So ... news and rumors?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to finally chime in....

*breathes in and out of a paperbag* :lookaroun

Now, this may have some bias to this, but I want to share an initial experience as far away from my fanboyish self as possible, but rather through my grandparents...not hardcore fangrandparents (new word! :sohappy:) at all, and have gone sporatically to WDW since the 1970s and to the present.

They enjoy WDW, but not hardcore, and miss alot of the things I notice at WDW, but they still notice the erosion of Walt, from Walt Disney World.

I am very fortunate to have my grandparents still alive, and we will be going to WDW in January while I am down there for a few days to see them.

My grandfather summed it up all too well when we went to Epcot in 2004....this was nearly 10 years since I first went to WDW in 1996.

"Where's the drama?" he said "There's nothing scientific about it " my grandmother said.

My grandfather was indifferent to the wand and stars on SSE, but my grandmother was disgusted with the entrance.

She thought the idea of leave a legacy was interesting and fun, but executed terribly; sacrificing so much of the entrance plaza, and into the dull color schemes. "It's uninviting", and she says that to this day.

The Animal Kingdom to them is the most Walt Disney park to them, notice how I say Walt Disney Park and not Disney Park, and I think you catch my drift.

MGM is alright with them, and for my grandfather who was indifferent to the wand, hates the placement of the hat, and went to MGM a mere month after it opened and knows and understands full well why there should be no hat in front of MGM, let alone why the earful tower makes perfect sense to be the icon, but, sadly, is in a remote location.

When we to Epcot in 2008, post wand, after I had a mild fanboy seizure, my grandmother stood there in the entance and would not move!, and smiled and said "it's the way it should be" and couldn't get over as to "look how big it looks without it (the wand).

The Magic Kingdom to them has become "more toward kids", "there isn't alot for us (our age) to do here. They find monsters inc interesting but out of place ("They should have put is somewhere else!"), they don't like how Main Street has become a cluster of generic merch.

"there used to be so many little things you could buy here [Main Street] and bring home to all your friends, (referring to the UNIQUE, and RELEVANT, and IMMERSIVE stores on a 1900s main street that sold lanterns, glassware, flowers, etc with that all too recognizable Walt Disney World "D" logo.

and speaking of the "D", my grandfather , who was once the vice president of a large company and a union, knows full well what its like to brand and get one's message across, and he feels that "the "D" made sense" and "the walt disney font is oversaturation... you're no longer offering branches of your product, but rather trying to fit them under one roof (that being the generic walt disney script magic and pixie dust and plush company)

and to drift a little bit, I think I became a fanboy because of what I saw in 2004

I didn't know jack about WDW when I first went in 1996. Hell, I confused most of it in a Disneyland sing-a-long VHS tape I had as a kid, thinking I would find a plantation HM, and yellow subs.

But I knew from going to agent! (remember those?) , I knew what WDW basically was in a raw sense.

And now I'm an artist and designer, who, I think....thanks to some of the traditional and classic values of Walt Disney showmanship inspired me alot in what I do now......whether it be browsin the unique shops of main street in 1996, or being amazed at SSE, or staring at those rows of palm trees that led up to SSE, or walking down sunset blvd sans hat, or riding on great rides like tower of terror, kilimanjaro safari, etc, I felt INSPIRED!

I think my fanboyishness came about because I am seeing something that brought RELEVANCE, UNIQUENESS, and SENSE, to generations that are finding not only their favorite rides and shows disappearing, but rather the fundamentals of the vacation kingdom of the world, eroding away into a generic world of commercialism.

The magic is destroying the magic.


Well-Known Member
When laying out the different opinions on these boards, I try to debate myself...:eek: :lol: :hammer:

I'll start...

The magic is destroying the magic.

what are you talking about, we have new magical experiences and shows for the whole family

Yes "wishes", and some other fun and interactive shows and presentations are modern ways of showing the traditional walt disney approach, while not infesting characters everywhere

But folks love characters

Some do and some characters and more loveable than others, but does that make it right to saturate something that should be special



It's good for the company

But doesn't the company make enough money as is, and should explore new branches of walt disney showmanship?



