So, what IS wrong with Space Mountain?


New Member
Thats good to know. So im assuming its better than Cali

That depends on what type of coaster you prefer. If you prefer a coaster that has inversions and uses a traditional train-like vehicle, then yes. Personally, I like California's version better because it uses the two rockets in tandem, and that's more of a unique Disney-like experience. In fact, the one in Paris was actually built by an outside roller coaster company (Vekoma), and not by Disney. The one in California is basically similar in concept to the MK version, but just light years ahead of it in technology.


Premium Member
The long lines you speak of is actually one of the many reasons why it needs to be updated. This ride doesn't have long lines because it's immensely popular. It has long lines because the loading for the ride is incredibly inefficient. The next time you ride it, take note of how stressed out the Cast Members who seat Guests almost always seem to be. I've heard that it's an incredibly high pressure job due to the challenges of filling the rockets appropriately, and that this is due to it having such an outdated loading process from the mid-70's.

Another problem is that they aren't using the full indoor queue sections hardly ever (that I've seen, probably due to fastpass) and the line tends to go outside even if the wait isn't relatively that long


The other big thing, the almost daily breakdowns. CM's told me under certain conditions they have to walk the entire length of the track to reset it. I've been on many time over the last few years where they've had to raise the lights while the ride was in progress, or been on the TTA and seen the lights up. In April I had a 10:00AM fast pass and couldn't ride until almost 8:00PM before it was operational.

As far as I'm concerned, I love it as it is. But it does need fixed up, if for nothing else, than to make it more reliable.


Well-Known Member
I personaly love the kidney shots it gives me as I ride. If I want smooth I can take a car out on the highway. I also like the single seat wide trains. I also like that fact that they seem just a bit too small (especialy for 6' 4" me)

I don't like the light leakage. I don't like the purported saftey issues. I don't like the general level of grunge on the attraction.

I have never ridden DL, so as for the sound track I don't know (but I THINK I would like it)

If i had my druthers, they would make it, once again, pitch black. They would spruce up the queue. They would add some effects to the ride. They would add a soundtrack, They would address any safety issues.

They would NOT make it smooth. They would NOT change the layout of the trains.

Again - just my choices.



Well-Known Member
Are you kidding? SM is in really bad shape. Plus, it's really, really outdated.

I've ridden SM numerous times. The version at DLR is a million times better than at MK. They re-did the entire ride. The older version at DLR was completely unsafe and it was only a matter of times before there would be another BTMRR disaster. The version at MK looks and feels old. You can see the tracks, the tracks are not smooth, and and the end of the ride you feel like Tina Tuner after Ike beat you up like a punching bag.

OMG!!! That caught me so off guard. I haven't laughed hysterically like this at anything that's ever been written here before. I don't condone domestic violence at all, but that rocked! Good job!


Edisto Pluto

New Member
I've been on SM many times and I always have a good time. I don't have any problems with it but if a good ride can become great I'm all for it. I think this is another opportunity to upgrade another Disney classic.


Active Member
I wish they would do something with the unload area, its as far removed from a Space theme as could possibly be! Its just so plain and shabby! (I am refering to the room as you exit the vehicle)



Park History nut
Premium Member
I`d say the OP answered his own question. That and a postshow still dating back to 1981 and even 1975 in most parts.


Space Mountain is the classic case of people wanting MORE, MORE, MORE from the Mouse. ''Update this, fix that. It's too bland and boring.'' Sure, it can use a few touch-ups, inside (the tracks) and out, but I don't think it needs a complete facelift. We're talking about one of DW's staples, people. Want to give Cinderella Castle a makeover while we're at it? Let's ditch the monorail too. You don't just change something that's been around as long as SM has for the sake of change.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So WDW isn't going to refurb SM until the threat of it falling apart on someone?
MICKEY: Just put some Duct Tape on that. It'll work :lol:
Honestly, i'm glad that it's low-tech as well. Half the reason I ride Space Mountain is because it's pretty low-tech. To be honest, I'm actually not that much of a Roller Coaster guy. I ride it for it's Space theme more than anything else. In fact, I'd be perfectly happy if all it was was just the queue through the space station. I find myself enjoying that more than the ride itself And even with it's lack of real speed, or loops or corkscrews, I still come out of that thing kinda woozy.


