I am not claiming to know-it-all or to be in-the-know more than anyone else, but I have had reliable multiple sources tell me over this weekend that SpectroMagic will NOT return for Summer 2012.
But that report aside, I've been thinking about this over this weekend. Consider that Disney's summer season starts June 1...that would give them just 12 days from today to finish working on whatever they have been doing to upgrade the floats, post a casting call, audition cast members, make call-backs, re-audition them again, have rehearsals, adjust things as necessary, and then run cast previews... and give MSEP a farewell period, whatever that might be. We haven't heard of any such things happening, and I'm sure they would have leaked out by now if they were. I also don't think WDW would bring back their flagship evening parade without advance notice to the fans...i.e. something would have been at least in the Mickey Monitor for the Passholders or a big "homecoming celebration" for the summer would have been announced. They would give advance notice for people to make plans to come down to see it re-preimere, and/or bid farewell to the MSEP. I can't see WDW bringing back such an epic and popular parade without cashing in on it to the most of their abilities. Look at what they did for MSEP when it came back...everywhere you turned, there were ads for it. Even Disney Channel had advertisements for it coming back! Milk it for all its worth...and considering SpectroMagic is just about as popular, I am willing to bet a similar fanfare would be made about its re-arrival. At this point, it just seems highly improbable that SpectroMagic will make it back out on Main Street before the Summer starts. I have my bets placed by the end of this year. And to be honest, as much as I am biased towards the MSEP, I wouldn't want SpectroMagic to come back to WDW with anything less than a giant fanfare and media campaign. It deserves it, it's OUR own original night-time parade (we = WDW). Not doing so would be disappointing and would lose WDW money.
Think about when MSEP came back the first time in 1999...we found out 6 months in advance. Then when Spectro came back, we found out 6 months ahead "unofficially" and 2 months ahead of time "officially" from Disney. And lastly, when MSEP came back in 2010, we found out 4 months ahead of time. I predict a similar pattern for SpectroMagic's return. Each time one came back, it was announced months ahead of time, and well-ahead of the summer season, when Disney has its peak season.
By the way, I know folks don't think the MSEP will get a farewell period, but I disagree. It's wildly popular with countless fans, the same way Spectro is. Once MSEP leaves, we probably won't see it again for another decade, if ever, so it would only be fitting for a "glowing away" party. And if reports are correct, we may never see if roll down DCA or Disneyland ever again; even more reason to hold such a party!
Edit: And for the record, I am loving the prospect of me being able to watch MSEP on the 40th Anniversary of its premiere on June 17th, my first full day of vacation at WDW This summer