It's too risky


Because we all ready know that people buy into pirates, princesses, and pixar

The tripple P of doom

Nah,more like cha ching, cha ching, cha ching

So why won't you explore new options that can rely on new and unique characters and stories made strictly for disney parks

It's too risky

But it worked back then, it made Disneyland and WDW popular

Yeah but no one likes that any more

How can you tell?

Look at all the Hana Montanta and Stitch shirts we are selling! :sohappy:

But shouldn't new generations be given more options?


Why not?

Because I saw a group of four girls talking on their cell phones and looking up and smiling and having a good time at Monsters Laugh Floor

And I saw a group of children laugh and sing along on the carousel of progress

You must be mistaken, as no one under the age of 50 enjoys that ride

Do you think Epcot is fine as is?

Why.... you don't like it?

I'm 40/60 on it

People seem to like it now

And people seem to not like it

Those who don't are in the minority!

How can you be so sure?

Look at the attendance figures, look at the smiles on all the faces, EVERYONE IS HAPPYYYYYYY

But the attendance figures show EPCOT Center surpassing MGM, and other competitiors like Universal and SeaWorld before Test Track even opened, and still surpassed MGM despite the tower of terror opening, or new rides opening at Universal in the mid to late 90s.

People found it boring

and people found it interesting, and I'm not saying the park should be full of 15 min AA attractions

shut up fanboy!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I'm going to finally chime in....

*breathes in and out of a paperbag* :lookaroun

Now, this may have some bias to this, but I want to share an initial experience as far away from my fanboyish self as possible, but rather through my grandparents...not hardcore fangrandparents (new word! :sohappy:) at all, and have gone sporatically to WDW since the 1970s and to the present.

They enjoy WDW, but not hardcore, and miss alot of the things I notice at WDW, but they still notice the erosion of Walt, from Walt Disney World.

I am very fortunate to have my grandparents still alive, and we will be going to WDW in January while I am down there for a few days to see them.

My grandfather summed it up all too well when we went to Epcot in 2004....this was nearly 10 years since I first went to WDW in 1996.

"Where's the drama?" he said "There's nothing scientific about it " my grandmother said.

My grandfather was indifferent to the wand and stars on SSE, but my grandmother was disgusted with the entrance.

She thought the idea of leave a legacy was interesting and fun, but executed terribly; sacrificing so much of the entrance plaza, and into the dull color schemes. "It's uninviting", and she says that to this day.

The Animal Kingdom to them is the most Walt Disney park to them, notice how I say Walt Disney Park and not Disney Park, and I think you catch my drift.

MGM is alright with them, and for my grandfather who was indifferent to the wand, hates the placement of the hat, and went to MGM a mere month after it opened and knows and understands full well why there should be no hat in front of MGM, let alone why the earful tower makes perfect sense to be the icon, but, sadly, is in a remote location.

When we to Epcot in 2008, post wand, after I had a mild fanboy seizure, my grandmother stood there in the entance and would not move!, and smiled and said "it's the way it should be" and couldn't get over as to "look how big it looks without it (the wand).

The Magic Kingdom to them has become "more toward kids", "there isn't alot for us (our age) to do here. They find monsters inc interesting but out of place ("They should have put is somewhere else!"), they don't like how Main Street has become a cluster of generic merch.

"there used to be so many little things you could buy here [Main Street] and bring home to all your friends, (referring to the UNIQUE, and RELEVANT, and IMMERSIVE stores on a 1900s main street that sold lanterns, glassware, flowers, etc with that all too recognizable Walt Disney World "D" logo.

and speaking of the "D", my grandfather , who was once the vice president of a large company and a union, knows full well what its like to brand and get one's message across, and he feels that "the "D" made sense" and "the walt disney font is oversaturation... you're no longer offering branches of your product, but rather trying to fit them under one roof (that being the generic walt disney script magic and pixie dust and plush company)

and to drift a little bit, I think I became a fanboy because of what I saw in 2004

I didn't know jack about WDW when I first went in 1996. Hell, I confused most of it in a Disneyland sing-a-long VHS tape I had as a kid, thinking I would find a plantation HM, and yellow subs.

