Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter


Well-Known Member
I'm really curious to see the 2012 numbers as well. I think last year they came out near the end of May, but my memory could be wrong. Any predictions regarding the numbers for 2012, Dave?

My predictions? (Since when did *I* have a crystal ball instead of blue?)
Well, the conference calls have had attendance as flat and they continued to dodge Jason Garcia's questions so .... here goes. I have no inside information, i'm not basing this off any metric other than a wild guess and what the mouse has said.
MK around 17.3 (that'd be 1% growth) The other three parks? Again, assuming only 1% growth? DAK at 9.85, DHS at 9.8 and Epcot around 10.9 although Epcot showed no change from 2010-2011.

So IDK but based on Disney's public statements, I would be surprised if the numbers deviate a lot from that.

Looking at IOA? NBC Universal does not make reference to attendance in their annual report. They simply said "Higher."
There is nothing to go on there other than another year of 29% growth would put it at 9.9 million and IMO that doesnt seem mathmatically realistic but I wouldnt discount it either. I don't regularly go there so I have no observational data to go on. Its 7.65 million in 2011 so most likely, somewhere between 8.25-8.75. Thats in the 15% range and makes more sense. (Again, totally guesswork)

However.... if IOA maintains that 29% growth? Look the hell out; they'd have leapfrogged DAK & DHS. I wont be surprised when that happens either.


Well-Known Member
Because I was never indoctrinated into the Potterverse and further do not like the movies. And please do not say it is necessary to read the books. I only read non-fiction. I never had to read a book to enjoy Star Wars. You knew it would be great escapism when you walked in the theater. Potter puts me to sleep. Just being honest.

I respect your opinion. I do not think you can necessarily say the same about families with kids (the real money makers) today. Has nothing to do with reading books. It is all about the strength of the story and how much exposure those stories receive. You have to admit Star Wars had somewhat of a hiccup due to the length of time lapsed between the original trilogy and the prequels. It lost a little of its luster.

Harry Potter appeals to more kids and families than Star Wars. Trust me when I say the new Star Tours did NOT impact DHS attendance they way it was planned and additional money had to be poured into additional billboards and Lynx bus wraps. It missed the mark. From what i remember reading in the OS Harry Potter alone contributed to a 30%+ increase in business NOT for IOA but the entire Universal Studios Florida Resort. Sure that is a comparison of one refurbished attraction to an entire land but then again New Fantasyland is not exactly knocking it out of the park. Besides Disney has always had the opportunity to expand its Star Wars offerings, even before they owned the ip, and chose to keep what they have. Building a facade and calling it the Jedi Training Camp is not a significant expansion in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
My predictions? (Since when did *I* have a crystal ball instead of blue?)
Well, the conference calls have had attendance as flat and they continued to dodge Jason Garcia's questions so .... here goes. I have no inside information, i'm not basing this off any metric other than a wild guess and what the mouse has said.
MK around 17.3 (that'd be 1% growth) The other three parks? Again, assuming only 1% growth? DAK at 9.85, DHS at 9.8 and Epcot around 10.9 although Epcot showed no change from 2010-2011.

So IDK but based on Disney's public statements, I would be surprised if the numbers deviate a lot from that.

Looking at IOA? NBC Universal does not make reference to attendance in their annual report. They simply said "Higher."
There is nothing to go on there other than another year of 29% growth would put it at 9.9 million and IMO that doesnt seem mathmatically realistic but I wouldnt discount it either. I don't regularly go there so I have no observational data to go on. Its 7.65 million in 2011 so most likely, somewhere between 8.25-8.75. Thats in the 15% range and makes more sense. (Again, totally guesswork)

However.... if IOA maintains that 29% growth? Look the hell out; they'd have leapfrogged DAK & DHS. I wont be surprised when that happens either.
no way on continued 29% growth for 2013 but look for 2015 for USF to top maybe two of WDW's parks


Well-Known Member
However.... if IOA maintains that 29% growth? Look the hell out; they'd have leapfrogged DAK & DHS. I wont be surprised when that happens either.

I would be curious to know how much intel Disney has on this. If IOA is about to leapfrog one of their parks - do they know that already? Or are they waiting for the numbers like everyone else?


Well-Known Member
There's more out there, but I don't want this to get us stuck in the mud

To be quite honest, I didnt read all of that.

I'm not sure who you mean when you say "I know charity makes y'all feel all good inside" Could you clarify?

Also, since you mentioned corporations only donate to charity to evade taxes...did you take any deductions on your return this year?


Well-Known Member
Exactly where did I state that? Nowhere. Make an addendum: Those multinationals in most other western countries do exactly what you said and what I said. And lets be honest, charity by corporations in this country are generally done for tax advantages, not out of the common good. That's reality.

