Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I can only tell you that I've found that alcohol makes the MK soooooo much more tolerable. And since I've grown tired of tripping over toddlers at the Tambu Lounge, my new faves are either margaritas at EPCOT or a few speciality drinks at the Territory Lounge.

The booze helped tremendously back on my October visit. Ask @Lee!

Oh, but it still doesn't dramatically improve the New Fantasyland!

This ain't deep or nothing, but I love the Territory lounge.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just came across this article about the press coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing, and thought it interesting in relation to the previous ethics discussions here

If you think that's bad, and it is, you should see what the AP did with a photo of a man who had his legs blown off. The Atlantic ran it in full. AP cropped the guy at the waist. I'm sorry, but this isn't my pal @WDWFigment playing games with pyro over Cindy's Castle pics.

What AP did was disgusting because they cleaned up the horrors of terrorism (and I don't advise people to go look at the original unless you have a strong stomach) and you had no idea just how badly this man was hurt (think one leg completely gone from above the knee with a chunk of flesh there, and his tibia still there with nothing on it). You either run the photo or don't ... or you run a black strip over that part and explain why. You do NOT change the story. Horrible decision.

EDIT: Just saw that Dave already covered this. Sorry for repeating!!!


Well-Known Member
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Woah, spinoff as in new company that manages only P&R or another additive division that say is just for WDW?

Any spinoff involving WDW would involve P&R in its entirety. I don't see that as as probable at all ... possible ... yes.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think all of the mainstream media outlets in general these past few days have shown they aren't very good at reporting news. They are only good at propagating. Look at today CNN had to rescind headlines as well. Granted the situation was chaotic but The NYP is garbage. My personal experience with them is firsthand knowledge of their deceptive reporting and distortion. They even had a cover photo of a man's last seconds before being hit by a subway.

Edit: the photo doctoring was The Daily News... The other garbage paper here in NY.

What you see is a direct result of social media. It's no longer so important to get it right, for most orgs, it's to get it first.

CNN yesterday was awful. Absolutely. Three reporters all confirming a suspect was in custody independently is just very, very bad. I was wondering if they were reporting news via fanboi tweets.


Well-Known Member
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Savages, great way to put it.

Since my only foray into journalism was HS yearbook, is cropping ok? Not being a jag, serious question. The more I think about it that could really change the context. Blurring, black boxing, that's seems black and white to me.

I think I just answered this ... but if you change the content, then cropping is most definitely not OK.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
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The sad thing is you could probably watch the WDW vacation planning video from 5 or even 10 years ago and it would look almost the same as the 2013 version.

Nope. They've gotten progressively worse.

Just from last year to this year. All you hear is KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS ....that's all a result of Mommy Bloggers.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Nope. They've gotten progressively worse.

Just from last year to this year. All you hear is KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS, KIDS ....that's all a result of Mommy Bloggers.
Ì wish I could like this as many times as you used the words KIDS. Disney has become what I fought so many years of what people told me it was. a place for kids. DVC is part of that problem.


Premium Member
At least Stacey is cute and you can tell she is hiding the pain when she fakes some of her 'ad libs' that were well rehearsed.

Never fell for that fascination either (Stacey) - the obcession over her by some flat out scares me. I get it.. 'girl next door' - but my neighbors are hotter than her :D

I guess I just don't fit into Disney's mold too well.. yet somehow I still enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think Disney is a hamstrung creative company. Lots of creative people and great IP with no budgets to do anything with. Iger knows what he's doing, we just don't know what his goals are. I suspect his one goal at the moment is to continue to support shareholder value, in order to support his legacy and leave on a high note. Unfortunately, that generally doesn't go along with spending on product.

Also, you've hit it on the head with Eisner/Wells/Katz, as that was a good combination of creative and business that really balanced each other out. There were other factors in play during that era as well, but on the whole, that grouping worked out well.

Ask anyone who worked at Disney in the 1984-1994 period what it was like ... hell, especially the 1984-1990 period. It seemed like anything was possible and creatives were valued like not since Walt's day and not since. Now, they really are just another company.


Well-Known Member
Wonder what all the TDO folks thought about that Despicable Me blimp flying over WDW today?

I wonder if they even noticed ... like the drones last week (REALLY!!!)
That would require them going outside. They're too busy in their offices with their heads buried in their smart phones to care about what's happening outside in the real world.

If they went outside, they might actually have to see what's happening in the theme parks. Better to be sitting in a conference room going through dozens of PowerPoint slides reviewing the results from the most recent MAGICAL survey. ("Did you have a WONDERFUL time or a MAGICAL time during your most recent WDW visit?")

Besides, the food they have catered in is better than the swill they serve at the parks. Any executive knows that!


Beta Return
I think I just answered this ... but if you change the content, then cropping is most definitely not OK.

Agreed. I think it would have been perhaps a bit more respectful to the individual to blur his face, but I think it's important to show that kind of horror on the news. They could always say/show a warning first, so that those who care not to see can avert their eyes, or those of their children. But showing the bloody sidewalk and dismembered man reminds people that this crap is REAL, and not Hollywood BS. Maybe then more people would appreciate what really happened, and what it looks like when real people are hurt.


Beta Return
At least Stacey is cute and you can tell she is hiding the pain when she fakes some of her 'ad libs' that were well rehearsed.

The only DVDs Disney puts any money into is AbD and DVC because of the tremendous amount of money those things cost.

The planning DVDs look basically like they don't give a damn. Just complete crap.

That last Planning DVD where they actually tried was the group of four (you know, with Dave the bench guy). Sure, it was cheesy, but it was entertaining and got your attention.

The one they distribute now has a woman sitting in what appears to be a plainly appointed apartment, speaking in a slow, soft voice, with terribly old stock footage of many things - and worst of all, absolutely NO creativity, excitement or magic.

My wife and I watched both versions a couple weekends ago, for fun. It was such a stark contrast, and the current video wouldn't convince anyone to go!

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