Speculation of outbreak of Norwalk Virus at WDW?


Well-Known Member
I just got home the 13th and got sick during work yesterday, exactly 24 hours after leaving MCO and currently can't sleep because of it. If this isn't the definition of WDW withdrawal, I don't know what is! :lol:

But really, I haven't been this sick in a looong time. I think I'm starting to get dehydrated because I can't even keep water or ginger ale down. :hurl:


I was there Jan 25 thru 30, and was sick the following Monday into Tuesday after I got home. I have to believe that it's some sort of nation-wide outbreak, though, because the same day I threw up, another person I work with had the same symptoms, and then 4 more people we work around were sick with nearly identical symptoms in the last week or so. I was the ONLY one who had been to FL recently. Seems like either a mass occurrence, or a really odd coincidence. :shrug:


I'm just getting over something with very similar symptoms. I caught it Wednesday afternoon and thought I was dying. Trust me its not WDW. A few different stomach bugs sounding very much like Norwalk have been going around the US since about mid December. It's hit several people in my office VERY hard as well as their families, none of which have been anywhere near WDW. As many on the boards have been saying wash your hands regularly and repeatedly, and use hand sanitizers. Don't worry about getting sick from WDW, it is in NO WAY their fault. It is a bug that has been going around for months. Just sit back, relax and enjoy your countdown to your next visit...less then a month for me!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I was there Jan. 24th through Feb. 2nd. My daughter had these same symptoms in the middle of our trip. She didn't really show signs that anything was wrong until we were boarding ToT. Lets just say, the vehicle had to be evacuated and we were taken out through the cast exit. She was ok by the next day.
My wife then contracted it a day later. She had to go back to the hotel on during the EMH at Epcot. We had really looked forward to strolling WS during this time. It stayed with her for a good 24 hours.
At first I had thought it was food poisoning since my daughter had eaten something different from the rest of us at DHS. I called CS that night to report it and they told me a manager would call me right back. They never did. I'm sure now that it was this virus. Luckily my youngest daughter and I didn't catch it, but it sure put a damper on the trip.


New Member
So, Its not as bad as it was? We are thinking about going to DHS for the day next week and after reading all this im not to sure. Can someone give me more details? Is it everywhere? Is it gettign better?


So, Its not as bad as it was? We are thinking about going to DHS for the day next week and after reading all this im not to sure. Can someone give me more details? Is it everywhere? Is it gettign better?
As I said in my post. This is EVERYWHERE! Its not just WDW. People need to STOP worrying this is isolated to Disney, it is definitely not. I know from experience. I just got over whatever it is. You are just as likely to get it in your own hometown as you are walking down Sunset at DHS. tslrocks please please please don't worry about getting sick from your trip to Disney. Go and have a good time :)! I know I will be !


New Member
my dad and i went in the middle of december (I dont remember the exact dates), but it hit him the last 3 days of our trip and ruined those last days. He swore it was food poisoning, but this makes more sence b/c the thing he thought it was, I ate too, and I didnt get sick. However since I drink a ton of water (a gallon-2 gallons a day), i ______ like a master blaster. Thus I obviously wash my hands 8x a day EASY. This is one of the best ways to stop germs over all, and it is a way to road block this virus too aparentally (from the article). Thank god I didn't get it, he was in REALLY bad shape, n it sounds like other people were too.

On a seperate note, how the hell is basal a secret ingredent for iron chef america??/ How do you make that the center piece of 5 dishes, n who the HECK would wanna eat that???


Not old, just vintage.
As I said in my post. This is EVERYWHERE! Its not just WDW. People need to STOP worrying this is isolated to Disney, it is definitely not. I know from experience. I just got over whatever it is. You are just as likely to get it in your own hometown as you are walking down Sunset at DHS. tslrocks please please please don't worry about getting sick from your trip to Disney. Go and have a good time :)! I know I will be !

I will second this. 4 out of 10 kids in my classroom got sick this week with this stomach bug. 2 of the 4 staff members in the class also got it this week. This ugly stomach bug is everywhere, not just in Disney. I spent all of last weekend in Disney and managed to survive just fine. I didn't encounter anyone getting sick or hear horror stories of sickness either. It is just a matter of using proper hand washing techniques after you use the bathroom and before you eat anything. :shrug:


So.. Not everyone is getting sick in wdw?? Or most? Has anyone not gotten sick??
Yes, not everyone is getting sick in WDW. I have friends who work at WDW and in the area and they don't have it and haven't had it. Many of my friends have gone to WDW recently as well as some Disney podcast people I talk to and NONE OF THEM have gotten sick with this virus.


New Member
We were there from Feb. 1 to Feb. 6, stayed at the Poly. My husband got sick on day 4 of our trip, me on day 5, all symptoms as decribed. Needless to say, 5 hours of flight time and the 2.5 hour layover in Atlanta, were miserable.


New Member
Stomach bug

It seriously is everywhere. I live in Buffalo, NY and my sister lives in Virginia Beach and both got it within a day of each other depite the distance...


It's definitely not just WDW, it's also Disneyland too! Went there for a day the first weekend of December, my 1 year old came down with it first, then my wife caught it on our cross country flight back to Connecticut (I felt so horrible for her, no worse time to catch it than on a 6 hour flight), then it hit me, my parents, her parents...it was wildfire. If it is Norwalk/Noro, it's a HIGHLY contagious virus and washing your hands isn't always enough. If someone has an episode in an area such as an area where food is being served, the virus has the potential of being airborne within a fifteen foot radius. The Norwalk virus infects a person through ingestion, so if someone vomits, the vomitus can potentially land on food within a fifteen foot radius which can then be ingested and infect a multitude of other people. The virus only takes a very small amount of exposure to infect an individual, and people with type "O" blood are thought to be more suseptible to the virus. It also has the potential to infect through mucous membranes, so don't touch your eyes or nose with your hands as an added precaution.


Well-Known Member
I am amazed I don't ever get sick at WDW ... so many people were clearly ill last week ... I felt like I needed a mask.

But I did wash my hands a lot ... and stayed away from things like buffets.

So no magical puking for me!

~Pass the Pixie Dust~


New Member
We left WDW Monday morning and now all four of us have these symptoms. Norovirus takes 24-48 hours to incubate and my daughter started having symptoms early Tuesday morning, so this seems to have come from Disney.

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