I was talking BOS and Disney back in 2011!
My position then was that Disney wasn't being blue ENOUGH and had stayed 'red'... trying to compete toe to toe with Uni and 'reacting' rather than leading.
I think in the end Spirit and I are saying the same thing, though oddly we are using the same metaphor in opposite directions to say that same thing.
Interesting, Kevin. I do recall that column now.
For me, there is no shading here. It could not be clearer. Blue Ocean Strategy is an academic rewrite of overtly simple business practices that is not novel nor legitimate. As you read about it, note how many of its proponents -- its supporters -- use words like trick or magic and phrases like smoke and mirrors to describe BOS in practice. It is a fraud, and it is scary-close to being a cult.
(Depending on how much research you want to do, the more you read of it, the clearer this troubling aspect becomes. As do the similarities to virtually every aspect of Disney's NEXT GEN experience.)
Not sure why, but I really enjoyed the following comment on an HBR article by the professors behind/authors of Blue Ocean Strategy. Poster 'Emelie H.' wrote:
"A person does not come to 'know' BOS, rather, a person manifests as a BOS incarnate! BOS is a movement not a static place where one arrives at then absorbs through studying it and learning it. It is the space of non-creation which is exactly why not many can see it and discover it's force field. BOS is nothing but a label to describe a non-space within a space. Post-Industrial Business is to Newton's Physics the way BOS is to Quantum Physics."
While I agree with much of what you wrote in that column from 2011, it is also noteworthy that Kevin writes from/lives in something of an academic aerie. The real world is often radically different and lacking in the predictability of a college campus and the all-too-structured lectures given there. Odd that we arrive at a similar conclusion while going down decidedly different paths ... or, perhaps, it is just a reflection that, again, there is nothing new or 'real' to BOS. The interpretation of the so-called methodology is open, the result remains the same when it is taken to its natural conclusion.
It is trickery, magic ... smoke and mirrors. As a strategy, that is. And I strongly suspect The Weatherman knows this. It is a short-term, defined-lifecycle explanation for -- metaphorically -- milking the cow until the udders go dry knowing you have some prime burger meat hanging on the bones.
Now, tell me please, why does no one think it is a VERY troubling sign that Bob Iger is the first CEO in the history of TWDC to sell just about every share of Disney stock he can as soon as he can? I mean, he is not a poor man, he does not need the money. Why sell shares in the company you helm, the company whose trajectory is dictated by your decisions? ... Unless there is something else at play ...
Ah, to me, when the top guy at the company sells, that is a telling thing. And, no, I have not forgotten how well DIS has done under his stewardship. I think it is called "pump-and-dump" ... No?