SPACE MOUNTAIN- I assure you, we are SOFT re-OPEN!!!


Well-Known Member
No, I think I'm one of the few here that is not drinking the WDW Kool Aid. I never would have thought in a million years that anyone that had ridden the newest version of Disneyland's Space Mountain could possibly like WDW's version better. Disneyland's is smoother, sleeker and has a much better finale. The music makes a world of difference also. Everybody on here that continues to defend this very basic rehab helps TDO justify their low standards.

For as much as clones are derided around here, I'm constantly surprised to see how many people feel ALL Space Mountains must conform to their own personal favorite or else be branded "inferior."

Sure it's too bad Florida's rehab wasn't funded out of a bottomless bucket of money but everyone that thinks economic realities and cost cutting measures are new developments in the Disney company forgets that the supposedly "awesome" Disneyland Space Mountain existed for over 25 years as the half-sized, discount version of Florida's mountain. And in addition to being significantly smaller and less creatively designed, Disneyland's maintenance (or lack thereof) of their Space Mountain allowed it to almost reach the point of structural failure before it earned it's overhaul.

But since so much of the debate in the Anaheim vs. Orlando war revolves around accepting how much better the end result of DL's rehab was, I'm curious about a few things.

What was the total budget for DL's rehab? How much of the total budget was for the complete track replacement? And how much of its downtime was because it closed long before they were ready to actually start the rehab? I ask because it seems to me that if DL's mountain didn't actually need that total track replacement, their rehab would have been even cheaper and shorter than Florida's.

But beyond the track replacement, what exactly did the DL mountain get? Onboard soundtrack, yeah, I know about that. A whole lot of repainting in the queue and load area, and a new re-entry tunnel. What else?

It seems to me that Disneyland's Space Mountain rehab, other than addressing the required structural issues, primarily received just a repaint and a soundtrack. While Florida's mountain didn't get the (apparently crucial) onboard audio, the cosmetic upgrades, queue and load enhancements, and new postshow seem to actually surpass what DL's mountain received. I'm really not trying to be a smart @$$, I honestly am curious about what else DL got, because all anyone seems to focus on when explaining how great DL's mountain is soundtrack, soundtrack, and more soundtrack.


New Member
I'm fascinated by how some people in this forum are making a huge deal over SM in WDW, and SM in DL. Yes- both parks owned by the same company, but people, they can't just make everything the same. You can say that WDW's SM is better, or DL's version is better, you can't state it as a fact, only as an opinion. That's all it is, an opinion.

Disney also never said anything about a huge refurbishment. I heard they also had budget cuts. The Queue has been nicely refurbished, theres a brand new track, and painting and cleaning and what not. Maybe in about 5-8 years WDW's SM will get a huge refurbishment. As for now, can we live with what we have? It's still a wonderful ride.

Space Mountain in Disney World, and Disneyland are both unique, and different. WDW's Space Mountain is the FIRST Space Mountain in any Disney Park. Disneyland's Space Mountain uses more technology in their ride. The concept of both rides are the same (Dark ride space theme) but they are also different.

Anyway, Space Mountain isn't completely finished- they are still cleaning and putting on some finishing touches and they are still testing the ride. So lets wait and see how the ride turns out when it's officially opened in a few weeks. Also keep in mind, they could be saying they weren't making big changes so that when the ride opens, we are totally shocked and surprised. Similar to what Walt Disney himself did buying land for Walt Disney World- Keeping it on the dl.


New Member
I just wanted to put this out there...

The length of this refurb was driven by the replacement of the ride control/electronic system, NOT the theme/story enhancements. Minus the track, this is essentially a "new" ride system. Yes some work on the track did occur and eat up a chunk of time, but nothing major occurred on that front as you all have evidence of.

A note from a friend: Look for the soft opening to continue tomorrow (11/14). Word is that the issue that occurred today is fixed and has been tested. As always, the soft opening status is GOING to change throughout the day as required.


New Member
I haven't heard much yet about the new projections? Any details?

Also, is the projected earth at the top of the lift hill back? There was speculation that one of those big black flat "boxes" on the ceiling above the lift hill might have been some sort of video screen for earth. Is that true? Or too early to say?

I can't even remember the last time i saw the earth. I feel like its been years... am I wrong? Either way I look forward to hearing more about the updates.


New Member
Did anyone else hear about the new seat fabric? If you rode did you notice the seats being any different?

Just curious. (Or as I say, curio. It's a long O at the end.)


Well-Known Member
NEWSFLASH! Your opinion does not matter!

Space Mountain looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Esp. when every post he makes is negative. It seems that everything disney does in this decade isn't good enough for him. Clearly anyone with good judgement can say that the refurbished space mt. is better than what was there before.


Well-Known Member
For as much as clones are derided around here, I'm constantly surprised to see how many people feel ALL Space Mountains must conform to their own personal favorite or else be branded "inferior."