But I knew from going to agent! (remember those?) , I knew what WDW basically was in a raw sense.

And now I'm an artist and designer, who, I think....thanks to some of the traditional and classic values of Walt Disney showmanship inspired me alot in what I do now......whether it be browsin the unique shops of main street in 1996, or being amazed at SSE, or staring at those rows of palm trees that led up to SSE, or walking down sunset blvd sans hat, or riding on great rides like tower of terror, kilimanjaro safari, etc, I felt INSPIRED!

I think my fanboyishness came about because I am seeing something that brought RELEVANCE, UNIQUENESS, and SENSE, to generations that are finding not only their favorite rides and shows disappearing, but rather the fundamentals of the vacation kingdom of the world, eroding away into a generic world of commercialism.

The magic is destroying the magic.

Well said.

And I had the same exact tape too.:o:sohappy::cry:


New Member
You all are chomping on 74's hooks like a bunch of starved bass. He provokes great discussion, posts thoughtfully, is very clever with catch phrases, and makes many valid criticisms, but let's not start a 2nd French Revolution. Come on, let's keep our heads here.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
You all are chomping on 74's hooks like a bunch of starved bass. He provokes great discussion, posts thoughtfully, is very clever with catch phrases, and makes many valid criticisms, but let's not start a 2nd French Revolution. Come on, let's keep our heads here.

Very true. I welcome open debate.:)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
When laying out the different opinions on these boards, I try to debate myself...:eek: :lol: :hammer:

I'll start...

The magic is destroying the magic.

what are you talking about, we have new magical experiences and shows for the whole family

Yes "wishes", and some other fun and interactive shows and presentations are modern ways of showing the traditional walt disney approach, while not infesting characters everywhere

But folks love characters

Some do and some characters and more loveable than others, but does that make it right to saturate something that should be special



It's good for the company

But doesn't the company make enough money as is, and should explore new branches of walt disney showmanship?



It's too risky


Because we all ready know that people buy into pirates, princesses, and pixar

The tripple P of doom

Nah,more like cha ching, cha ching, cha ching

So why won't you explore new options that can rely on new and unique characters and stories made strictly for disney parks

It's too risky

But it worked back then, it made Disneyland and WDW popular

Yeah but no one likes that any more

How can you tell?

Look at all the Hana Montanta and Stitch shirts we are selling! :sohappy:

But shouldn't new generations be given more options?


Why not?

Because I saw a group of four girls talking on their cell phones and looking up and smiling and having a good time at Monsters Laugh Floor

And I saw a group of children laugh and sing along on the carousel of progress

You must be mistaken, as no one under the age of 50 enjoys that ride

Do you think Epcot is fine as is?

Why.... you don't like it?

I'm 40/60 on it

People seem to like it now

And people seem to not like it

Those who don't are in the minority!

How can you be so sure?

Look at the attendance figures, look at the smiles on all the faces, EVERYONE IS HAPPYYYYYYY

But the attendance figures show EPCOT Center surpassing MGM, and other competitiors like Universal and SeaWorld before Test Track even opened, and still surpassed MGM despite the tower of terror opening, or new rides opening at Universal in the mid to late 90s.

People found it boring

and people found it interesting, and I'm not saying the park should be full of 15 min AA attractions

shut up fanboy!

Well said!:sohappy:

One thing I simply don't get is how Disney has been making all these cost cutting moves as if its on the verge of bankruptcy when its still one of the most powerful entertainment companiles in the world.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
You all are chomping on 74's hooks like a bunch of starved bass. He provokes great discussion, posts thoughtfully, is very clever with catch phrases, and makes many valid criticisms, but let's not start a 2nd French Revolution. Come on, let's keep our heads here.

I've felt this way years before I knew of 74.

I'm not asking for any revolution, but I certainly have sent actual letters and in some cases, and have gotten personalized responses to a few things I am quite concerned about.

My biggest gripe is too much of something is not a good thing. Oversaturation is not good for the company.

