Space Mountain - Question


so this stinks that they are cutting back on doing the rehab i know times r hard but wouldn't a rehab sm bring more people to the park?


Well-Known Member
Its not a mountain and its not is space, I think theres a case for false advertising

It's faked and was all done at a TV studio in Area 51. That is why you can't see the stars when the lights are on and the rockets never kick up any dust. :lookaroun

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
It's faked and was all done at a TV studio in Area 51. That is why you can't see the stars when the lights are on and the rockets never kick up any dust. :lookaroun

I believe that was part of the pay back for hosting the missiles in the castle. And of course SSE is just a mask for the ICBM radar at the top of the geospohere. The space theme is just an excuse to keep it dark so its harder to make out.


New Member
So is it safe to say that the anticipated rebuild will definitely not happen, now? Are we definitely looking at upgraded vehicles / reworked track only? Or is it still up in the air?


Well-Known Member
I e-mailed as well. Somehow I don't think the 25 e-mails he gets is going to matter. :brick:

It's like the online petition concept. Have those ever worked?


Well-Known Member
So is it safe to say that the anticipated rebuild will definitely not happen, now? Are we definitely looking at upgraded vehicles / reworked track only? Or is it still up in the air?

I didn't think Disney folks could get any more secretive but indeed they have. Nobody seems to know nothing about anything theses days. :shrug:
It really is amazing how low some of those beams really get...

I've never heard of anyone hitting one, but still they look really close :)

Well its a little known cast member secret that before the seat belts where fitted into the current trains, they had to make sure all seats where filled on the trains because a car came back with one or two seats empty, they know to turn on the lights and go and find the missing guests. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Well its a little known cast member secret that before the seat belts where fitted into the current trains, they had to make sure all seats where filled on the trains because a car came back with one or two seats empty, they know to turn on the lights and go and find the missing guests. :lookaroun


The Mak

Its not a mountain and its not is space, I think theres a case for false advertising

Not in space? Could have fooled me. My first ride on SM was when I was 9 years old, I held my breath from the top of the lift all the way to the end because I thought we were really in 'space'.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of Phil Holmes's past decisions, I do sympathize with the bind he and other park execs are in right now when it comes to the tanking economy....and I imagine that's playing a big role in the LACK of a Space Mountain announcement.

His job is to keep people coming through those turnstyles. If he doesn't, he gets fired. Simple.

Without a doubt, this economic uncertainty is going to have a big impact on visitors travel plans. Already, people are delaying their trip booking until only weeks in advance. As unemployment rises and investments dwindle, many folks (both domestic and international) are going to be seriously hesitant to spend money on vacations.

Even though I doubt Space Mountain's closure would have a HUGE impact on attendance, I'm sure Disney is SCARED TO DEATH to give ANYONE an excuse to postpone their vacation a year or two.

If I'm already looking for a reason not to spend money AND I hear a headline attraction is going to be down, that might just make my decision to stay home a bit more painless.

My guess is that they will NOT announce SM's closure until the very last minute. It'll anger visitors who've already booked their trips, but it'll be too late for many to cancel.

As for the rehab's duration...the longer it is scheduled to be closed, the more likely it will deter some visitors from coming. And even if only 50-100 visitors cancel their trip each day (not a big number), mutiply that by 12+ months (versus 6 months) and it will have a signficant financial impact.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Regardless of Phil Holmes's past decisions, I do sympathize with the bind he and other park execs are in right now when it comes to the tanking economy....and I imagine that's playing a big role in the LACK of a Space Mountain announcement
I'm afraid not. The cut rehab was proposed some months ago.


Well-Known Member
Well count me in as one of those that aint goin down to WDW when SM is closed. I do think it could use a refurb, yes, but Im not wasting time or money going down there with it closed. 2004, IASW closed, that was fine. It was my favorate ride when I was like 3, but I could deal without riding that a few trips. Same thing with Potc in 2006? or 07, I could deal with not riding that for a few trips, even the HM. But SM, nope. Ill wait until it reopens if its going to be closed on any upcoming trips. To me if SM is closed, all of WDW might as well be closed cuz SM is WDW to me.