Sure it's too bad Florida's rehab wasn't funded out of a bottomless bucket of money but everyone that thinks economic realities and cost cutting measures are new developments in the Disney company forgets that the supposedly "awesome" Disneyland Space Mountain existed for over 25 years as the half-sized, discount version of Florida's mountain. And in addition to being significantly smaller and less creatively designed, Disneyland's maintenance (or lack thereof) of their Space Mountain allowed it to almost reach the point of structural failure before it earned it's overhaul.

But since so much of the debate in the Anaheim vs. Orlando war revolves around accepting how much better the end result of DL's rehab was, I'm curious about a few things.

What was the total budget for DL's rehab? How much of the total budget was for the complete track replacement? And how much of its downtime was because it closed long before they were ready to actually start the rehab? I ask because it seems to me that if DL's mountain didn't actually need that total track replacement, their rehab would have been even cheaper and shorter than Florida's.

But beyond the track replacement, what exactly did the DL mountain get? Onboard soundtrack, yeah, I know about that. A whole lot of repainting in the queue and load area, and a new re-entry tunnel. What else?

It seems to me that Disneyland's Space Mountain rehab, other than addressing the required structural issues, primarily received just a repaint and a soundtrack. While Florida's mountain didn't get the (apparently crucial) onboard audio, the cosmetic upgrades, queue and load enhancements, and new postshow seem to actually surpass what DL's mountain received. I'm , because all anyone seems to focus on when explaining how great DL's really not trying to be a smart @$$, I honestly am curious about what else DL gotmountain is soundtrack, soundtrack, and more soundtrack.

Disneyland's Space Mountain closed in April 2003 a few months prior to the scheduled closing it just didnt open with the park one day and took the DL boards by storm. Thanks to in part the addition of the on-board soundtrack in 1996 added much weight and put to much stress on to and ageing 1977 track and some bad maintence thanks in part to Pressler/Harriss years though to Harriss she did start the "Project Sparkel". Lead to the need for a total track replacement. 2003 was also the Thunder accident in Sept. and Matterhorn would also go down for refurbishment in the same year. Thats 3 mountains down at once, for a complete rebuild, one on regular refurbishment and one closed for an tragic accident.

In total Disneyland's Space Mountain was closed for 28 months(if I did my math right:ROFLOL:) April 2003 to July 2005, but it was suppose to re-main closed till November 2005 but thanks to Matt Ouimet it was pushed for summer opening which is why it was absent on May 5, 2005. Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters was also pushed for an earlier opening and opened in early March 05 with and offical opening on May 5, 2005.

But the push for an earlier opening also killed Rockit Mountain(yes that is its correct spelling) Also note that the Space Mountain sign has the ablity to change from Space to Rockit while Mountain has no change. The DL soundtracks selling the new Space Mountian track is also called "Space Mountain(New Daytime Track)

While Rockit Mountain never became a reality it lead to Rockin' Space Mountain first seen in May 2006 as part of Grad Nights with a soundtrack by Hoobastank. In January 2007 Disneyland brought out Rockin' Space Mountain again but with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Which also gave California Screamn' an overlay too as Rockin California Screamn'. The Rockn' Both Parks promo ended in late April 2007. And has never been heard of coming back again except for Grad Nights.

In 2009 the tech inside the mountain also came in handy for the layover of Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy. Which came from HKDL, this seems to be a new popular overlay for Halloween Time(which saw some great additions this year (Thank you MK for the Hallowishes soundtrack which you dont need to pay more to see at DL:wave:))

Anyways the Disneyland Space pretty much got a brand new track, new rockets with on-board audio, improved lift hills scenes, effects, longer re-entry tunnel, new exterior lighting with some storbes, the removeal of the 98 colors which I dont think were that bad, a separete loading area for guests needing assistances similar to what TSMM!s have as I think the rockets need to be dispatched in 14 second intervals, and probably most importantly brought up the safety of the ride and probably keeps it earthquake safe more than the old did. The ability for Disneylands to get overlays quickly I think is a big help from the on-board audio which also needed the new track to support the weight as well as the improved projectors and lighting inside the mountain they all add up in the end.

Oh and you cant not love the Ghost Galxy Projections

I think I got most of your questions no clue about the cost, I could be totally right or wrong on things but for the most part I believe its all true info:wave: hopefully someone else can come along and see how much of the info I posted is true.

I would have loved to see Magic Kingdoms get a huge rebuilt Space Mountain yea your not going have have Space for a while but in the end wouldnt it be worth it? It dosnt need to be the same as Disneylands it shouldnt be when I visit one park or the other I want a different experince than what Im used to.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info nemofinder!

I'm glad you mentioned it, because I completely forgot Space Mountain already had onboard audio prior to the major rehab in 2003. But I'm guessing the new cars added in 2005 also use a different onboard audio system, right?

So, Disneyland's rehab contained:

Completely new track, built from scratch
New cars with onboard audio
Additional special boarding area
Improved lift hill scene
Improved special effects inside the mountain
Improved re-entry tunnel
Repainted exterior
Repainted interior
Improved exterior lighting

All of which took a little over two years.

