As an Unofficial Guide rep (being the co-author and all), I'm pretty sure Disney did not pay his way (assuming he's there for a press event of some sort). The Unofficial Guide has a clearly stated policy on not taking money from the Mouse and remaining objective. I'm going to assume this policy also carries over to, but not totally sure on that. I will say that I would not lump Len in with some of the other Lifestylers you refer to. Between the UG and the podcast he's on, I've certainly read/heard many honest comments that would definitely not be considered as overly positive towards TWDC. I will also say that he has crafted out a successful career as an author/web site owner by applying statistics, modeling, and computer science to touring theme parks.
@Len Testa responded on the MM+ test thread that he was there on his dime ... and I responded with the following <<>> but before I quote that all I want to add is there's a big difference between taking money from Disney (I don't know who does, although I am sure they have paid BRAND ADVOCATES out there ... Mongello sure seems like one!) and not taking anything of monetary value (like AL Lutz) or taking favors of any kind (that can be anything from free flights, trips, cruises, hotel stays, meals, booze, tickets, swag, special access to VIPs, events, discounted stays etc). I don't know the full story on what Len owns/controls. I am of the belief (correct me if I am wrong) that the UG is associated with/owns Touring Plans and they're under the same umbrella. That said, here's what I posted on the other thread:
<<True enough and I don't know Len at all (I think we may have met sometime in the past though), but if he or any of his staff/associates take things from Disney, then that should be stated. ... I believe @
WDWFigment was working for him at the Cars Land opening when he was given a room at the Grand Cali for FREE as well as ticket media, food and booze and admission to the party. Those things always are tricky for bloggers especially the party/pressers/announcements because one could argue there is no price attached, but they certainly have a great value to many.
Also, many times, bloggers are given 'media rates' and they can be phenomenal (would you stay at the GF for $125 a night ... how about Pop for $40?).
It is very grey and is something I like to shed light on. >>