Thanks for all the pictures and videos! I liked every change I saw in the pictures. The new animation looks great. I'm glad they did a few things over that short closure. I like the triangular pannels, still not enough, but better than nothing at all. Overall, 90% of the ride looks great, 10% is still a little bit of a disappointment. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Disney won't ignore that 10%.
That said, I'm with the group that hopes they still plan on doing more. For the average guest or a new guest, they probably won't care, but knowing how much space is still getting wasted is going to drive me crazy. Specifically where the networking area and fiberoptic city used to be.
As for the picture being taken at the beginning goes: I will not take of my glasses to get my picture taken, I want to see the ride. If that was your idea, you should have thought that out better. :fork: That too, is going to drive me crazy.