Well-Known Member
One more thought: many of the folks who can't get enough of the Pixie Dust and talk about how they must stay on property to feel like they're in another world blah, blah and blah as you've heard it all before ... well, they're the ones who seem to have the least issues with the real world intruding on their MAGICal sanctum in the form of onerous reservations requirements to experience attractions of the need to have smart phone and tablets at the ready -- the very devices that take you away from the MAGIC. Sorry, but nothing takes me out of a voyage with marauding pirates or a jungle cruise or a trip to the frontier than people checking their FB or uploading a photo with Instagram or any of these other social networking 'things'.
Sorry, Pixie Dusters, but I think you guys/gals can be a bit hypocritcal on this point.
well, I am a stay on property type. but my kids and myself do not have any i-anything, or smartphones, etc. and I am not happy about any of this. ( my husband and I text if we seperate in the park, but that's it) We vacation to take a break from all the screens!This whole thing plus the price increases at said properties are making us seriously consider uni/seaworld for the first time for next year!
We spoke to some front desk cm's when we checked in a few weeks ago- all of them looked horrified about having to deal with the average customer and their craziness with the new they put it, they still get yelled at on a regular basis by people about adr's and fp...they can only imagine how horrible it will be when guests can't get a ride or a meal they want!