Soarin' Expansion and new Soarin' Around the World film


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In the Parks
Unless these LED panels are Chinese knockoffs. LED tech still too expensive for something like Soarin, as they will have to be HD and not full 4K as Soarin' has been promoted in some places. Christie may be an expensive projection solution but Barco is too, and both Laser lines are just as expensive as a condo in Florida (yeah I checked). But Laser is the way to go (specially when you can do 3 color or 6 color choices...) I need my Soarin fix now...

What size LED panel display did you install that was cheaper than any projector? A 4k, 3 chip DLP, xenon lamp projector that can illuminate a 100 foot wide screen is going to cost less than $50,000. Laser is higher but that is due to the cost of the lasers.

Also, there is no way that other projector brands are half the cost for the equivalent resolution and 3 chip DLP. The majority of the cost is for the DLP chips and boards from TI which all manufacturers have to purchase. The next biggest cost is for the lens.

Well I NEVER said that Soarin should be LED panels, as that would be really crazy expensive (especially for the effect they're trying to accomplish. Pretty sure I stated IMAX was another animal.

I simply stated an opinion on Christie projectors in general. I have personally done shootouts with Barcos, Panasonics, Christie Projectors 3 chip DLP. Is there a difference? Sure... But is it worth the price difference for MOST applications? Probably not.

I just got a chuckle reading about these projector systems because I remember the price tags we saw in shopping for upgraded projection systems. Did Disney make the right choice? I think so in this instance, are the projectors overpriced nonetheless? Yes. Wow, talk about personal opinion getting harsh reaction.

For anyone who may be curious, i just installed the iOS Dev Beta & it makes posting anything a real pain... If you have this option, just a warning before you update. Looks like I'm going to be using laptop on here for a little while...


Active Member
Just and aside: I have to throw in the mix here, Christie Projectors in general are WAAAAY overpriced. For comparable image, I can spend about half the price in another brand... I was able to install high end LED panels for less money than a Christie. IMAX is a different story, but all this conversation made me laugh because it falls perfectly into spending and cost overrun problem seen throughout.
We are dealers for a number of projectors including Christie, Panasonic and EIKI as well as several LED panels. They each have their place. I have not found Christie to be out of line for what they offer. In a corporate or church environment I rarely use Christie, but for live production they have some major advantages such as easy field servicing and excellent technical support. Those things alone can easily cut downtime from days to hours. They have a bit of a premium price but not to the point I lose bids over them. LED panels are still way to expensive for high resolution video. I just quoted a 16' x 9' LED array (2.4mm pitch) for a customer. I could easily sell them a 20K lumen Christie Roadster or Panasonic with all hardware, rigging and screen for less money.

No Name

Well-Known Member
From the article:

“When you're riding with Chinese guests, it’s all oohs and ahs,” Chapek said. “It wildly exceeds everybody’s expectations.”

Wow, I really can't believe he said that. 20 years ago, no shocker, but I didn't think something like that would come out of the mouth of an exec today.

I love it though, because it's honest and feels like it's coming from closer to the heart. It's not coming from an office, it's coming from an experience. It feels real, not like some rehearsed statement, such as "Our Chinese guests have a great enthusiasm for flying over the beautiful sights of their country and the world." Ya know, the kind of thing Bob Iger or any exec today would say.

So I'm not the biggest fan of Chappie, but this makes me like the guy a tad bit more. It's especially refreshing after hearing Bob Iger say clearly rehearsed lines with such little passion in, and about, SDL.

EDIT: he elaborates and kind of justifies what he said with "
In China, many guests are familiar with Ferris wheels. They have never conceived of this idea. Guests are blown away." I'm just mentioning that to be fair. Dampens it a bit but I still think his statements are very nice and refreshing.

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Well-Known Member
As people will see tomorrow, the Patrick Warburton safety spiel is still a part of the new SATW pre-show :) .
It sounded more to me just a farewell to "Soarin' Over California", which indeed is gone now. He didn't say he was no longer a part of it. He did once say that no one has called him to do any voice over corrections, but, if memory serves most of it can be used as it was before in WDW, just by calling it just plain "Soarin". Tomorrow will tell.

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