Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter


Well-Known Member
Glad you're back, @WDW1974, even though your first 10 paragraphs was responding to people you said you weren't going to respond to. Passive aggressive? Perhaps.

But I do miss you (not like fanbois, mind you, my fascination with Disney World relates solely on the time that I spend there with my wife and kids, which at the end of the day is more important than new rides, etc. But bells and whistles never hurt anyone, right?), though I must say, if those who say you work with the Marlins are correct, isn't going 2-11 in the first 13 kind of like the feeling those at WDW have when hearing about the plans of their friends down the interstate?


Well-Known Member
Based on my research, which is now years old and dated, this forum is the one where you can "let loose" so to speak.

Yes, the mods provide tremendous latitude. It is when they get complaints from the "think like I do or else" crowd they feel compelled to censor.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 7: it has almost been a week since we've last heard from the all mighty spirit @WDW1974 and there hasn't even been a squeak from him these past 7 days. The thread is quickly falling apart without him as we are learning how meaningless this forum is without him. People are starting to make false statements about the spirit and dare question how much truth he speaks. I do not believe any of this nonsense and hope the Spirit returns soon and give us the Universal news so that we all may rest in peace.-Cody

I think what's bolded speaks for itself ... I appreciate the sentiments!:D

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Of course, my time has value. Great value. As at least one poster noted, most sites "pray to have" someone that draws the audience I do. When threads are allowed to devolve into nonsense and sheer trolling, albeit of the 'top shelf' variety, I kind of get the feeling I am being played. For what?

That was me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by to report, @WDW1974, lots to chew on in that, for certain.
*spits disgust at all the maybes out of WDW, which feel like they're about to
turn into woulda, coulda, shouldas*


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
@74. I'd love even if some if my questions where answered though some of the specific plan details I don't expect to hear til later. And that is just fine. More specifically just asking for any insight you have into what Disney (Burbank/TDO ect) think of these possible upcoming developments from their biggest competitor? That's honestly what I'm most interested in at least at this point.

I think it depends on who you are speaking with and what day of the week it is. ... Disney is an extremely arrogant organization and, especially, in Burbank they think they can do no wrong. Well, they don't REALLY think that. They just pretend and spin that 'tude. ... But there really are no secrets in this business. Disney knows what UNI is doing largely and the converse is true.

Disney is hoping price increases coupled with MM+ (whenever it fully is up and running ... my sources still say there's no way you'll see it before some time next year unless Disney wants a total disaster) and all the revenue it will add plus more cuts operationally (including labor) will keep Disney's numbers in O-Town treading water as they largely have been the last few years. Yes, believe it or not, but they still are in a wait and see mode largely.


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@WDW1974 I am glad all is well with you. i was concerned you had been on a Carnival cruise ship.

I haven't been on a Carnival ship since the mid-1980s. I doubt I ever will again. I don't think their product is complete garbage or anything like that, just that they've had far too many safety issues of late and they really don't seem to be taking them all that seriously knowing there's very little anyone can do.


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After DLP it will be next for me...maybe.

And all that UNI news sounds good to me. Water Park, 2 more hotels, more rides and a third park? If UNI can convince enough people that it is a week long vacation resort onto itself, WDW is screwed. Most domestic tourists don't have the kind of time and money to do a week at WDW and UNI each.

I always advise Americans who are Disney fans and haven't been abroad to go to DLP first. Language and culture is much easier for a first-timer than it will be in HK and, certainly, Tokyo. It's also, generally, less expensive to get to -- especially from the east coast.

As to UNI, that is the point I wanted to nail. They are planning on no longer being satisfied as the 'other resort' in town ... the place you go for a day because your kids want to see Potter. UNI is going to greatly expand its footprint and its offerings. But Disney will let you buy your burger at Pecos Bill's from your living room a month ahead of time. They know what they're doing! Making MAGIC!


Well-Known Member
As for the UNI information, I have been asked by my source to not place all that I know out just yet and I respect that. What I can tell you is more general, but still incredibly impressive. UNI has BIG ... no, HUGE ... plans for Central Florida that include major new attractions, the real E-tickets, in the next 5-6 years (they will just keep coming with no gaps) for both parks, the addition of more hotels (beyond the three existing and the one being built -- two with VERY kewl themes), a new water park and ... while y'all debate mythical fifth gates at WDW, UNI will be/is building a third. I guess that's big enough news right there. That's not rumour either. That is the plan right now.

