What I'm about to type is going to look very confrontational, but it's not intended to be. :wave:
What more do you want me, Sir Goof, or WDW1974 to say? We've all been told point-blank that Space Mt.'s track needs to be replaced soon. As far as I know, none of us are engineers; and it didn't occur to me to ask for specifics when the two engineers I spoke to told me they don't ride it. All they said was that the track is patched together and needs to be replaced.
Implying that this is standard bus driver bunk and demanding specifics that we don't have doesn't make your argument look stronger. Stubborn, yes; stronger, no. I can't vouch for the other two commentators, but my information came directly from a night crew that was running safety checks on Space Mt. Whether or not you choose to believe me doesn't matter, because I don't have any more information anyway.
Obviously, the track is safe enough to ride for now, but that doesn't mean it doesn't need to be replaced. Don't forget, DL's
literally fell apart months before its schedule replacement, yet it was considered "safe enough" until that point.
I agree with you that an engineer's definition of "safety" probably overcompensates.
But apart from all this, why
wouldn't you want the track replaced? :veryconfu Are you just trying to "prove" three people are liers?
Again, I'm not trying to start an argument, so please don't get offended.