Well-Known Member
I put Iger in the same category of Carly Fiorina in the political spectrum. Will have a lot of money to spend but completely lacking the ability to to get elected. He doesn't have the charisma. The only big difference is he doesn't have a corporate fiasco like Fiorina had. I actually see their business careers as very much alike. Having dealt in the political realm a good bit, I can't seem him running for the House and being on the wrong end of fighting for kids privacy will get your butt killed in a Senate race. So if he is planning on making a political run, he is already duffing it. But, yeah, divesting of shares would be a smart political move. The blind trust is not really selling anyone these days. Enough of the politics, though. I get enough of that in what I do everyday. Nothing like spending a month in the snake pit of Washington, DC next month as it is.
More than likely Iger would run for a state office, such as governor. I don't think that most people would link the privacy of children and NextGen given that the internet is exploited on a daily basis by pedophiles, and anything Disney sets up will be several orders of magnitude safer than an anonymous chat room. I don't think anybody seriously believes that Disney's system is unsafe, and in fact, Disney could pioneer a safe way of using RFID. People aren't completely stupid, and I think most people see just an opportunistic politician in Markey who hoped that his NextGen stab in the dark would stick to the wall.
It didn't.
On to the next possible future controversy ripe for Markey's uses!