Regardless of Phil Holmes's past decisions, I do sympathize with the bind he and other park execs are in right now when it comes to the tanking economy....and I imagine that's playing a big role in the LACK of a Space Mountain announcement.

His job is to keep people coming through those turnstyles. If he doesn't, he gets fired. Simple.

Without a doubt, this economic uncertainty is going to have a big impact on visitors travel plans. Already, people are delaying their trip booking until only weeks in advance. As unemployment rises and investments dwindle, many folks (both domestic and international) are going to be seriously hesitant to spend money on vacations.

Even though I doubt Space Mountain's closure would have a HUGE impact on attendance, I'm sure Disney is SCARED TO DEATH to give ANYONE an excuse to postpone their vacation a year or two.

If I'm already looking for a reason not to spend money AND I hear a headline attraction is going to be down, that might just make my decision to stay home a bit more painless.

My guess is that they will NOT announce SM's closure until the very last minute. It'll anger visitors who've already booked their trips, but it'll be too late for many to cancel.

As for the rehab's duration...the longer it is scheduled to be closed, the more likely it will deter some visitors from coming. And even if only 50-100 visitors cancel their trip each day (not a big number), mutiply that by 12+ months (versus 6 months) and it will have a signficant financial impact.

i'm not so sure the current situation has that big of an effect. it is more of the cheap eisner/pressler era fools that WONT spend the $$ to update or fix things until they fall apart. i belive this cheapness in maintaing things & lower labor costs caused a couple deaths at disneyland a few years ago, big thunder mountain & the columbia come to mind.:hammer: they need to realize the economy WILL improve at some point & we should have the high quality attraction disney is famous for, not so 1975 piece of junk that is ready 2 fall apart.


Well-Known Member
Well count me in as one of those that aint goin down to WDW when SM is closed. I do think it could use a refurb, yes, but Im not wasting time or money going down there with it closed. 2004, IASW closed, that was fine. It was my favorate ride when I was like 3, but I could deal without riding that a few trips. Same thing with Potc in 2006? or 07, I could deal with not riding that for a few trips, even the HM. But SM, nope. Ill wait until it reopens if its going to be closed on any upcoming trips. To me if SM is closed, all of WDW might as well be closed cuz SM is WDW to me.
If Space Mountain represented Walt Disney World to most people, nobody would ever go there because WDW would be cheesy, outdated, poorly maintained, and totally inferior to all other Disney parks around the world.

It's seriously time for this refurbishment, and I hope Disney does it well. I don't care if it takes 2 years like DL (although WDW would never close SM for that long), but the ride has 30 years of catching up to do.


Well-Known Member
If Space Mountain represented Walt Disney World to most people, nobody would ever go there because WDW would be cheesy, outdated, poorly maintained, and totally inferior to all other Disney parks around the world.

It's seriously time for this refurbishment, and I hope Disney does it well. I don't care if it takes 2 years like DL (although WDW would never close SM for that long), but the ride has 30 years of catching up to do.

Possibly true, but I could careless what represents WDW for most people. I know everyone has their own ride that they love and for me, SM is that ride. Call it cheesy, outdated, bla bla, etc. all you want, and for the most part it is but, just ignore it and ride other WDW rides you consider just the opposite. And if they do close it down, hopefully it wont be for too long, if it is 2 or 3 yrs. which Im hopin more like maybe 6 months, then I know Ill be vacationing else for about until it reopens.


Well-Known Member
Well count me in as one of those that aint goin down to WDW when SM is closed. I do think it could use a refurb, yes, but Im not wasting time or money going down there with it closed. 2004, IASW closed, that was fine. It was my favorate ride when I was like 3, but I could deal without riding that a few trips. Same thing with Potc in 2006? or 07, I could deal with not riding that for a few trips, even the HM. But SM, nope. Ill wait until it reopens if its going to be closed on any upcoming trips. To me if SM is closed, all of WDW might as well be closed cuz SM is WDW to me.

That seems a little drastic. SM is a great ride and I would be very disapointed if it was in refurb but it wouldn't stop me enjoying my trip.

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