What is cool now, is quickly replaced tomorrow.

Timeless and well respected characters like the princesses and other old school films have lasting power, but the company should focus on producing merchandise with those themes fit for each of the parks, and then have the giant store in downtown disney clustering it all in.

Main Street is very similar to those "themed" shopping strips at six flags parks and other amusement areas. "Oh honey look at the cool building on main street, Hey they got a Spaceship Earth pin in there!" :lookaroun

Timeless attractions with interesting stories such as JII with dreamfinder and figment, but using new technology rather than 1982 projections and laserdiscs, can keep things relevant and fresh, because the world of imagination is timeless.

Alien Encounter was timeless, the CoP....needs help :lookaroun, but not demolition.

They could have kept the hydrolators in the living seas, as I had always seen kids and adults enjoy those, kept the mixture of nemo and scientific exhibits in the aquarium, and then have used projections of the characters in a revised seacabs to edutain kids and adults, as well as a revised queue and preshow movie with nemo and friends and the ocean.

It's as if Albert Einstein opened a science resort, and happened to create Earnie the amazing Equation, and his succesor commercialises it to death so that people can only associate Einstein's park with characters and not unique branches of the Einstein brand of creativity. It's not that the original rides have become boring, but have lost their way because people are brainwashed and brought up into thinking what the "new" company is, without allowing any breathing room for new ideas, excpet for an Einsteineer who, once and a blue moon, pops out a few unique and successul rides that are unique and relevant and timeless like soarin' over a calucator and expedition infinity, but not Candice the Calculator's great escape or how a group of minus signs opened a magic door in plus sign land and opened up a comedy show.


EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I've felt this way years before I knew of 74.

I'm not asking for any revolution, but I certainly have sent actual letters and in some cases, and have gotten personalized responses to a few things I am quite concerned about.

My biggest gripe is too much of something is not a good thing. Oversaturation is not good for the company.

What is cool now, is quickly replaced tomorrow.

Timeless and well respected characters like the princesses and other old school films have lasting power, but the company should focus on producing merchandise with those themes fit for each of the parks, and then have the giant store in downtown disney clustering it all in.

Main Street is very similar to those "themed" shopping strips at six flags parks and other amusement areas. "Oh honey look at the cool building on main street, Hey they got a Spaceship Earth pin in there!" :lookaroun

Timeless attractions with interesting stories such as JII with dreamfinder and figment, but using new technology rather than 1982 projections and laserdiscs, can keep things relevant and fresh, because the world of imagination is timeless.

Alien Encounter was timeless, the CoP....needs help :lookaroun, but not demolition.

They could have kept the hydrolators in the living seas, as I had always seen kids and adults enjoy those, kept the mixture of nemo and scientific exhibits in the aquarium, and then have used projections of the characters in a revised seacabs to edutain kids and adults, as well as a revised queue and preshow movie with nemo and friends and the ocean.

It's as if Albert Einstein opened a science resort, and happened to create Earnie the amazing Equation, and his succesor commercialises it to death so that people can only associate Einstein's park with characters and not unique branches of the Einstein brand of creativity. It's not that the original rides have become boring, but have lost their way because people are brainwashed and brought up into thinking what the "new" company is, without allowing any breathing room for new ideas, excpet for an Einsteineer who, once and a blue moon, pops out a few unique and successul rides that are unique and relevant and timeless like soarin' over a calucator and expedition infinity, but not Candice the Calculator's great escape or how a group of minus signs opened a magic door in plus sign land and opened up a comedy show.


Good word there...That's what's happening which Stitch IMHO. Too much of very good thing($$$ wise):lookaroun

And EPIC story too...:lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
So I'm relatively new to the fanboy world of WDW, as of last year, and I have a question about news and rumors. See, up until last year, I was like most of the world and heard about new rides at Disney like everyone else did. From the news, travel shows, travel agents, word of mouth, etc. Now, thanks to some combination of the internet, boredom, excitement about my last trip, and the rekindling of childhood memories of WDW, I found myself vociferously acquiring information from sites such as this one. Seeing as I am still new to the internet world of Disney fandom, my question to those who have been around longer than I is this:

What has the news and rumors mill cooked up in the past? That is, how often were rumors being leaked? Was it every couple days there would be a rumor about a new attraction or parade or entertainment? Or was it every few weeks, months?