Compared to what Florida's mountain received:

Completely re-worked and reinforced track, apparently with currently unknown "enhancements."
Repainted cars with new drive systems
Completely new ride control system
Improved lift hill scene
Enclosed and improved load area
Enhanced queue
Repainted interior
Improved unload
Improved post-show
On-ride photo
Repainted exterior
Improved entry plaza

All of which took seven months.

Now personally, I'm ambivalent about the onboard audio, but I'm willing to trust those that say it makes a difference. So sure, I guess I can be disappointed Florida didn't receive it too. But to me that still really seems to be the only clear defining point between the two mountain's rehabs.

I'm not surprised Florida didn't receive any themed overlay-related special effect enhancements, since it's very clear that Florida isn't interested in overlays.

I'm not surprised Florida didn't receive a completely built-from-scratch track, since it seems obvious it didn't have the amount of wear and tear Disneyland's had accumulated. While some might feel this view is naive, I believe that if Disney had found Florida's track in even vaguely similar condition to Disneyland's they would not have gone the refinish and reinforce route, but with a total replacement.

Same thing with new cars. Once onboard audio was off the table, it wouldn't make any sense to add new cars, since the existing ones are fine. Hopefully the track enhancements were made with an eye to an eventual addition of onboard audio and new cars.

But speaking generally I think it's unfair to downplay or even flat out ignore all of the changes and enhancements Florida DID receive while trying to overemphasize the importance of onboard audio just to claim this rehab is a failure without it.

And when you take what Disney didn't do out of the discussion for just a second and focus on what they did do, I think there's a lot of positive stuff happening. The enhanced and improved public areas look great, and bring a much more modern visual style and a much stronger storyline. I'm glad that the enhancements strike a balance between keeping many of the older design elements while adding some new ones.

I'm excited to see it all for myself now.
I think the bottom line here is that we got a good refurb which could have been better, but unfortunately isn't. We still have a great attraction that is one of the best experiences in the world, and it's hard not to have a positive attitude about that.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Most everything seems to be pre/post show.
Yep. Aside from better star projections the ride work was mainly technical. The start and end of the show have been tweaked. They just didn`t want to pay for the middle.
Yeah, that warning video... maybe there's a new version that has yet to be installed?
Same video.... on the same 4 screens??? Shame.
How long would it take to add onboard audio anyway?
In theory, 3rd shift could do it over a period of months. The current structure was - I`m told - strengthened to accommodate a new future fleet of trains that would be heavier due to batteries for Soundtracker. Assuming they used the same system and not a new version there would need to be triggers installed on the track - and wired into the SCU infrastructure - to tell each car where they are. The charging system would also need to be added unless a dynamic system was installed. That would be the lengthy physical work. Then the audio would need to spend a long time in T&A out on the track, adjusting each section of the multiple parts which make up the score to fit to the ride, and programming all the delays and loops to accommodate slower and faster trains. Then this data would need to be programmed into each train.

In short, that`s how Soundtracker works. Minimal downtime, but quite a lot of work.
About to launch...
I was going to ask about the flashing wall signs from load to top of hill launch. Do they all work now? Shame they are still just plastic covers over bulbs. You can see the light leak where the pannel dosn`t fit.


Active Member
Original Poster
Okay, finally back in business, here we go!


Premium Member
That's a good idea to put preview pics there where it's less crowded I think...I guess we will find out.

Has anyone seen the ride from the TTA yet, while it's in the dark to see if the rockets are visible?


Well-Known Member
On that exit sign, what is the word that comes before Chamber of Commerce? Seems like another nice little element to add to the back story.


Well-Known Member
On that exit sign, what is the word that comes before Chamber of Commerce? Seems like another nice little element to add to the back story.

Looks like it ends with a "d" so I would say Tomorrowland. That and there are other signs saying "welcome (back) to Tomorrowland."


Well-Known Member
Star Tunnel is heard being played in the SM queue in the attractions magazine video.

Oh, wow thanks I didn't notice that. Has it always played in queue? I only remember it being in the TTA. Nice that the Entry and 3rd Tunnel is in too. Still wish they would play it on the TTA as well, but at this point it really is a lost cause anyway.


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't be about a competition of SM's....wouldn't it be kinda boring if they were clones of each other? What it should be about is appreciating each one as they are....unique to each park. Now WDW has one that has been dusted off and made fresh again. :cool:
I'm certainly not suggesting they be "clones" I'm merely holding TDO up to the same standards that the rest of the company maintains. Our SM could be completely different for all I care I just want it to be in the same class of attraction in terms of quality and experience. WDW SM is not fresh at all. It is still the same bumpy ride that reminds me of an old Wild Mouse coaster in bad condition. Yes they have put on some makeup - something you would expect them to do on a routine basis - but it is still the same ride experience underneath.


Well-Known Member
Something that bothered me, then realised why it was like that....

The flatscreen TV's in all the scenes in the post show annoyed me at first, then I realised these are mockups of destinations serviced by SP75 to entince those damn galaxy m31ers. :lol:

The original Space Mountain post show, the home of future living, also had signs detailing every scene in the post show.

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