You did state that corporations in this country do not have a sense of national pride. I wholeheartedly disagree with that. I agree that corps do it for the tax advantage...we all do. But I also think that corps think they can better serve their local communities by giving directly to it as opposed to going through an inept federal government.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
I'd like to think that no corporation makes charitable donations solely for the tax deduction. Not because I want to believe corporations are better than that or anything, just because that would be a terrible investment. At best, for ever dollar spent on charitable contributions will return 35 cents of lowered taxes. They have to have other reasons for donating to charities, or just be really really bad with money.


Well-Known Member
I would be curious to know how much intel Disney has on this. If IOA is about to leapfrog one of their parks - do they know that already? Or are they waiting for the numbers like everyone else?
Marvel Entertainment likely has a good idea, but they're forbidden from sharing that information with Walt Disney Parks & Resorts as a condition of the federal government approving their acquisition by The Walt Disney Company.

While it would not surprise me to see DIsney doing some of their own tracking, I can also see where, as a member of TEA, they would be willing to just wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Instead of this nonsense that everyone is going to be rich and a top one percenter while seemingly ignoring that we now have one of the worst rates of social mobility in the western world's economies, the truth is that not everyone is cut out or wants a standard college career. There are so many industries where you can make a terrific income with technical degree.

It's funny that for the most part, the guys that I know that are skilled workers today do vastly better than the ones that I know that are office workers.

This I agree with 100%. Not everyone is going to be, nor needs to be, a doctor or lawyer, etc. Learning a trade and mastering it can be as valuable as any white collar profession. It can also lead to owning your own business and becoming quite successful (regardless of what certain someones said to the contrary).

I read an article the other day (WSJ, maybe?) that compared the lifetime net earnings between a self-employed plumber and an attorney. I don't remember the numbers, but the attorney barley out earned the plumber through their careers, largely due to the sheer amount of debt they incurred through college and law school. You can make a very good living learning a trade and basing a career around it. But many kids these days will not want to do the work. But that is a whole different topic of this nation becoming more willing to take than work.


Well-Known Member
Well in the spirit of THE SPIRIT, I'm off on my 1% vacation as well....the 1% who have served in the US Military since 9/11. To the cozy garden valley of Kandahar, Afghanistan and areas around there. It will be a short trip, only a month, and I'll have internet so I'll keep checking in and waiting for "Spirited Change."

I would love for Disney to announce a "big" announcement and actually announce something big. Waiting....

Be safe brother, and thank you!

That will even get a "Roll Tide" from this Gator.


Well-Known Member
Please back up your claim of why you would prefer Star Wars over HP. This should be good.

Generational Appeal and proven long-term success. Will we even care about HP 36 years from now like people still care about Star Wars? Not taking anything away from HP, it's a huge draw and popular right now. But will it be relevant to different generations 3 decades from now?

I've never seen/read HP, my son has. But we watch Star Wars together.


Well-Known Member
You did state that corporations in this country do not have a sense of national pride. I wholeheartedly disagree with that. I agree that corps do it for the tax advantage...we all do. But I also think that corps think they can better serve their local communities by giving directly to it as opposed to going through an inept federal government.

I clearly stated that it wasn't ALL corporations, but too many of the large ones in this country. Secondly, I'm not bringing a pro-government, or anti-government bent here, as you are by stating that the federal government inept and I'm not even going down that road. I've been up close with some major corporations, I have very close family that has been near the top of the food chain (and I'm not talking about some mid-level manager stuff, rather executive committee, board, etc.) at a few top 100 in this country, and it's sadly naive to think that a lot of what is done now isn't purely for business reasons and not love of the community. There are still good people in many of these companies that want to do the right thing in the community, but they are generally overshadowed by the other side.

Just a random company: Where I live, Bank of America foots the bill for a one day a month at a major art museum for county residents to go for free. The same Bank of America that has milked our government for billions and is now guaranteed not to fail. Also, the same BoA that has drastically reduced lending to small business even when the small business has the fiscal means and would qualify for such loan, but BoA prefers to take their cash and indulge in further questionable investment schemes. BoA doesn't do this to help the community, they do it to help their image, and to get customers. That's reality.


Premium Member
I'll have to pull up some of the listings that I have and it's been a long work day, but I can say that you can generally take major corporations in Japan, Germany, South Korea, and Australia as prime examples of reinvesting and while having major international operations having a sense of national pride and not only seeking profit, but doing "good" for their country

It's also a made possible by incredibly defensive nationalistic trade laws that favor exporting while keeping lower cost competition OUT of your markets.


Premium Member
I think I remember Spirit saying the bloggers would be staying at renovated WL rooms for this press event, but on twitter, it looks like they got upgraded to Grand Floridian.

I chose the wrong career.
Yes indeed. Bloggers with 1000 Twitter follows, and insignificant blogs are being flown into MCO, and whisked off to the Grand Floridian. The wining and dining and goodies await!

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