Also, has Disney always had the policy of not announcing projects that are obviously underway? "This is not the tower you are looking for." Is this the reason there haven't been any official announcements about projects that reliable sources say are greenlit?


Well-Known Member
You all are chomping on 74's hooks like a bunch of starved bass. He provokes great discussion, posts thoughtfully, is very clever with catch phrases, and makes many valid criticisms, but let's not start a 2nd French Revolution. Come on, let's keep our heads here.

...and please keep your sanctimony to yourself :rolleyes:

Disneyson 1

New Member
Ok. I started reading through the whole thread, but as the thread went on it got nastier and nastier. I feel like crying right now. I really hate everything that's not happening at the parks and it looks like nothing's going to happen anytime soon. I just want a little hope. A TINY thing that I can grasp onto. I don't even care if the answer is that Marni has sen the Stitch Party concept art and it looks... not like poopy. I really need this now. I'm not feeling so good. And my musical starts soon. I have to go get ready. Until then, I'm waiting and watching the skies of WDW and hoping to see a shooting star that I can wish on.


Well-Known Member
Interesting fact for consumption I ran across:

Sleeping Beauty Castle's name doesn't match its architectural design for good reason: It was supposed to be christened Snow White Castle. But Walt thought it was a great opportunity to plug the upcoming movie. The castle held the name and displayed movie scenes and images for two years before the movie actually came out.

Just thought it was interesting, as it seems to be relevant to all of the character overlays and the "WWWD?" question.

But I really thought it might provoke some discussion.


Well-Known Member
So I'm relatively new to the fanboy world of WDW, as of last year, and I have a question about news and rumors. See, up until last year, I was like most of the world and heard about new rides at Disney like everyone else did. From the news, travel shows, travel agents, word of mouth, etc. Now, thanks to some combination of the internet, boredom, excitement about my last trip, and the rekindling of childhood memories of WDW, I found myself vociferously acquiring information from sites such as this one. Seeing as I am still new to the internet world of Disney fandom, my question to those who have been around longer than I is this:

What has the news and rumors mill cooked up in the past? That is, how often were rumors being leaked? Was it every couple days there would be a rumor about a new attraction or parade or entertainment? Or was it every few weeks, months?

Also, has Disney always had the policy of not announcing projects that are obviously underway? "This is not the tower you are looking for." Is this the reason there haven't been any official announcements about projects that reliable sources say are greenlit?

Eh. That's a tough few questions. I'd say we've always gone through slow periods as far as information, and then other times where it was fast and furious. E:E planning and construction time around here was a lot of fun, for example. But then I can remember what felt like MONTHS in 03 (when I just lurked here) that seemed dead quiet too. So I think it's fair to say there doesn't feel like much is going on, but it's not the first time.

I know how you feel though... Every morning I pop in, hoping there's something new and revolutionary being discussed and am usually depressed each time there isn't. :lol:

I think right now it seems a bit more pronounced though, because there seemed to be so much on the docket that sounds like is either being changed or axed.

Also, I think back in "the day" more information came out here because Disney didn't pay attention to it. It seemed like there were all kinds of leaks. Now, they're smarter. I think they've clamped down from what some have said... Non-disclosures and so forth. So maybe more bad info gets out now? Or just is straight made up (two sided pop-up heads in HM, anyone? :lol:)...

I'm not one to talk about the "good ol' days", but I guess it kinda feels like that. Since the internet is more developed and more of an every day tool for everyone out there, including the corporations... There's just not as much exciting coming out, I don't think.

For example... I love reading Al Lutz's Miceage columns when he puts them out. Because they feel more "old school" to me. It's stuff you pretty much don't read about anywhere else. Even if it isn't always dead on, at least it's something different than what has already circulated between 20 DL fanboy sites. I don't know. :shrug:

By the way... Like your screen name. We're apparently in the same... "boat". Ha.

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