Smoking & WDW theme parks


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
But I have also been assaulted by these guests' cigarettes and so I have been apprehensive towards approaching them now.

Yes... because all smokers put there cigs out in CM's eyes and other body parts when approached. :lol: :hammer: :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
Yes... because all smokers put there cigs out in CM's eyes and other body parts when approached. :lol: :hammer: :p

:lol: Nooo...I think its just some....a tiny number...maybe the size of a cig :lookaroun...nowadays anything is possible I guess....


Concerning the question of choice ('It's my choice to smoke, yours not to smoke') does that make it right?

My personal belief is your rights end where mine start. So if your choice can potentially infringe on my health, I do have a problem with that, and don't think of your choice as a right anymore. We don't want people to choose to bring other potentially damaging things into the park (arsenic, aesbestos, chloroform, heroin, etc.) so why nicotine?

As for making smokers 'Second-Class Citizens, and moving them to the back of the bus' smoking is a choice, not a characteristic. If you are trying to compare smoking to race or gender, you have a problem....

(my 2 cents worth)


Premium Member
This is such a rediculous argument. Smokers (for the most part) are not running out into the park, grabbing you and holding you directly above the smoking area to take about 5,000,000 whiffs of their smoke and kill you (which would be a crime btw).

Here's some tips:

1. Don't walk through the smoking area if you don't want to breathe in the 2nd hand smoke.

2. You have the right to walk through the smoking area, but wouldn't it be a bit silly to think someone was infringing on your rights because you can't read a map or look for smoking area signs?

Now for those who smoke outside of designated areas:

1. Go back to school, learn how to read or how to make intelligent decisions based on picture/signs and quit smoking where you've been told not too.

2. Don't whine and complain when very large security guards ask you to stop smoking until you are standing in a designated smoking area (if you can't find them, refer to step 1).

3. Don't call your lawyer when security guards in step 2 throw you out of the park and tear up your tickets.

As for comparing arsenic, aesbestos, chloroform, heroin, etc to 2nd hand comment :rolleyes: I mean honestly, how much 2nd hand smoke could you swallow compared to any of those substances and still live?

And really, science can't even explain everyone's systems. No one has proven death from 2nd hand smoke. I really think nicotine and tobacco helped George Burns live longer, lol... The human body is an amazing machine with a built-in filtration system.

Having said all of that I'd say this whole argument comes down to common sense. Don't go into smoking areas if you are a non-smoker and don't smoke outside of these areas if you are a smoker.

BRILLIANT! Maybe I should take on more of the world's more pressing issues like third world hunger, etc...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by CSOM
Concerning the question of choice ('It's my choice to smoke, yours not to smoke') does that make it right?

My personal belief is your rights end where mine start. So if your choice can potentially infringe on my health, I do have a problem with that, and don't think of your choice as a right anymore. We don't want people to choose to bring other potentially damaging things into the park (arsenic, aesbestos, chloroform, heroin, etc.) so why nicotine?

As for making smokers 'Second-Class Citizens, and moving them to the back of the bus' smoking is a choice, not a characteristic. If you are trying to compare smoking to race or gender, you have a problem....

(my 2 cents worth)

I agree and partially disagree with some parts...

That being said...I doubt anyone is going to die from being exposed to second hand smoke for seconds...its not like its prolonged or anything...Like someone living with someone who smokes is more at risk than someone walking down the street taking in a whiff of smoke....


New Member
Ooh Ooh, can I play?

Smoke = BAD

No Smoke = GOOD

There are areas to smoke. If the smoking is limited to these areas = HAPPY

So let's recap BAD, GOOD, HAPPY.

Now, let's talk about abortion. . .


Premium Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
Now, let's talk about abortion. . .