I can tell you that by 2018, EVERY existing expansion pad/locale at UNI and IOA will either have something new on it or something under construction. And Disney fanbois will still be looking at the half dozen or so pads at EPCOT where there is room for complete pavilions or empty locations like WoL and tearing up.

Yep that's how it is for WDW ... well, Disney has nothing up its sleeves to compare or compete at present, just a lot of 'maybes'.

As in 'maybe' they'll announce something at D23 and maybe they won't ... and maybe we can talk about it until then ... and then after ... or depending on ... well, if they actually announce things like the Studios Not-So-Extreme Makeover project ... we shall see. In real world (not Disney fanboi) terms, they got nothin' right now. At least, nothing has been given the go-ahead.

Because a ship will cost about $1 billion, and Iger and Rasulo are playing frugal with P&R to keep the folks on Wall Street happy, I doubt very much that you'll get an announcement before mid-fall and quite possibly not until next year. Disney is very happy with DCL (despite weaker than expected numbers from Galveston) and they can take their time growing the business.
After reading this, why do I feel Iger's next "big" move will be to announce that WDW is being sold to a Far East mega conglomerate?


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Original Poster
I'm also a part of that one percent in this case - and going back this summer (as well as swinging by HK and Euro Disney).

A summer with Paris, Hong Kong and Tokyo?!?! You most definitely are a top one percenter (have to get the LE vinylmation out for you!) :)

It's not even that they have a extremely superior set of rides over the US counterparts, it all has to do with both parks being properly built up in the first place, well maintained and nothing is inherently "broken". Disney Sea is pretty on-par these days attraction wise with DCA, but doesn't have any areas of the park that were poorly made from the get-go. Also theming wise the entire park is on a Buena Vista Street/Carsland level. That's ultimately what makes DisneySea the jewel in the Disney Parks crown.

True enough. It isn't like Disney hasn't done that here. EPCOT Center was an amazing multi-day park from Day 1. But not only have subsequent parks not followed that model, the existing parks have been dumbed down.

The MK, New Fantasyland and Tangeled Toilets aside, is a lesser experience than it was 20 years ago.

TDS is simply an astounding enviornment to be in. As a traveling companion said to me on our first visit ''All the other Disney parks make you feel like you're on a movie set. This place makes you feel like you're part of a movie.''

Anyone all that impressed by New Fantasyland really should skip WDW for a while and head overseas!

@WDW1974 - While I'm on the topic, rumours are essentially non-existent for the overseas theme parks, but do you have any inkling about what is coming on down the pipe overseas? Especially since OLC just announced they will be spending 1.5 billion on both TDR parks by 2020?

PS: Thanks for the awesome update!

I don't have anything new/beyond what has been discussed on this forum already.


Well-Known Member
DVC could really, really backfire. My family is hitting WDW this year because of the cheap DVC PAPs, which exist because many DVCers were starting to spend lots of time and money elsewhwere in central Florida. Could you imagine people checking into WL say and families keep strolling into the lobby with HP wands, Shamu hats, and Duff beer 6 packs.
It's what we've been done for our last two trips to Orlando, with plans to do the same for our next two trips. Thank you BLT, BCV, AKV, and BWV for giving us a nice place to stay while we visit The Boy Who Won't Be Named.:cool:

AKV is particularly nice because we can head down the road a bit and pick up some cheap eats at Publix. It's a lot better than me paying nearly $300 to feed my family of six at one of WDW's grossly overpriced buffets. Heck, I don't think I spent more than $100, with tip, to feed the six of us at Confisco's and Finnegan's.


Well-Known Member
I think it depends on who you are speaking with and what day of the week it is. ... Disney is an extremely arrogant organization and, especially, in Burbank they think they can do no wrong. Well, they don't REALLY think that. They just pretend and spin that 'tude. ... But there really are no secrets in this business. Disney knows what UNI is doing largely and the converse is true.

Disney is hoping price increases coupled with MM+ (whenever it fully is up and running ... my sources still say there's no way you'll see it before some time next year unless Disney wants a total disaster) and all the revenue it will add plus more cuts operationally (including labor) will keep Disney's numbers in O-Town treading water as they largely have been the last few years. Yes, believe it or not, but they still are in a wait and see mode largely.
I guess my question to that is does that mean we will see no broken ground on any project whether it be Carsland, Avatar, or something else in the actual parks until after they see how MM+ does? I don't expect anything they do to be fully completed before towards the end of this decade but guess I was hoping at least something would have ground breaking this year. It was a small hope but it was/is a hope.

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