Space Mountain Heading to the Scrap Heap :)

The Conundrum

New Member
The most telling thing that gives away that this is not going to be a big refurb is the fact that the articles concerning Space Mountains refurbishment are actually downplaying it saying things like "repairing track" "fixing ceiling". If it was going to be even a half way decent refurb they would be hyping this up like it was no tomorrow like tehy did with Pirates, SSE, and Haunted.

I have not seen a single article hyping it up they just merly state its going down for some work.

The Conundrum

New Member
May I join you in your banging your head against a brick wall?


Instead of banging your heads against a wall how about you start voting with your wallet and stop spending money at Disney World till they get there act together.

As long as people come in droves WDW just going to get worse and worse. They need a REAL kick in the pants.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
One pet peeve of mine about Space Mountain that I know they won't fix is the fact that they never make it clear in the qeue if you're on a space station in space or if you in a space port on earth and you're blasting off into space. :shrug: I prefer the latter because it doesn't make sense that one moment you're walking around on earth and boom you suddenly walk onto a space station in space.

You're never walking around on Earth in Tomorrowland. Tomorrowland is an alien spaceport that is occupied by aliens, robots, humans, and other intergalactic beings.

Space Mountain is a transportation service of the Tomorrowland Transit Authority.

You are in space all along, Space Mountain just allows you to travel elsewhere in space.

The queue does sort of make that clear, considering you're looking out of windows into a starscape... just saying.

And as far as the refurb goes, even us Tland Cast Members are being kept pretty in the dark. About all I can confirm is that they will be replacing sections of the track (mostly out of safety concern, it's about to collapse) and removing the asbestos. I also know that as far back as 2007, John Lasseter and various Imagineers were in SM during third shift walking the track and riding the ride in total darkness to see how it would be on the ride if they enclosed the queue. Outside of that, I got nothing.

Oh, and as far as we knew... it was originally supposed to go down over a year ago and just now be somewhat close to reopening. Most of us found out the actual rehab dates online. There was even a countdown clock in the breakroom that they eventually just gave up on updating as it became more clear that the rehab wasn't happening. :brick:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You're never walking around on Earth in Tomorrowland. Tomorrowland is an alien spaceport that is occupied by aliens, robots, humans, and other intergalactic beings.

Space Mountain is a transportation service of the Tomorrowland Transit Authority.

You are in space all along, Space Mountain just allows you to travel elsewhere in space.

The queue does sort of make that clear, considering you're looking out of windows into a starscape... just saying.

And as far as the refurb goes, even us Tland Cast Members are being kept pretty in the dark. About all I can confirm is that they will be replacing sections of the track (mostly out of safety concern, it's about to collapse) and removing the asbestos. I also know that as far back as 2007, John Lasseter and various Imagineers were in SM during third shift walking the track and riding the ride in total darkness to see how it would be on the ride if they enclosed the queue. Outside of that, I got nothing.

Oh, and as far as we knew... it was originally supposed to go down over a year ago and just now be somewhat close to reopening. Most of us found out the actual rehab dates online. There was even a countdown clock in the breakroom that they eventually just gave up on updating as it became more clear that the rehab wasn't happening. :brick:

Very interesting!:D

Lasseter and total darkness...Both very good things.:lol:


As usual, do tell, please.:wave:
Ummm...the structural integrity of the ride suddenly came into question. :lookaroun

They were then faced with two options:
1- Open it and let guests ride it.
2- Close it four months early and just let it sit there.
They chose the option that didn't involve..uhh...possible negative guest impact.


Well-Known Member
As I live in Minneapolis, where our largest bridge had some,
um, structural integrity problems, I suppose I would have
agreed with that assessment.


Well-Known Member
I only know what Lee and Martin have told us and they qualify everything they say. Disney is doing a great job of keeping this project secret.

Same here. I really am starting to think that the CO2 effect was straight from the fans. I wonder if Disney is planning to keep the original queue music.


New Member
Original Poster
Same here. I really am starting to think that the CO2 effect was straight from the fans. I wonder if Disney is planning to keep the original queue music.

well. if this rehab/upgrade goes like the pirates, small world, and mansion ones.. we'll see concept art, and photos of the mock ups at some point in the near future..


There is some art out there...but only for CM eyes.
Thus far, nobody is sharing.
I'd sure love to get a look at it....hint...hint...:lookaroun


Active Member
Giacchino also did the score to Misson 2 in Paris.

Next time I ride the Orlando SM, I'm bringing my iPod onboard and ride the ride with either SM's or M2's music blasting in my ears.

that's what I do all the time!:king: The CM's just smile at me when I show them the song i'm playing!


Active Member
They did; they tested onboard audio with DLs Giocchinos score and spray painted all the support structure for the order it was to be cut through.

Shame it`s all wasted.

That's Just NOT Right!:mad:
I feel like kicking someone with the idea of no onboard auddio in the wrong place!:fork:

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