Well-Known Member
You call making an attraction safe/structurally sound "change for the sake of change"?

Adding a hat to Space Mountain would be that. Adding 21st century quality effects, sound lighting a vehicle design to an attraction that could really use some after ALL it's sister attractions have got (people mention DL but don't forget DLR, TDR also got upgrades and of course HKDL is nice and new) is not what I call "change for the sake of change".


New Member
Space Mountain need a big refurb. But the time, I say take as much time you need. But one thing that should happen is that the trains go up the lift hill together. I had a once and a life time chance to ride it with the train on the other side and it seems alot better.


Well-Known Member
I actually really like space mountain, I dont know why people are hating on it so much. Its not soo bad guys..

I agree with you my friend. But I can see what some are talking about when they say its old. It is, and I can agree that it needs a refurb. Im not gonna go when and if it closes, but I think that they should update the effects, make it look more new milleniumish. I like the cars as they are, though I guess audio cant hurt, as long as its nothing like Rrc. The que line can def. use an update, pretty much every aspect of this SM could be updated. I love riding it when I go, and it was one of the first roller coasters I rode, but it could use a plussing I now see/agree. I think that DL's SM could be better, I never been on it, but thats what just about everyone says. Im very nostalgic, so if I ever got an oppurtunity to ride theirs I probably will still think WDW's is better.

What I like about SM is that it is a nice long roller coaster. While its nowhere near the most thrilling, it is def. one of my fav. I think a main reason why SM is so popular is because its like the biggest thrill at the kingdom. I think that the people in charge of greenlighting the refurb, are nervous that people wont come. I know I aint going, but Im sure Im in the minority. All I know is that if in maybe 3 years, there is a possibility of riding a fresh updated SM, with new cm costumes, a new vibe and ambience, and seeing it completely different from what it is today, but similar enough for me to know that its my same old SM, then I will be happy.


Well-Known Member
OK, here is something I want to know about SM

Just how unsafe is it. I hear loads of second hand evidence and stories. "A CM told me" "My friend head from an Imangineer" "people have said" etc etc. Well if all that sort of evidence was true, the monrail would be going through the swan and dolphin, and nobody would ever die on property, and someone would have been scalped on ToT.

So, does anybody have any sort of concrete evidence that this attraction is indeed unsafe ?



Well-Known Member
OK, here is something I want to know about SM

Just how unsafe is it. I hear loads of second hand evidence and stories. "A CM told me" "My friend head from an Imangineer" "people have said" etc etc. Well if all that sort of evidence was true, the monrail would be going through the swan and dolphin, and nobody would ever die on property, and someone would have been scalped on ToT.

So, does anybody have any sort of concrete evidence that this attraction is indeed unsafe ?


I'll be clear, since I know I'm one of the most outspoken members regarding this refurb:

It is not on the verge of falling apart. You are currently safe. I ride it all the time, despite the concern I've heard and voiced.

How much longer you'll be safe is another question.

The track is old and it's time for it to be replaced. You don't want to see it with the lights on; the light just reveals all the patched areas.

I feel that as long as the computer system doesn't detect any air pressure loss in the track, I'll keep riding it. But a Disney engineer recently told me (sorry, I know I'm pulling in a third party), "It's technically safe, but I wouldn't ride it."


For those who haven't been to Disneyland lately...

Here's what a visit to a REAL Disney quality Space Mountain is like.

Also, if you watch that video, you will probably see another one that shows the final minute of the ride with the lights on. Watch that to revel in the smoothness and overall clean-ness of the ride. And all the right turns....

So, does anybody have any sort of concrete evidence that this attraction is indeed unsafe ?
Like Tirian said, you aren't taking your life in your hands if you ride it.
However, I fear it's only a matter of time until there is a pre-refurb Disneyland Mountain type of situation. THAT was unsafe. Downright hazardous in it's last couple months.:eek:

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