Well-Known Member
You will lose a number of guests with this ... what's worse is the way Disney is implimenting it. Sort of like cutting a steak into 64 pieces and serving them one by one and not daily and not to everyone who is in the queue to dine.
It's a little bit here, a little bit there. Worse, it may be like this for the next 18 months ... or longer. No one knows how this tech will actually work when it HAS to work for EVERYONE.
And all of that absolutely will have an effect on the bottom line.
BTW, have we talked yet about how one goal of this is to reduce front gate Ops to a skeleton crew? Sorta like self check out at the Home Depot? We haven't? Oh well, there's that too ...
And that looks like it will fail miserably when it comes to that goal, even as much as five years from now. I currently count about 8-10 people standing around at DHS' new entry, and it pretty much scales up from there at the other parks where there are more of them open. They still have an ops person at each group of 4 touch points (same as having one per turnstile), plus a GRAPE (I snicker every time I hear that) for every two sets, plus a few of the NGE folks (blue shirts with the Mickey logo) at all times. While they will likely decrease the number by a few over the next few years, they will still need more than they did with the turnstiles between the ops and GR folks. So that is definitely going to be a failure, unless they really think one ops person can cover more than one set of touch points successfully.