The day they have that in the park is the day I'll have to stop taking my family. That might be a bit over the top.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Smoking at WDW story time. ( I do seem to have a lot of these don’t I? lol)

K.. So... I was in the smoking section behind Ye Olde Christmas Shop in the MK one day.... One bitter old women comes walking into the smoking section and starts up a storm " oh God.. why do THESE PEOPLE have to be smoking here!!?? " She screeches to her husband... "They should have there own damn section away from us! :mad: "

Me: *points at 'designated smoking area' sign*

The old decrepit loud mouth shut the hell up pretty fast then.
:lol: :lol: :sohappy:

Thats one of my fav stories so far... I have a few more... but they are buried in the other "bash smokers" threads here on the forums. :lol: :wave:


New Member
Originally posted by *MichelleP*
Probably in really bad taste to make a comment about the Small World rehab here, right?:lookaroun

I suppose that that is not as bad as referring to the 'sausage' links at Chef Mickey's.:confused:

Of couse, that may be a good service to put outside the Rock-her and Roll-her Coaster exit



New Member
Disney World is a real real scary place. Make sure you pack a few smokes just in case the atrocity of all the characters is enough to scare you!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by DMC-12
K.. So... I was in the smoking section behind Ye Olde Christmas Shop in the MK one day.... One bitter old women comes walking into the smoking section and starts up a storm " oh God.. why do THESE PEOPLE have to be smoking here!!?? " She screeches to her husband... "They should have there own damn section away from us! :mad: "

That is my favorite smoking area!

Anyway, I have had run-ins with guests, and I always smoke pretty close to the trash can marked "smoking area". Most of the time, I just point at the can and give the upset guest a "can't you read dumda$$" type look, then I my back to them:D


Personally, I think smoking is nasty. It is each persons choice though. Some people who do smoke are very careless about it( throwing their cig butts on the ground,etc). I was almost burned by a cig. in the MK, way back when, buy some idiot swinging their hands around in a crowded area cigerette in hand.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by weluvtink
I was almost burned by a cig. in the MK, way back when, buy some idiot swinging their hands around in a crowded area cigerette in hand.

I had my cornea scratched by some idiot kid playing around with one of those flashlight-lightsaber things a few years back.

I would have rather been burned.


New Member
This is just a question.

If you see some one smoking in the parks, do you say anything to them?

I never can decide what to do. I don't want to get in a fight, but why can they not have to go to the smoking areas like everyone else who smokes.


Originally posted by weluvtink
I was almost burned by a cig. in the MK, way back when, buy some idiot swinging their hands around in a crowded area cigerette in hand.

I had a kid run into me with ice cream once...and got a lap full of ice cream. Therefore, if we are establishing precedents, we need to banish kids and ice cream with the smokers.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by webmomom
This is just a question.

If you see some one smoking in the parks, do you say anything to them?

I never can decide what to do. I don't want to get in a fight, but why can they not have to go to the smoking areas like everyone else who smokes.

It depends if you want your day ruined or not. Are they really bothering you that much that you need to say something? Also, is there someplace you can go to be out of the way of their smoke? Most smokers that ignore the rules of the park are not going to take to well to ppl telling them what to do. If you want to say something, prepare for an arguement.


New Member
Originally posted by *MichelleP*
I had a kid run into me with ice cream once...and got a lap full of ice cream.

*Oh no, Freaky has taken over my computer*

So what's wrong with Ice Cream and Pie. . .

*Must gain control, before he does to much damage*

A La Mode

*Too Late*


New Member
Originally posted by speck76
It depends if you want your day ruined or not. Are they really bothering you that much that you need to say something? Also, is there someplace you can go to be out of the way of their smoke? Most smokers that ignore the rules of the park are not going to take to well to ppl telling them what to do. If you want to say something, prepare for an arguement.

Yes they bother me, not on account of the smoke. If I have to obey the rules, why don't they. Why do I have to go some other place, because someone is rude and will not obey the rules. It would be different, if they did not have a place to go smoke, but they do. It is not just Disney doing this, the Whole State of Florida has the no smoking rule in public places.

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