Tuesday will bring here (hopefully the new toilets will open and people will focus on them!) ... but someone contacted me a few hours ago and told me that she had had an experince with MM+ showing someone else's ressie when she tried to check hers. She called Disney.

Spoke to a woman in IT and was told to reload her user name and password and VIOLA!!! ... she got another totally different family's information. The person at IT was watching a mirror screen and couldn't explain the situation ... she also admitted that if this person could see and modify a stranger's reservation (wouldn't it be fun to cancel a stranger's ressie and ruin a family vacation?!!) that the same likewise could be done to her.

Disney had no answers, so they simply froze her account and paid her off with a Disney Gift Card. I am going to try and find out how much your personal information is valued by WDW tomorrow.

Database coding issue...should have been fixed quickly; however, I would guess that there are more project teams associated with this that I originally assumed. If that were a database I run (and I do run about 21 different database systems on my server), it would have been shut down until the programming team figured out why the issue was happening. I can guess the issue (as can anyone with programming experience), but that should have never been allowed in a live environment. I'd also guess their testing program is somewhat lacking....


Well-Known Member
One quick note before I sign off and await all the fun Tuesday will bring here (hopefully the new toilets will open and people will focus on them!) ... but someone contacted me a few hours ago and told me that she had had an experince with MM+ showing someone else's ressie when she tried to check hers. She called Disney.

Spoke to a woman in IT and was told to reload her user name and password and VIOLA!!! ... she got another totally different family's information. The person at IT was watching a mirror screen and couldn't explain the situation ... she also admitted that if this person could see and modify a stranger's reservation (wouldn't it be fun to cancel a stranger's ressie and ruin a family vacation?!!) that the same likewise could be done to her.

Disney had no answers, so they simply froze her account and paid her off with a Disney Gift Card. I am going to try and find out how much your personal information is valued by WDW tomorrow.
@Jason_Garcia - plan on doing a story on the breaking data breach going on at WDW?


Well-Known Member
That is a great speech for a motivational speaker but it doesn't sync with reality.

^ Just a few selections from a recent piece by Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. Bold emphasis is mine but I still suggest reading the whole article.

None of this is to say that everyone should give up on their dreams. Rather it's to point out that the idea of "Anybody can do anything they really and truly commit to" is a fallacy in today's socioeconomic conditions.

More excuses...listen, it's not for everyone. It takes more work than most in this country care to do. There's nothing wrong with that but the "woe is me" attitude is for losers. Period.


Well-Known Member
I'm done on this discussion, so feel free to have the last word.

Wow. So many assumptions, so little time. I'll quickly address a few before things get crazy this morning:
  1. The "you didn't build that" argument. You assume I own only one company. You would be very wrong. There is the family business that I have carried on, and it is laughable that one thinks just because a business existed before you took over, it will continue to exist. With regards to my other business...it nearly bankrupted me once. No doubt all the "stacked deck" and "you will fail" and "nobody can do it" crowd would be smiling. Well, that was 20 years ago, and we're still here now
  2. The "generational wealth" argument. Maybe you don't know how this works to us evil rich folk, but let me explain. My grandfather started the family business, passed it to my Dad, and when he passed, left everything to my Dad. Now, my sister and I are doing very well. But you will say that there is money waiting for you anyway. You would be wrong. See, we like to preserve our money. So it skips a generation. It's all in our kids name at the time, and if they become successful, it will skip them too. Add on to that that I had to buy the business from my father. So, tell me again how it was given to me or I just used my trust fund to buy it.
  3. The "sitting on a perch and compassion" argument. This is getting good, because you have no idea how silly you seem with your assumptions. I will ask all the inner city youth sports leagues kids that I've coached all through the years (many of them now doctors, lawyers, business owners here in Orlando coming from families who had NOTHING. But that can't be because you say it can't). Or the young men I am/have mentored. They will laugh at you, and they should. Look at big bad Matt sitting up there on his perch judging all us little people. Really, I'm trying to put together a coherent retort here but it's just too hard because it can be difficult to respond to misplaced judgements and such self righteousness.
You assume you know so much and you really know so little. Keep telling people what they can't do. The big bad evil folk have you and all who follow that belief right where they want you. Its sad.

This will be my last word on the subject too, and I will actually hold true to that.

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